Chapter 23

"Immortal Tree, your power is overwhelming!"

"Slash them down, annihilate all these demonic beasts!"

"From today onwards, I swear to be a follower of the Immortal Tree. Should anyone dare to harm it, I will be the first to stand against them, resolutely opposing..."

"In an instant, thousands of demonic beasts are slaughtered. Among today's fourth-rank demonic beasts, who else possesses such power? In my opinion, even the top-ranked beast is no match for the Immortal Tree!"

The mental thoughts flashing across the spell screen were filled with reverence for Lu Qingyang.

Recalling the bizarre Immortal Rain baptism fifteen years ago.

Humankind fell from the top of the food chain, long oppressed by demonic beasts, never witnessing such a magnificent sight.

Even though the ancient tree in the image wasn't a human cultivator, everyone tacitly regarded it as a protective deity of the human race.

[Name: Lu Qingyang] [True Form: Ancient Tree] [Lifespan: 15/] [Realm: Late Stage of Third Rank (/)] [Heavenly Court: Not yet established (/)] [Divine Powers: Ancient Tree Roots (Third Rank), Ancient Tree Spiritual Roots (Third Rank), Immortal Divine Fruit (Third Rank), Immortal Divine Whisper (Third Rank), Insightful True Vision (Third Rank), Ancient Tree Domain (Third Rank)]

As Lu Qingyang examined his data, he saw that his lifespan had broken through to 20,000 years, his cultivation advanced to the late stage of the third rank, and he had an excess of over 200,000 cultivation points.


The surplus of over 200,000 cultivation points was due to the increased power of his domain, resulting in the massacre of countless demonic beasts in an instant.

Lu Qingyang roughly estimated that the number of beasts he had exterminated and absorbed was at least in the tens of thousands.

However, for the beast tide, tens of thousands of demonic beasts were merely a drop in the ocean.


A demonic beast resembling an octopus appeared in Lu Qingyang's sight, its body towering like a mountain, its numerous tentacles resembling giant pythons, terrifying to behold.

Many demonic beasts were swept up by the tentacles, devoured entirely by the octopus-like beast.

Insightful True Vision!

[True Form: Abyssal Octopus] [Realm: Mid-Stage of Fourth Rank]

"This is a mid-stage fourth-rank Abyssal Octopus demonic beast. According to the Human Alliance's beast ranking, this beast is at the top, considered the most powerful among current demonic beasts."

Lu Qingyang's heart grew heavy. Though he had broken through to the late stage of the third rank, confident that he could slay even a mid-stage fourth-rank beast with his domain, he remained vigilant against the Abyssal Octopus before him.

At that moment.

Another towering demonic beast, hundreds of meters tall, entered his view.

Insightful True Vision activated, revealing the beast's information.

[True Form: Dark Black Barbaric Bull] [Realm: Mid-Stage of Fourth Rank]

"Another mid-stage fourth-rank beast!"

Lu Qingyang grew more cautious.

But it didn't end there. Following the appearance of these two mid-stage fourth-rank beasts, a third, a fourth, and even more fourth-rank beasts emerged.

In mere moments.

About ten fourth-rank beasts had gathered outside his domain.

This scene.

Not only made Lu Qingyang's heart heavy but also struck fear into those watching the spell screen.

"The top-ranked Abyssal Octopus, the second-ranked Dark Black Barbaric Bull, the third-ranked Netherworld Giant Python—all mid-stage fourth-rank beasts—why are they gathering here?"

"Don't forget, besides the top three, the other beasts are also fourth-rank and formidable."

"This is bad, really bad..."

"No respect for cultivation laws at all..."

"With so many fourth-rank beasts, are they planning to besiege the Immortal Tree?"

"The Immortal Tree is invincible, let them come, the Tree will defeat them all!"

"The Immortal Tree is mighty, no need to worry!"

Amid the surge of fourth-rank beasts, many felt uneasy, but some steadfastly supported the Immortal Tree, believing that no number of fourth-rank beasts could threaten it.

Opinions clashed fiercely in the mental thoughts on the screen.

At the Human Alliance's headquarters.

Upon witnessing the numerous demonic beasts converging, a heavy silence fell once more.


Ji Xuan broke the silence, his face old but his expression solemn: "The top ten beasts in the beast ranking, except for the demon ape slain by the ancient tree, all seem to be here now."

"Although the ancient tree has made a breakthrough, it may not stand a chance against nine fourth-rank beasts."

At this point.

Ji Xuan looked around at everyone, his voice deep: "If we can eliminate or drive back these nine beasts, the Human Alliance will gain a reprieve."

"So this battle, the ancient tree cannot lose."

"I propose that all third-rank cultivators prepare immediately. If the ancient tree falls, they must rush to the Ten Thousand Mountains to rescue it and ensure its safety."

"Meanwhile, mobilize all flying swords, magical treasures, and talismans to bombard the beasts, weakening their power!"



This time, everyone was unanimously in agreement, with no objections.

The gathering of the top nine beasts made the implications clear to all.

Simply put.

The overwhelming decline of the Human Alliance was largely due to these nine beasts.

If not for these nine, the Human Alliance might not have fallen, and certainly not so quickly.


With the nine beasts joining forces, if the ancient tree fell, they would undoubtedly cross the Ten Thousand Mountains, directly threatening the Eighth Alliance.

At this moment, the Human Alliance had no way back.

There was only—


Fight until the heavens and earth tremble!



Countless flying swords and magical treasures streaked across the sky, like thunderbolts striking the Abyssal Octopus and other beasts, the momentum immense and deafening.


Numerous flying artifacts emerged, pouring out a torrent of talismans, their dense attacks enraging the fourth-rank beasts.

The Abyssal Octopus's tentacles, larger than its body, swept through the void with incredible speed, smashing several artifacts to pieces.


A black giant python stood tall, swallowing a flying artifact in one gulp; a tiger-like beast spewed fierce fireballs, the scorching heat distorting the space, instantly incinerating a flying artifact to ashes.

In just moments, almost all supporting artifacts were destroyed.

The fourth-rank beasts on the ground, despite the relentless bombardment of flying swords and magical treasures, remained unscathed.

Everyone before the screen fell into deep silence.

Those who had never seen the power of fourth-rank beasts had thought them trivial, but now, witnessing the ineffective bombardment, they truly realized the terror of these beasts listed in the ranking.
