Chapter 68

Since the celestial blood descended three years ago, the blood rain has cleansed the land, and the Alliance spent a year purging the beast tide.

In the following two years, they swept through the four great regions, annihilating all beasts on land.

Even the sea beasts lurking in the abyss were slaughtered almost entirely.

Thus, humanity once again stood at the pinnacle of all creation.

Over these three years, millions of cultivators fell in the beast tide.

However, a new generation of cultivators emerged like bamboo shoots after rain, making the Alliance's population not only undiminished but even more prosperous.

Today, the Alliance boasts a population of over twenty-five million.

"The beast threat has been essentially eliminated, with only a few remnants in the deep sea. Even if another blood rain occurs, they won't pose a substantial threat."

At the high-level Alliance meeting, Gu Fang, representing the Ninth Alliance, spoke as everyone listened attentively.

Currently, in this world of cultivation, power determines everything; it's an iron law.

Although the eighteen alliances are nominally equal, there are hidden differences in strength.

Someone like Gu Fang, a powerful presence who can kill a mid-fourth-tier beast single-handedly, and who a year ago fought a late-fourth-tier beast to a draw, undoubtedly ranks in the top three in the entire Alliance.

In fact, placing him in the top three might even underestimate his power.

Gu Fang's illustrious battle record is unique in the Alliance.

Calling him the strongest in the Federation is no exaggeration.

Such extraordinary strength naturally elevates the Ninth Alliance's status.

Among the eighteen alliances, only the once-dominant First Alliance can match them in terms of heritage.

Ji Xuan nodded slightly. "Most of the fourth-tier beasts have been eradicated. Even if some remain, they are too few to cause significant trouble."

"When the next blood rain comes, we need only keep a close watch on those fourth-tier beasts and prevent them from advancing."

"Afterward, the Alliance should enter a phase of recuperation and recovery. Let's not forget the issue of the cross-realm passage mentioned by the Ten Thousand Heavenly Court!"

Since the Ten Thousand Heavenly Court's emergence, it has issued three tasks.

The task of hunting beasts has been completed.

The task of exploring secret realms and ancient tombs is gradually being fulfilled.

Although secret realms have not yet emerged, ancient tombs do exist.

Only the task of finding the cross-realm passage has remained elusive.


the Alliance thought the cross-realm passage might not be in the Eastern Region but in other regions.

However, despite traversing all four regions, they found no trace of the cross-realm passage.

This became an unsolved mystery.

Ji Xuan said, "After years of searching, it's likely that the cross-realm passage hasn't truly appeared yet."

"Or, the time for the cross-realm passage to appear hasn't come."

"What do you mean, General Ji?" A high-ranking Alliance general frowned, seemingly understanding but not quite sure.

Ji Xuan continued, "Everyone knows what cross-realm means. If the cross-realm passage opens, it likely heralds the beginning of an invasion from another world."

"Even the beast scourge might be connected to that mysterious cross-realm world."

"Everyone has experienced the severity of the beast threat. If a cross-realm invasion occurs, it will bring a disaster far worse than the beast tide!"

Cross-realm invasion!

These four words echoed heavily in everyone's ears.

Those who could ascend to command were no fools; the connection between the cross-realm passage and cross-realm invasion was evident.

However, the immediate beast threat had previously left no time to ponder the cross-realm issue.

Until today,

with the beast threat behind them, they began to focus on the cross-realm issue.

Yang Yan sighed lightly. "It's a pity the Ten Thousand Heavenly Court has become a forbidden area, inaccessible to ordinary cultivators. How great it would be to seek guidance from the celestial being."

In everyone's eyes, the presence within the Ten Thousand Heavenly Court was like an omnipotent deity.

The Alliance's successful resolution of the beast threat was largely attributed to the deity's blessing.

By using the Heavenly Court chat group to receive the deity's blessing, individuals could temporarily break through their cultivation levels, becoming a decisive weapon against enemies.

Especially for someone like Gu Fang, a fourth-tier early-stage cultivator who could fight a fourth-tier late-stage beast to a draw.

He used the deity's blessing to temporarily break through to the mid-fourth tier, enough to suppress a fourth-tier late-stage beast.

This demonstrated the immense power of the deity's blessing.

At this moment,

Gu Fang spoke slowly. "I believe the deity of the Ten Thousand Heavenly Court has already prepared for a cross-realm invasion. The emergence of the Heavenly Court chat group and the widespread distribution of countless cultivation techniques are all about building our foundation."

"The task of finding the cross-realm passage indicates that the Qingyang Celestial Tree has long been aware of the cross-realm matter."

"All these actions are to enhance human strength before the cross-realm invasion arrives, to deal with the impending crisis!"

Having entered the realm of devout believers, Gu Fang's view of Lu Qingyang had completely changed.

He saw everything the other did as for the benefit of humanity.

The emergence of the Heavenly Court chat group!

The task of exploring the cross-realm passage!

Even though the cross-realm passage hasn't appeared, the task set by the deity suggests that humanity may face a cross-realm invasion in the future.

The deity's actions were to hint to humanity to prepare for the possible future crisis.

Although not explicitly stated to avoid demoralizing people amidst the beast calamity, releasing the task allowed some to prepare early.

Gu Fang's straightforward analysis, though seeming speculative, couldn't be easily refuted by others.

In the end,

they agreed that Gu Fang's analysis was likely correct, and the deity of the Ten Thousand Heavenly Court indeed had this intention.

Shangguan Hong proposed, "Since a cross-realm invasion is possible and the beast threat is now past, we should moderately disclose information about the cross-realm to everyone so they can prepare."

"Also, we must closely monitor unusual activities across the land. If the cross-realm passage opens, it will surely be significant."

"As long as we stay vigilant, we'll detect the cross-realm passage as soon as it appears."

Finding the cross-realm passage first is crucial for timely resistance against the invasion.

It is also essential for completing the Heavenly Court chat group's task and gaining those eight million contribution points.

Even for the Alliance, eight million contribution points is substantial.

Everyone in the Alliance leadership understood Shangguan Hong's suggestion.
