Chapter 76


The northern territories had fallen into chaotic war.

With the appearance of alien creatures, all the powerful beings within the alliance rose to fight, engaging in a bloody and fierce battle.

The alien creatures led with those at the fourth rank Dragon Transformation stage.

They were followed by a large number of second and third-rank cultivators, engaging in life-and-death combat with the alliance cultivators.

In an instant, lives were lost every moment, be it alliance cultivators or alien invaders.

In the towering mountains of the Ten Thousand Mountains, atop a new altar.

A man with severed limbs lay weakly. This man was none other than Xue Wei, an elder of the Overlord Sect.

At this moment, the stumps of Xue Wei's limbs had formed scabs. Despite not being able to achieve resurrection or regrowth of bones and muscles, the vast vitality of a fourth-rank Dragon Transformation cultivator was far beyond ordinary.


Xue Wei had no time to care about his injuries. His eyes were filled with horror as he stared ahead.

A towering celestial tree stood proudly, releasing an overwhelming aura that made his blood freeze.

"You... who are you?"

Xue Wei's face was full of shock. The pressure from the celestial tree was even greater than that from his sect leader.

It was known,

The leader of the Overlord Sect had already surpassed the Dragon Transformation stage, achieving the rank of a true person, a renowned existence in the entire ancient wilderness.

The aura of this celestial tree surpassed that of the Overlord Sect leader, indicating that its cultivation might have reached the peak of the true person, or even beyond.

True Lord!

The thought flashed in Xue Wei's mind, only to be immediately denied.

The spiritual energy in this place was so thin, how could there be a True Lord-level powerhouse?

A True Lord was a pinnacle existence, rare in the ancient wilderness.

Only in the great blessed lands could there be a chance for a True Lord to oversee.

While Xue Wei was in shock, on the celestial tree,

Spiritual light surged, transforming into a figure in green robes who descended slowly, stopping in front of Xue Wei.

"You are a cultivator descended from the Uncelestial Realm!"

"You can understand the language of the Uncelestial Realm—"

Xue Wei was even more astonished.

Upon arriving in this world, he noticed the language here was completely different from the Uncelestial Realm. Yet, the person in front of him spoke clearly in the Uncelestial Realm's language.

Before Xue Wei could marvel more, Lu Qingyang leisurely stepped to him.

"What do you want?"

Xue Wei's face changed dramatically as he tried to struggle, only to find himself immobilized by a terrifying force.

Lu Qingyang smiled faintly, "No need to be nervous, I only wish to explore some things about the Uncelestial Realm from your memory."

"Don't think you can probe my soul—"

Xue Wei's face turned pale at these words, knowing the consequences of soul-searching, and he immediately tried to use secret techniques to save himself.


The Ten Thousand Heavenly Courts had powerful sealing forces restraining Xue Wei.

His attempts at self-rescue were futile, as he watched Lu Qingyang's hand approach his forehead.

Heavenly Dao Search!

In an instant, Lu Qingyang activated his innate divine ability.

A vast power surged into Xue Wei's mind, instantly reading all his memories.

Uncelestial Realm!

Overlord Sect!

Ancient Wilderness!

Ancient Wilderness Blessed Land!

Heavenly Sun Blessed Land!

Memories surged into Lu Qingyang's mind, and in a flash, he had fully accessed all of Xue Wei's memories.

A fourth-rank mid-stage cultivator was no match for Lu Qingyang, who was at the peak of the fifth rank.

"The Uncelestial Realm... the Ancient Wilderness... how interesting!"

Lu Qingyang looked at the dazed Xue Wei before him, a cold smile curling on his lips.

From Xue Wei's memories, he learned that the world was called the Uncelestial Realm, vast and boundless, far larger than the Qingyang Realm.

The vast Uncelestial Realm was divided into multiple regions, much like the various domains of the Qingyang Realm, with the Ancient Wilderness being one of them.

In this region, three great blessed lands held supreme status: Ancient Wilderness Blessed Land, Heavenly Sun Blessed Land, and Grand Void Blessed Land.

So-called blessed lands,

Were ancient sects with ancient legacies.

Every blessed land had a True Lord-level powerhouse.

A True Lord, comparable to a sixth-rank powerhouse in the Qingyang Realm.

Below the blessed lands were many major sects.

The Overlord Sect was a powerful sect just below the blessed lands, with a true person comparable to a fifth-rank powerhouse in the Qingyang Realm.

Incidents like the opening of interworld passages were not uncommon in the Uncelestial Realm.

Various regions occasionally had interworld passages open, leading to mutual invasions and plundering.

Some sects and blessed lands even occupied sections of otherworld realms, using them as a source of resources to ensure their strength grew steadily.

Like a backyard garden.

In the past, the Ancient Wilderness had shown signs of heavenly phenomena, attracting the attention of strong sects from all over.

Many strong individuals rushed to the scene and concluded that an interworld passage would open soon.

Thus, each sect sent elites to guard the area, awaiting the passage to open to plunder its resources.


Was the origin of the Uncelestial Realm's invasion.

"It seems that although the Uncelestial Realm is strong, it is not as invincible as imagined. The strongest in the top blessed lands are only at the sixth rank, reducing the threat significantly."

"However, from Xue Wei's memories, it is clear that the Ancient Wilderness had stronger beings above the sixth rank in the past. They disappeared due to a great change in the world."

"According to the Overlord Sect's speculation, each blessed land might hide ancient beings above the sixth rank, but such information is only speculation and cannot be confirmed..."

Lu Qingyang muttered to himself.

Analyzing Xue Wei's memories, he obtained crucial information.

Although the Uncelestial Realm was powerful, it was not beyond the capability of the Qingyang Realm to contend with.

The top powerhouses in the blessed lands were roughly at the sixth rank, and although their strength was unknown, Lu Qingyang believed he would not be inferior to a sixth-rank True Lord.

If those sixth-rank powerhouses dared to invade the Qingyang Realm, Lu Qingyang was confident he could suppress their strength to the fifth rank using the Heavenly Dao domain, then eliminate them.

Seeing the soul-wounded and mentally weakened Xue Wei before him, Lu Qingyang's thoughts shifted, and the roots of the divine tree burst from the ground, quietly dragging Xue Wei into the earth.

With this done,

Lu Qingyang refocused on the northern domain's battle.

The strength of the Ancient Wilderness was indeed formidable.

This time, there were no fewer than a hundred fourth-rank Dragon Transformation powerhouses, including many mid to late fourth-rank and even peak stage powerhouses.


Lu Qingyang had continuously activated the Heavenly Dao domain, influencing all non-Qingyang Realm beings.

This caused the strength of those below the sixth rank to drop by one level.

This action greatly alleviated the pressure on the alliance, preventing an immediate defeat.
