Chapter 34

The upper echelons of the alliance originally intended to channel all the power of the world's monstrous beasts into one individual within a short period. This would enable this person to open a fourth-tier market soon, thereby allowing the alliance to have a fourth-tier cultivator in command.

However, the third-tier market has not yet been established, let alone the fourth-tier market.

As a result,

the plans of the alliance's leadership have undoubtedly turned into bubbles.

"Could the delay in the establishment of the third-tier market be because it requires more time than the second-tier market due to its higher level?" Yang You's thoughts raced.

Yet the current situation was beyond the comprehension of a mere third-tier cultivator like him.

The failure to open the third-tier market not only thwarted the alliance's plans but also forced Yang You to temporarily shelve his plan to enhance his cultivation through the Heavenly Court chat group.

With no other choice,

Yang You swiftly performed a secret technique, summoning a talisman from Gu Fang to transmit this situation to him.

After sending the message, Yang You continued to lead the disciples of the Ninth Alliance in slaying demons and monsters.

Although the third-tier market had not been opened, his collection of monstrous power for offerings had not stopped.

"If I could exchange for a few third-tier breakthrough pills, I would surely be able to break through to the peak of the third tier in one go!"

Looking at the breakthrough pills in the second-tier market, Yang You's eyes were filled with eagerness.

The second-tier breakthrough pills were ineffective for him, but the third-tier ones must have extraordinary effects.


[Xu Bo offered a mid-second-tier monster and received 300 cultivation points]

[Xu Bo offered a late-first-tier monster and received 75 cultivation points]

[Xu Bo offered an early-second-tier monster and received 250 cultivation points]

[Chu Shan offered a late-second-tier monster and received 500 cultivation points]

[Chu Shan offered another late-second-tier monster and received 350 more cultivation points]

[Yang You offered an early-third-tier monster and received 5000 cultivation points]

[Yang You offered…

Almost every few moments, corresponding information surged within Lu Qingyang's consciousness.

Witnessing the cultivation points increase at an obvious pace and his own cultivation steadily rising, Lu Qingyang felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

"Having so many believers doing the work indeed feels extremely comfortable. The cultivation points I have gained in just half a month surpass the accumulation of several decades before."

"No… it even surpasses the accumulation of several decades by a significant margin!"

Lu Qingyang introspected on his own panel and saw that his cultivation points had skyrocketed from over 30,000 to 130,000.

In other words,

In just half a month, Lu Qingyang had accumulated 100,000 cultivation points.

At this rate, if he wanted to gather a million cultivation points, it wouldn't take a year.


with the widespread dissemination of the cultivation techniques, the cultivation levels of his believers would deepen over time, and the speed at which Lu Qingyang absorbed cultivation points would inevitably increase.

"Currently, I have more than 22 million believers, most of whom are ordinary people who can only offer one incense point each time."

"When they all step into the first tier, each person will be able to offer five incense points."

"If these 22 million believers all reach the first tier, it will only take a year for me to elevate the Heavenly Court to the third tier!"

Lu Qingyang had an epiphany.

He thoroughly understood the law of incense offerings.

Devout believers offer once a day.

Fanatic believers offer once every thirty days.

Sincere believers offer once every one hundred and fifty days.

Ordinary believers offer once every three hundred days.

Under normal circumstances, even if all 22 million believers were ordinary believers, Lu Qingyang would receive 22 million incense points every three hundred days.


the reality was that there were many cultivators among the believers, so the actual incense value obtained would far exceed 22 million.

The reason Lu Qingyang generously gave others the opportunity to exchange for the cultivation techniques once.

was precisely to ensure that they could reach at least the first tier within a year.

If these 22 million believers could all step into the first tier, the next time he would obtain an estimated 110 million incense points.

The requirement for advancing the Heavenly Court to the third tier was only 100 million incense points. Although this seemed like a huge demand, once almost all the incense from the human world was gathered, 100 million faith points would not be as far-fetched as it seemed.

"Regrettably, the rampant beast tides have greatly reduced the human population. If this were an era of prosperity with no less than ten billion living beings in this world, I might have been able to advance the Heavenly Court to the fourth or even fifth tier in one go!"

Lu Qingyang sighed inwardly.

If he could achieve a fifth-tier Heavenly Court, he would be able to directly advance to a fifth-tier cultivator with the power of vast incense.

Despite the regrets,

the reality was as it was. Having over 22 million believers was already quite substantial, providing a solid foundation.

In the future, as long as he waited for the human race to recuperate, even without additional monstrous offerings, Lu Qingyang was confident he could reach higher levels.


Lu Qingyang sensed that among all the incense smoke connected to him, one strand had abruptly strengthened, matching the level of devout believers like Wan Qing's ancient tree.

"A believer has advanced to a devout believer!"

Lu Qingyang's mind was slightly shaken, and he immediately focused on that strand of incense smoke, with the relevant information appearing in his mind.


[Name: Lin Lin]

[Species: Human]

[Cultivation Level: Mid-First Tier]

[Level of Faith: Devout Believer]


"Lin Lin…"

Lu Qingyang was unfamiliar with this name. He immediately switched to the perspective of the believer to observe.

What came into view was a scene of ruins.

Lu Qingyang immediately mobilized his own power to free himself from the limited vision of the believer, switching to a broader view, only then seeing the surrounding landscape.

Amidst the ruins, a tall, resolute young man with sword-like brows and starry eyes was sitting cross-legged, with the surrounding heaven and earth's spiritual energy converging towards him, forming a small vortex.

From that spiritual energy, Lu Qingyang sensed an unusually pure aura.

"This person is actually breaking through to the late-first tier!"

After observing the young man in front of him for a moment, Lu Qingyang couldn't help but be greatly surprised.

It was normal for someone to break through to the late-first tier. After all, some mid-first-tier cultivators could break through to the late-first tier after learning orthodox techniques.

After all, orthodox techniques had been in the world for half a month.


Lu Qingyang did not sense the unique spiritual energy fluctuation of this world's native cultivators on Lin Lin.

This meant that the young man in front of him was not originally a native cultivator of this world, which made the situation entirely different.

"A mortal who had never been exposed to cultivation, being able to break through to the late-first tier in less than a month, such talent is extremely rare!"

Lu Qingyang looked at Lin Lin in front of him, his eyes sparkling with excitement, as if he had discovered a rare treasure.