Chapter 39

At this moment, the Heavenly Court chat group was bustling with activity.


[Su Xing, Late First-Tier Cultivator: Has anyone noticed? It seems that the Heavenly Court chat group has a new divine favor function!]

[He Shao, Peak First-Tier Cultivator: Indeed, by spending offerings, one can request divine favor from the Immortal, instantly enhancing a cultivator's level by one tier!]

[Lu Wen, Late First-Tier Cultivator: Wow, it can increase a cultivator's power by one tier instantly, lasting for a quarter of an hour!]

[Zhang Ming, Mid Second-Tier Cultivator: A quarter of an hour, that's quite a long time...]

[Lu Wen, Late First-Tier Cultivator: Instantly enhancing one's cultivation by one tier can turn the tide at a critical moment, but the cost is quite high, almost comparable to exchanging for a technique of the same tier!]

[Xu Bo, Late Second-Tier Cultivator: Even so, in a life-or-death situation, such a cost is understandable.]


With the emergence of the divine favor function, the Heavenly Court chat group became even more lively, with many cultivators discussing and expressing their opinions.

Despite the high cost of divine favor, its ability to save lives in critical moments made it irreplaceable.


as the topic gradually shifted from divine favor to other matters concerning monsters,

such as the appearance of high-tier monsters in certain areas or the need for help to hunt down injured monsters, the discussions continued.

Several months ago, Lu Qingyang had upgraded the Heavenly Court chat group once more.

He granted everyone the ability to communicate privately, allowing them to discuss important matters without being disturbed by idle chatter and without worrying about being overheard.

Of course,

this so-called protection against eavesdropping did not include Lu Qingyang himself.

As the ruler of the Heavenly Court, nothing within the group could escape his watchful eyes.

However, with the continuous optimization of the Heavenly Court chat group, the daily passive consumption of incense points had doubled from one thousand to two thousand.

This doubled consumption caused Lu Qingyang some pain.

But as the saying goes, "You must lose something to gain something."

Only by continuously improving the Heavenly Court chat group, making it more popular among cultivators, could he better absorb the power of incense.

Lu Qingyang always kept a close eye on the changes in the Heavenly Court chat group. Whenever someone pointed out a flaw, if he found it reasonable, he would note it down and fix it at the appropriate time.

Just then,

Wanqing Ancient Tree's respectful voice sounded.

"Reporting to Father, Gu Fang seeks an audience outside the hundred thousand mountains!"

"Let him in!"

Lu Qingyang withdrew his divine sense from the Heavenly Court chat group and glanced at the person waiting outside the hundred thousand mountains, speaking calmly.

Upon hearing this,

Gu Fang, who had been waiting outside for a long time, was granted entry and hurried over.

The closer he got to Lu Qingyang, the stronger Gu Fang's sense of reverence grew, especially after the Heavenly Court domain's enhancement, which made the suppressive force even more formidable.

Originally a mid-third-tier cultivator, Gu Fang was now forcibly suppressed to the late second-tier, a testament to the might of the Heavenly Court domain.


when he finally arrived before the Immortal Tree, he immediately bowed deeply, "Gu Fang greets Immortal Qingyang!"

Shortly after his words fell, a solemn and majestic voice echoed in his ears.

"Why have you come?"

"Earlier, the drastic change in the sky caused great fear among the alliance members, so I have come to seek guidance from the Immortal Tree to find the source of that power."

Gu Fang did not dare to hide anything and honestly stated his purpose.

Upon hearing this, Lu Qingyang calmly responded, "You need not worry about this matter. The earlier anomaly was caused by my divine ability. If there is nothing else, you may return."

"Divine ability..."

Hearing this, Gu Fang suddenly looked up at the Immortal Tree before him, his eyes full of shock.

He had not expected that the astonishing scene covering two thousand miles was caused by the divine ability of the Immortal Tree before him.

If his words were true, then how terrifying must his cultivation be?

Fifth tier?

Or even above the fifth tier?

To Gu Fang, even a fifth-tier cultivator might find it difficult to exhibit such a shocking power.

However, the fifth tier was beyond his reach, and since the founding of the alliance, there had been no news of a fifth-tier cultivator or monster, so Gu Fang had no idea how strong a fifth-tier being would be.

But upon learning that this was the work of Lu Qingyang, the reverence in Gu Fang's heart reached its peak.

Lu Qingyang clearly sensed the incense smoke connection with Gu Fang growing stronger, and his level of faith had risen from a sincere believer to a fanatical believer.

"Thank you for disturbing you, Immortal Qingyang. Gu Fang will now take his leave!"

Gu Fang took a deep breath, tried to suppress his reverence, and then turned to leave.

Watching his departing figure, the branches and leaves of the Immortal Tree gently swayed, as if a pair of eyes full of divine charm were silently watching him.

Only when Gu Fang was truly far from the hundred thousand mountains did those eyes disappear.

"A fanatical believer, quite interesting. If all goes well, Gu Fang should be the first high-level member of the federation to become a fanatical believer!"

Lu Qingyang murmured to himself, the sound of his voice reverberating around the Immortal Tree, yet mysteriously not spreading out to prevent others from hearing.

As a mid-third-tier cultivator, Gu Fang had significant nurturing value.

Now that he had ascended from a sincere believer to a fanatical believer, he was only one step away from becoming a devout believer.


turning him into a devout believer was not an easy task.

Lu Qingyang's gaze quickly focused on the Immortal Divine Fruit.

"It can make any being below the fourth tier instantly break through a tier. If I bestow him an Immortal Divine Fruit, it is highly likely that he will become absolutely devout in his faith towards me..."

Lu Qingyang was confident that bestowing the Immortal Divine Fruit on Gu Fang could make him a devout believer.


condensing a fourth-tier Immortal Divine Fruit required twenty times the resources of the third tier, or ten thousand cultivation points to produce a single fourth-tier Immortal Divine Fruit.

Having exhausted all his cultivation points to break through earlier, even with the offerings from other believers, Lu Qingyang's current cultivation points were still insufficient.

To condense an Immortal Divine Fruit and fully win Gu Fang's heart, he would have to wait for another opportunity.


Outside the hundred thousand mountains, Gu Fang's mind was unsettled for a long time. He had never imagined that the terrifying celestial phenomenon was caused by Lu Qingyang.

In front of Lu Qingyang, Gu Fang dared not show too much emotion. It was only after leaving the Heavenly Court domain that he dared to reveal his true inner feelings.

"Fortunately... this one bears no malice towards humanity, otherwise humanity would surely face a catastrophe!"

Looking at the Immortal Tree that seemed to support the heavens, the reverence in Gu Fang's eyes deepened. He then returned to the alliance to share this astonishing news with others.
