Episode 25: Dinner and Delight

Deni ended up deciding that he wanted to go to a local mom and pop shop that Rel liked. Their mom avoided such establishments, because she thought they weren't suitable places for a princess to visit.

When they arrived, the grandma that owned the place sat and served them herself. She was very smitten with Deni. She was a lot like Fawn. 

The grandma bustled back into the kitchen, her eyes twinkling with a warmth that instantly made Deni and Rel feel at home. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the small, cozy restaurant, making Deni's stomach rumble in anticipation.

A few minutes later, she returned with two large platters, each brimming with a variety of dishes. She set them down on the table with a flourish, beaming at their wide-eyed expressions.

"There you go, dears," she said, her voice gentle and welcoming. "A little bit of everything for you to try."

Deni's eyes widened as he took in the array of food before him. The first platter was a colorful assortment of local specialties. It included small, golden-brown pastries filled with a rich mixture of seasoned minced meat and vegetables. The crust was flaky and buttery, while the filling was aromatic with herbs and spices. There were also tender pieces of Flaretry, marinated in a blend of fresh herbs and roasted to perfection. The skin was crispy, and the meat was juicy and flavorful.

A generous mound of creamy, buttery mashed Sollands were sprinkled with fresh chives.

The second platter was a delightful mix of comfort food and family recipes. A bubbling, cheesy casserole was filled with a crispy breadcrumb topping. The cheese sauce was rich and velvety, clinging to every piece of pasta. Warm, golden muffins with a slightly sweet flavor, perfect for pairing with the savory dishes.

Deni's eyes sparkled with excitement as he looked at Rel. "Wow! This is amazing!" he exclaimed, digging into his meal eagerly. "Thank you so much!"

Rel giggled happily as she tasted the herb-roasted chicken. "Everything is so delicious," she agreed. "Thank you, Grandma!"

The grandma, who had been watching them with a satisfied smile, nodded warmly. "I'm glad you like it, dears. There's more where that came from if you need it."

As they ate, Deni and Rel chatted and laughed, savoring every bite of the delicious food. The grandma periodically checked on them, ensuring they had everything they needed and bringing out small treats like freshly baked cookies and slices of homemade pie.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with kindness.

"Everything's great!" Deni assured her cheerfully, his mouth full of macaroni and cheese.

Grandma smiled. "I'm glad!" She placed a small plate of cookies in front of them. "A little something sweet to finish your meal."

Rel clapped happily. "Thank you so much!"

"You're very welcome, dear," Grandma said, patting Rel's shoulder before moving on to another table.

Deni took a cookie and bit into it, his eyes widening. "These are so good!"

Rel laughed. "I know, right? Grandma makes the best cookies."

They finished their meal, chatting and laughing. Rel felt her spirits lifting as she watched Deni's happy expressions. It was a perfect ending to their day.

After they paid the bill and thanked Grandma, they walked home, Deni holding Rel's hand. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the streets.

"I had a great time today," Deni said softly.

Rel smiled down at him. "Me too. I'm glad we did this."

When they got back home, they found Keith waiting for them in the living room. He looked up from his book and smiled. "Hey, you two. How was dinner?"

"It was great!" Deni said enthusiastically. "We went to this awesome place and had so much good food!"

Rel nodded. "It was really nice. Thanks for the suggestion, Keith."

Keith stood up and stretched. "I'm glad you both had a good time."

Deni yawned, suddenly looking very tired. Rel chuckled. "I think it's time for someone to get ready for bed."

Deni nodded sleepily. "Yeah... Can you tuck me in, Rel?"

"Of course," Rel said, ruffling his hair.

After Deni was settled in bed, Rel sat beside him and read him a story until he fell asleep. She kissed his forehead gently and turned off the light, closing the door quietly behind her.

As she walked back to the living room, she felt a sense of peace. Despite the ups and downs, today had been a good day. And that was enough.

Rel returned to the living room, feeling a gentle contentment settle over her. Keith was still on the couch, now with a steaming cup of tea in his hands. He looked up as she entered and patted the space next to him, inviting her to sit down.

She accepted the invitation, sinking into the comfortable cushions beside him. Keith smiled warmly at her. "It looks like you and Deni had a lot of fun today."

Rel nodded, her eyes sparkling with the memories of the day. "We did. That little shop was perfect. Deni couldn't stop talking about how much he loved the food. And the grandma who owns the place? She was just wonderful."

Keith took a sip of his drink, his expression thoughtful. "I'm glad to hear that. He needs days like this, especially with everything going on."

Rel's smile faltered slightly as she sensed the shift in the conversation. "Yeah, he does," she agreed softly. "It's hard to believe he's going back home soon."

Keith nodded, setting his cup down on the coffee table. "How are you feeling about it? I know you've grown quite attached to having him around."

Rel sighed, leaning back against the couch. "It's going to be tough. I've gotten used to having him here. He's such a bright and energetic presence in the house. But I know he has to go back to our parents. They miss him, and he misses them."

Keith reached out, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's always hard to say goodbye, especially to family. But you're right; he needs to be with them. And just think of all the wonderful memories you've made together. Those will stay with him forever."

Rel looked down, her fingers tracing patterns on the fabric of the couch. "I just hope I've made a positive difference in his life. That I've given him some happiness and stability while he's been here."

Keith's voice was gentle as he spoke. "You've done more than that, Rel. You've given him love and care, something he will always cherish. And you can always stay in touch."

Rel smiled, feeling a bit more reassured. "Thanks, Keith. You're right. It's just... hard to let go."

Keith nodded, understanding. "It always is. But you're strong, and so is Deni. You'll both get through this."

They sat in silence for a while, the quiet companionship comforting them both. Finally, Rel spoke again, her voice more determined. "I'll make the most of the time we have left. We'll create more happy memories before he goes."

Keith squeezed her shoulder gently. "That's the spirit. And remember, you're not alone. We're all here to support you."

Rel leaned into the touch, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the support and friendship she had in Keith. "Thank you, Keith. I don't know what I'd do without you."

He smiled softly. "You'd manage just fine. But I'm glad to be here for you."

As the evening wore on, they continued to talk and share stories, the bond between them strengthening with each word. Despite the bittersweet reality of Deni's imminent departure, they knew they had each other, and that made all the difference.