Chapter 54

In the desolate ruins of the secular world stood a graceful fairy with skin as white as snow, holding a magical staff.

She was channeling the power of the heavens and earth into herself.

In an instant, a thick bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, hitting a mid-fourth-tier monster, causing it to let out a tragic wail. Half of its body was charred to ashes in no time, leaving it lifeless.

Witnessing this scene, the crowd was invigorated and cheered loudly.

"The leader is invincible!"

"A third-tier supreme spell cast instantly, killing a mid-fourth-tier monster in one strike. The leader is truly the number one magician in the world!"

Hearing the praise, a faint elegant smile appeared on Shen Xue's cold and beautiful face, causing the surrounding men to be captivated.

Soon after, Shen Xue quickly withdrew her smile, maintaining her noble and aloof demeanor. She walked toward the dead fourth-tier monster and sacrificed it to the Qingyang Immortal Wood to exchange for the corresponding offerings.

After everything was done, she looked around at the broken ruins ahead, speaking in a deep tone.

"Everyone, do not let your guard down. The Western Region has long fallen into the hands of monsters, and the number of monsters dwelling here is unfathomable."

"We encountered a mid-fourth-tier monster as soon as we set foot here, which means this place is definitely not as simple as having just one fourth-tier monster."

Using the powerful divine sense of a fourth-tier magus, Shen Xue keenly sensed an incredibly strong presence lurking in the city.

Magicians cultivate their divine sense, starting from a first-tier apprentice, then a second-tier magician, a third-tier grand magician, up to a fourth-tier magus. Their divine sense is fundamental.

Only with a strong divine sense can one maximize the power of spells.

Therefore, now that Shen Xue had advanced to the fourth-tier magus, no one could surpass her in divine sense perception.

At that moment, Shen Xue's face suddenly changed, as she sensed the powerful presence rapidly approaching.

"Be alert, a powerful monster is approaching!"

Then she added,

"At least a mid-fourth-tier monster!"

These words sent shockwaves through the crowd.

The strength of a mid-fourth-tier monster far exceeded that of an early fourth-tier monster. If such a monster were truly approaching, they would face an extremely severe predicament.

Shen Xue made a quick decision, scanning the crowd with a cold gaze and ordered, "You must do everything to restrain this monster. I will use a forbidden spell to fight it!"

For cultivators, apart from ordinary spells, the most powerful trump card is the forbidden spell.

In a battle of the same tier,

The power of a forbidden spell is several times stronger than that of an ordinary spell.

Shen Xue had mastered a third-tier supreme forbidden spell, but unfortunately,

Forbidden spells are extremely difficult to cast. Even as a magus, she could not cast it instantly.

She needed enough time to chant incantations to truly cast such a powerful spell.

Hearing this, the crowd felt slightly reassured.

At this moment, a monster as tall as a small mountain appeared in their sight, its terrifying aura sweeping over them like a tidal wave, causing everyone's hearts to tremble.

A mid-fourth-tier monster!

As soon as this monster appeared, it locked onto Shen Xue and the others, letting out an earth-shattering roar before charging at them madly.

Shen Xue immediately took a step back, her cold face full of solemnity.

"Do everything to hold it off, just give me a few minutes!"

If she had tried to cast such a forbidden spell before advancing to the fourth-tier magus, it would have taken at least half an hour to an hour of preparation.

Now, having advanced to the fourth-tier magus, the time required to cast a third-tier forbidden spell had significantly shortened.

Hearing this, everyone didn't hesitate and launched an attack on the mid-fourth-tier monster.

The Blood Alliance, founded by Shen Xue, was similar to many other forces, accepting not only cultivators but also martial arts experts and other practitioners.

For this Western Region expedition, only the elite members of the Blood Alliance were present, all at least late third-tier, with the majority at peak third-tier.

Two female peak third-tier Golden Core True Lords first cast spells.

Layers of frost condensed in the air, firmly freezing the monster's feet.

Immediately, the others seized the opportunity, unleashing their powers to attack the monster's vital points.

Just as this wave of attacks was about to hit the monster, it roared in anger, a terrifying force surging out and shattering the frost, breaking through the void with its right fist, smashing all the attacks.

In the next moment,

The monster took a giant step forward, spewing a horrifying light beam from its mouth, causing the Blood Alliance members to tremble in fear.

"Damn it!"

"Dodge quickly!"

Facing the attack of the mid-fourth-tier monster, no one dared to face it head-on, and they hurriedly evaded.


The light beam struck the ground, piercing through the ruined buildings, and when it dissipated, a terrifying chasm stretching thousands of meters was left on the ground.

This scene,

Made the Blood Alliance members' spines chill, and they couldn't suppress their fear.

A mid-fourth-tier monster!

Such horror!

If one were to take that blow head-on, even a peak third-tier cultivator would be obliterated without a trace.

Having missed its strike,

The monster became even more violent. Driven by instinct, it clearly sensed the enormous threat posed by Shen Xue and charged straight at her.

Seeing this, everyone dared not let the monster approach Shen Xue, desperately trying to block it.

After all, Shen Xue was the only one currently capable of slaying a mid-fourth-tier monster. If the monster was allowed to attack her, the Blood Alliance would undoubtedly face total annihilation.


Sharp attacks landed on the monster.

Although third-tier attacks could barely break its tough hide, causing minimal damage, it undoubtedly enraged the monster.

The monster instantly abandoned Shen Xue and turned its fury on the others.




The mid-fourth-tier monster wreaked havoc, its terrifying power destroying everything in its path. The Blood Alliance members retreated step by step, struggling to resist and gradually retreating.

At that moment,

A vast pressure suddenly filled the air, darkening the sky.

In an instant,

A storm arose, thunder rumbling.

Shen Xue, who was chanting the forbidden spell, raised her magical staff, her cold voice echoing through the sky.

"Wind of the world, heed my call, and obliterate the abomination before me!"

As soon as she finished speaking,

The third-tier supreme forbidden spell, Gale Domain, instantly enveloped the area.

A storm descended,

The wind transformed into a gale, roaring fiercely. The sharp power of the storm was like the sharpest weapon in the world, turning everything it touched to dust.

Almost as soon as the Gale Domain descended, all the Blood Alliance members seemed to have a tacit understanding and fled to the distance.

Only the mid-fourth-tier monster was trapped within the Gale Domain, surrounded and devoured by countless tornadoes.

The overwhelming and majestic power of destruction filled every inch of the space.

Forbidden spells, the ultimate forbidden arts! Also known as forbidden incantations!

At this moment, the term forbidden spell was given a tangible form!
