Chapter 71

Amid the deafening explosion, deep within the Northern Territory, an extraordinarily terrifying force erupted.

A pitch-black beam shot straight into the sky, instantly dimming the world, leaving the sun and moon without light.

The entire Northern Territory continent seemed to tremble violently.

All the alliance's stationed cultivators in the area turned pale with shock and horror.

"What happened?"

"Quickly, find out the situation..."

A female cultivator with fourth-tier cultivation gazed toward the source of the black light. The aura emanating from it sent chills down her spine.

If struck by that power, she feared she would be reduced to dust in an instant.

Immediately, the stationed forces of the Northern Territory moved to investigate and urgently reported the anomaly to their superiors.

In fact, there was no need for a detailed report; the alliance had already detected it.

The black light pierced the heavens, creating a vast phenomenon.

Even from other continents, though they couldn't witness it firsthand, it was easy to deduce from the formation's observations.

Especially since rumors of another world had surfaced, the alliance had been closely monitoring universal dynamics, fearing they'd miss the moment the otherworldly portal appeared.

The alliance's high command gathered, each commander projecting their presence through spells. The atmosphere was extremely tense and serious.

"Latest intel indicates that a black beam has shot into the sky in the Northern Territory. Observations suggest this black light has broken through the atmospheric barrier, an awe-inspiring phenomenon."

"If our assumptions are correct, this black light is likely connected to the appearance of the otherworldly portal!"

Ji Xuan spoke directly and concisely.

However, no one else showed surprise at his words.

They had already been briefed on this information before the meeting began.

Shangguan Hong spoke coldly, her voice like frost: "If it is indeed the otherworldly portal, we only need to submit a task to the Heavenly Court to verify."

"That method is indeed feasible."

Ji Xuan nodded in agreement, but before he could finish, Gu Fang smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Indeed, it is the otherworldly portal!"

It turned out that he had already submitted a task to the Heavenly Court, earning eight million points in the process.

Upon hearing this, everyone's expressions darkened.

Good grief!

While they were still discussing, this guy had already completed the task.

Thinking about the eight million points going to Gu Fang, they felt deep regret, wishing they could pound the table in frustration.

A huge loss!

Even Ji Xuan hadn't expected Gu Fang to act so quickly and decisively.

Seeing the varied expressions, Gu Fang smiled leisurely.

"The news of the black light piercing the sky couldn't be hidden. If someone else had submitted the task first, we would have lost everything."

"Although the Ninth Alliance completed the task first, each alliance can still share thirty thousand points."

This statement slightly eased everyone's expressions.

Although thirty thousand points were not much, multiplied by seventeen alliances, it totaled five hundred and ten thousand points.

The Ninth Alliance essentially received an extra two hundred and ninety thousand points.

Compared to the Ninth Alliance monopolizing the eight million points, this distribution was much more acceptable to everyone.


Ji Xuan cleared his throat, refocusing everyone's attention. Once the eyes were back on him, he continued.

"Commander Gu's move was wise. Now that we have confirmed the appearance of the otherworldly portal, we need to prepare for the impending invasion. What are your plans? Speak freely."

"In my opinion..."

The discussion grew more intense, with everyone proposing their ideas, making the high command meeting more lively and complex.

Within the Ten Thousand Heavenly Courts, as the black light pierced the sky.

Lu Qingyang's gaze locked onto the fractured space above. The power surpassing the heavenly principles tore through the space, forming a twisted, eerie portal.

Behind the portal, the aura of the otherworld permeated.

Though this portal led to another world, it didn't mean the two worlds were closely connected; they could be far apart.

The portal functioned like a teleportation channel. Stepping through it would traverse the void, reaching another realm.

Lu Qingyang gazed at the portal, the twisted space seeming to sever all attempts at probing.

However, with the activation of the Heavenly Eye, he seemed to see through the boundless void, glimpsing the scene beyond the portal.


Countless powerful beings stood.

Though Lu Qingyang couldn't clearly identify their forms, the aura revealed their strength.

Third-tier, fourth-tier cultivators were numerous, and there were even those beyond the fourth tier.

"So, this is the strength of the other world?"

Lu Qingyang's heart grew heavy. Just from his perception, he detected suspected fifth-tier cultivators, and this might not be the strongest of the other world.

After all, theoretically, the highest a first-level world could bear was a ninth-tier cultivator.

No one could assert whether the other world had ninth-tier cultivators.

Currently, only detecting suspected fifth-tier cultivators was both a daunting challenge and a glimmer of hope.

"In three days, the otherworldly portal will fully open. The invasion is inevitable, posing the harshest trial for Qingyang Realm."

"If we can't withstand the first wave, all efforts will be in vain!"

Lu Qingyang stared at the portal in the Northern Territory and the powerful beings beyond it. His long-quiet heart stirred with a hint of battle intent.

The outcome of this battle was unknown, but Lu Qingyang knew he must win. Losing meant death.

[The otherworldly portal has opened in the Northern Territory. Qingyang Realm faces a critical moment. All beings in Qingyang Realm must draw their swords and defend against the invasion!]

[Task Objective: Hold your ground and repel the first wave of the otherworldly invasion. The more invaders you kill, the greater the rewards!]

[Task Rewards 1: Killing a first-tier invader earns fifty points, a second-tier invader earns five hundred points, a third-tier invader earns five thousand points, a fourth-tier invader earns fifty thousand points, and a fifth-tier invader earns five hundred thousand points!]

[Task Rewards 2: Successfully repelling the invasion awards ten million points to the top of the merit list, five million points to the top ten, three million points to the top thirty, two million points to the top fifty, and one million points to the top hundred. All participants receive a base reward of one hundred thousand points!]

[Note: The invaders are powerful. Do not underestimate them!]

With the Heavenly Court task announcement, the entire Qingyang Realm erupted in fervor.
