Chapter 11

Ancient Tree Roots is the evolved form of Soul-Devouring Entanglement.

Its name is simple and straightforward.

It allows Lu Qingyang to control every inch of his roots to fight strong enemies and greatly enhances the power of the roots.

Then, Lu Qingyang turned his attention to the three newly awakened divine abilities.

[Ancient Tree Spiritual Root: Rebirth and transformation, forging an unparalleled foundation. It can continuously absorb the essence of the sun, moon, and the energy of heaven and earth to nourish itself, but it also makes the path of cultivation more difficult.]

[Ancient Tree Domain: The area covered by the roots of the ancient tree becomes a forbidden zone. Any being below Tier-5 entering this area will have their cultivation level reduced by one tier.]

[Divine Spirit Fruit: A fruit condensed from one's own cultivation. It can elevate any being below Tier-3 by one tier and can also awaken the intelligence of ordinary ancient trees, making them subservient.]

"This Ancient Tree Spiritual Root is akin to a combination of Life Efflorescence, Spiritual Compatibility, and Ancient Tree Aptitude. However, as a Tier-3 divine ability, its effects surpass any of those previous abilities."

"Considering the Ancient Tree Aptitude, with my current Tier-3 initial stage cultivation, I could only match a late or peak Tier-3 cultivator."

"But now, with the evolution to Ancient Tree Spiritual Root, my strength is undoubtedly on par with the Golden Jade Eagle at its peak."

Having witnessed the power of the Golden Jade Eagle and combining it with his own strength, Lu Qingyang was confident that his strength was not inferior to the eagle's.

He might even surpass it.

As for whether he could compare to a Tier-4 early-stage beast, that was another matter.

However, with the aid of the Ancient Tree Domain, Lu Qingyang was confident that he could withstand a Tier-4 beast.

The power of the Ancient Tree Domain is simply terrifying.

Any being below Tier-5 entering it would have their cultivation level reduced by one tier.

A peak Tier-4 being entering the forbidden zone would only be able to exert early Tier-4 strength, and an early Tier-4 being would be reduced to peak Tier-3.

This shows how formidable the Ancient Tree Domain is.

Compared to other divine abilities, the effect of Divine Spirit Fruit seems relatively small, only able to elevate beings below Tier-3 by one tier. Its practical use is limited.

However, it can still awaken the intelligence of ancient trees, making them subservient.


When the Ancient Tree Domain manifested, Yang You, who was previously floating in the air, immediately felt a vast pressure upon him.

His cultivation, which was at the early Tier-3 stage, instantly dropped to the peak Tier-2 stage.

With his cultivation reduced by two tiers, his ability to fly was immediately lost, causing him to fall.

"Be careful!"

The Grand Marshal, quick-eyed and agile, grabbed Yang You's shoulder, preventing him from crashing to the ground.

Without hesitation, the Grand Marshal immediately withdrew with Yang You, shouting orders.

"Everyone, retreat ten miles from the Ten Thousand Mountains!"

At these words, all the cultivators hunting demonic beasts within the Ten Thousand Mountains, as well as the army of cultivators previously battling the beasts, began to retreat like a tide.

The army of cultivators fled in panic.

Although some of the beasts feared Lu Qingyang's pressure, their greed for blood ultimately overpowered their fear, and they swarmed toward the fleeing cultivators.


As soon as these beasts moved, they were pierced by roots, their essence drained instantly.


Other beasts within the Ancient Tree Domain were all pierced by roots.

Tens of thousands of beasts perished without struggle.

This scene left everyone watching in shock.

The previously rampant beasts were now being slaughtered by the ancient tree, showcasing a terrifying power beyond all expectations.


Desperate to escape!

While everyone was retreating, Lu Qingyang did not stop them; instead, he devoured all the beasts within his domain.

Having so many beasts gathered was a rare opportunity that could not be missed.


[Ding! Killed a Tier-1 early-stage beast, gaining 25 cultivation points.]

[Ding! Killed a Tier-2 early-stage beast, gaining 250 cultivation points.]

[Ding! Killed a Tier-1 early-stage beast, gaining 25 cultivation points.]

[Ding! Killed a Tier-1 early-stage beast, gaining 25 cultivation points.]

[Ding! Killed a Tier-2 peak-stage beast, gaining 500 cultivation points.]

[Ding! Killed...]

Countless notifications flooded in. Lu Qingyang looked at the continuously increasing cultivation points, feeling delighted.

After breaking through to Tier-3, the cultivation points gained from devouring Tier-2 and Tier-1 beasts had significantly decreased.

The notifications indicated that after breaking through to Tier-3, devouring Tier-2 beasts only yielded half the previous cultivation points.

Devouring Tier-1 beasts yielded only a quarter of the previous points.

As for mortal-level beasts, Lu Qingyang had not encountered any since the divine blood baptism, which had enhanced the strength of all beasts.


The divine blood rain elevated the cultivation level of all beasts by one tier.


These strengthened beasts had all become nourishment for Lu Qingyang.

After devouring the last beast, the Ancient Tree Domain was void of life.


Lu Qingyang used his roots to pull all the beast corpses underground.

In an instant, all the beast corpses disappeared without a trace, and the Kunlun Mountains returned to tranquility.


Lu Qingyang once again examined his data.


[Name: Lu Qingyang]

[Body: Ancient Tree]

[Lifespan: 15/]

[Cultivation: Early Tier-3 ( / )]

[Divine Abilities: Ancient Tree Roots (Tier-3), Ancient Tree Spiritual Root (Tier-3), Divine Spirit Fruit (Tier-3), Divine Spirit Whisper (Tier-3), True Sight (Tier-3), Ancient Tree Domain (Tier-3)]


"One hundred and fifty-eight thousand cultivation points. It's a pity there aren't more beasts. If there were, I could have advanced to mid-Tier-3!"

Lu Qingyang felt a bit regretful.

If he could break through to mid-Tier-3, his strength would greatly increase.

But now, the beasts in the mountains had been slaughtered, and the remaining ones would not be foolish enough to approach knowing the danger.


After breaking through to Tier-3, Lu Qingyang realized no more beasts would enter his domain.

Even after he concealed his aura, the result remained unchanged.


Lu Qingyang decided to devour all the beasts at once, maximizing his gains.

Although he couldn't reach mid-Tier-3, breaking through to early Tier-3 in one go far exceeded Lu Qingyang's expectations.

The next task was to recuperate while exploring the specific effects of the Ancient Tree Spiritual Root.


Lu Qingyang's gaze fell on the Divine Spirit Fruit.