Chapter 83

For three whole years, all living beings in the Northern Territory were busy clearing the battlefield.

Friends and strangers alike shared the responsibility of gathering the heroic souls.

The red bloodstains soaked the ground, resembling a heart-wrenching painting that deeply stirred the soul.

Five ancient trees rooted deeply into the earth.

Their lush branches and leaves covered the sky like canopies, providing endless peace and protection to the surrounding creatures.

Within a hastily constructed city, the top figures from various sects in the Northern Territory gathered.

Unlike the grand gatherings of the past with eighteen alliances, today, many seats were conspicuously empty.

Upon closer inspection, only twelve powerful beings were present, with six seats vacant.

Ji Xuan's gaze swept over the empty seats, a flash of sorrow in his eyes, which quickly returned to normal.

"Although we successfully repelled the otherworldly invaders, we paid a heavy price. Several alliance marshals sacrificed their lives, and tens of thousands of troops were lost."

"Now that the otherworldly passage stands here, there will surely be a second invasion."

"And the scale of the next invasion will undoubtedly far exceed today's. The alliance must plan ahead, or we will face the day of destruction at the hands of the otherworldly enemies!"

After Ji Xuan finished speaking, the room fell silent, and no one responded.

Before facing the otherworldly enemies, everyone in the Qingyang Realm was confident.

However, after experiencing actual combat, they deeply realized the vast gap between themselves and the otherworldly enemies.

If the otherworldly realm only had fourth-level cultivators, it would be manageable, but the depth of their power was clearly unfathomable.

Fifth-level powerhouses!

Sixth-level powerhouses!

These were the known levels of strength in the otherworldly realm.

However, based on the information revealed by the Lord of Gu Huang, it was evident that there were likely more than just one sixth-level powerhouse.

Whether there were terrifying beings above the sixth level remained unknown.

From what the Lord of Gu Huang mentioned about the figure from the Ten Thousand Heavens, although that figure's cultivation was unfathomable, judging by how easily Lu Qingyang defeated the Lord of Gu Huang, it was likely that the figure was not just at the sixth level.

This made Lu Qingyang's strength seem even more mysterious to everyone.

Even with Lu Qingyang's protection, the unfathomable depth of the otherworldly realm made everyone feel unprecedented urgency.

Yang Yan took a deep breath and solemnly said, "We indeed need to make changes. The otherworldly realm suffered a setback this time and may launch a second invasion soon."

"Even though the figure from the Ten Thousand Heavens has unfathomable cultivation, if a seventh-level powerhouse appears, the situation will become unpredictable!"

Mu Dàshuài of the Second Alliance looked at Ji Xuan and asked in a low voice, "What is Ji Shuài's opinion?"

"The beasts have been rampant, and the world is in turmoil. We had to divide into eighteen alliances to resist the fierce beasts. Nominally, the eighteen alliances were united, but in reality, they fought separately."

"In my view, now that the beast crisis has been resolved and internal troubles in the Qingyang Realm have been eliminated, the urgent need is to unite and face external threats. The existence of the eighteen alliances is a hindrance to the overall development of the alliance."

"Therefore, I propose uniting the eighteen alliances into one, establishing the Qingyang Immortal Kingdom, and replacing the alliance as the supreme force in the mortal world."

Qingyang Immortal Kingdom!

These words caused everyone's expressions to change drastically.

Such grand ambition!

Unifying the eighteen alliances to form the Qingyang Immortal Kingdom was undoubtedly an attempt to restore past unified rule.


Someone immediately spoke coldly, "If we establish the Qingyang Immortal Kingdom, who does Ji Shuài think should be the ruler? And what about our positions?"

The eighteen alliances were independent, and as leaders of the sub-alliances, they held supreme power.

If they were to merge into the Qingyang Imperial Court, they would have to subordinate themselves to others.

Power is tempting, and who would easily give up their vested interests?


Someone else mocked, "Does Ji Shuài intend to personally become the ruler of the Immortal Kingdom?"

The remaining people did not speak, but their faces were grim.

Ji Xuan seemed to have anticipated this.

After all, the eighteen alliances had formed a stable structure, and merging them was no simple matter.


In the face of everyone's doubts, Ji Xuan shook his head lightly, "The eighteen alliances are too scattered. If we establish the Qingyang Immortal Kingdom, we can consolidate all our forces, making future deployments and formations more convenient."

"As for the position of the ruler, to be frank, neither I nor anyone present here is qualified to sit in that position."

Hearing this,

Yang Yan frowned slightly, "If none of us is qualified to be the ruler, then who does Ji Shuài think is qualified?"

"Naturally, it's the figure from the Ten Thousand Heavens!"

"The Ten Thousand Heavens!"

Ji Xuan's words caused everyone's expressions to change again.

They had not expected Ji Xuan to suggest that the figure from the Ten Thousand Heavens should be the ruler.

"Now this realm is called the Qingyang Realm, and everyone knows the origin of the name Qingyang."

"The emergence of the Heavenly Court chat group has grasped the key to life and death in the mortal world. Even if the eighteen alliances are wiped out, the chat group remains unshaken."

"Moreover, from the invasion battle, you have witnessed the powerful strength of the otherworldly realm. Relying on the alliance's original strength alone is undoubtedly a futile effort."

"Only the figure from the Ten Thousand Heavens has the qualification to truly control the overall situation!"

After these words,

Someone frowned, "If the position of the ruler is given to that figure, there would be no objections. But would that figure be willing to intervene in worldly affairs?"

"Moreover, once the Qingyang Immortal Kingdom is established, what will our roles be?"

Compared to when Ji Xuan initially proposed the Qingyang Immortal Court, the emotions of the crowd had visibly calmed.

This was due to Lu Qingyang's overwhelming prestige.

The mere mention of "Ten Thousand Heavens" was enough to instill awe.

"No need to worry about the Qingyang Immortal Tree. If that figure agrees, the Qingyang Immortal Kingdom will be established. If not, we can discuss it again."

Ji Xuan said this, then suddenly stood up, facing the direction of the Ten Thousand Heavens, and bowed.

"The eighteen alliances of the alliance earnestly request the Qingyang Immortal Tree to come forth and serve as the ruler of the Immortal Kingdom, to safeguard the peace of the Qingyang Realm. If the Immortal Tree agrees, please show yourself!"

After speaking,

Ji Xuan bowed respectfully.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned, wondering if Ji Xuan had lost his mind to speak such words.

After all, that figure resided in the Ten Thousand Heavens, in the Eastern Territory.

This place was the Northern Territory, separated by thousands of miles.

Expecting the Qingyang Immortal Tree to manifest with just a word in this tent seemed like a pipe dream.

Just as the crowd was about to speak to dissuade him, a mighty pressure suddenly enveloped the entire tent.

The aura, seemingly from the Nine Heavens, made everyone present show expressions of shock.

Immediately after,

They saw a flash of auspicious light, and a young man in a green robe, with extraordinary looks and surrounded by a misty celestial glow, appeared before them like a deity descending.

Upon seeing the figure clearly, everyone in the tent prostrated themselves and cried out in unison:

"Greetings to the Qingyang Immortal Tree!"
