Chapter 97

Upon the fighting platforms, practitioners displayed their profound skills in intense battles.

Residing here in spirit form within the Celestial Court, even if their physical bodies perished here, it was not true death.

Therefore, as the contestants engaged in fierce combat, they faced no hindrance and held no reservations.


A battle ensued with exhilarating fervor!

On the platforms, sword qi soared like rainbows, and essence blood filled the air.

Thunderous flames erupted, unsettling all who watched.


Each platform was sealed by the Celestial Court's power.

No matter how brutal the battles were, they couldn't affect the outside world in the slightest.

At the conclusion of each bout, auspicious lights shimmered, and victors and losers vanished in an instant between the platforms.


Victors stepped down, resting their spiritual energies, awaiting the next round.

Losers, on the other hand, had no chance to return, resigned to spectate subsequent battles.


On one of the platforms,

Xu Bo's qi and blood surged like tides.

His longsword in hand flickered like a meteor in broad daylight, swift as a torrential river.

His sword techniques were lightning-fast and flawless.

His opponent, also a mid-level Stage Four practitioner, practiced body arts.

Yet under Xu Bo's swordplay, he fell into an overwhelming disadvantage with no chance to counterattack.

In the end,

The mid-level Stage Four practitioner bellowed in fury, abandoning defense for offense!

His punch shattered the void, intending to exchange severe injury for Xu Bo's life.

Xu Bo remained unperturbed, controlling everything.

His continuous sword techniques suddenly gathered and transformed into a colossal sword that cleaved through the heavens.

Sword light pierced through the air, precisely severing the opponent's head just as his punch approached.

In an instant,

Spiritual light flickered.

Xu Bo had already returned to his original seat.

"Congratulations to the young master for his victory!"

"It's evident that the 'Chasing the Wind and Pursuing the Sun Sword Technique' has reached its peak. Even facing mid-level Stage Four opponents, I fear there would be no rivals!"

Many members of the Xu family praised him, their eyes full of admiration for Xu Bo.

Though there were many descendants of the Xu family, Xu Bo was the only young talent to reach the mid-level Stage Four. He would inevitably wield the family's power in the future, so everyone had to curry favor early.

To this,

Xu Bo remained calm, the praise washing over him like a breeze, his gaze fixed on another platform.

There, a fierce battle was unfolding.

One side was a robust middle-aged man, none other than Xu Bo's father, the current head of the Xu family, Xu Yan, the only Stage Four late-level practitioner in the Xu family.

Everyone knew that while there were many Stage Four practitioners in the Qingyang Immortal Nation, those who could reach the late Stage Four were few and far between.

Xu Yan's opponent was only at mid-level Stage Four, so the outcome of this battle was obviously without suspense.

Sure enough, as expected,

Xu Yan relied on his cultivation to suppress his opponent, and in a short time, he defeated him, disappearing from the platform.


Within the Celestial Court, the competition was intense.

Meanwhile, Lu Qingyang quietly observed the fierce battles on the platforms, determining the outcomes for those below Stage Four.

Whether it was a perfect Stage Three meeting an initial Stage Three, or both being initial Stage Threes, winning relied on strength and fortune.

As for the Stage Four battles, Lu Qingyang had already secretly arranged them.

Especially targeting Stage Four late and perfect practitioners, ensuring they wouldn't encounter strong opponents at the same level.

This was to maximize the effectiveness of this Celestial Court competition.

With the same resources invested, if they fell on Stage Four early or late practitioners, the latter would undoubtedly have a greater impact.

At present, outside the Qingyang Realm, Lu Qingyang must ensure the top combat power of the Qingyang Immortal Nation.

Of course,

If a practitioner could challenge and succeed against strong opponents across stages, it proved their extraordinary potential, and their promotion was inevitable.

In summary,

The apparent top practitioners of the Qingyang Immortal Nation must not be eliminated early in the competition. Ensuring their potential for promotion was the top priority.

This time, approximately 89 million practitioners from the Celestial Nation participated in the competition.

Even with ten thousand and eight hundred battle platforms for confrontation, it was not an easy task to determine the final rankings.

"It seems that among those who lead in cultivation, there are few with shallow foundations. Under the absolute advantage of cultivation, those who can cross stages and succeed are few and far between!"

Lu Qingyang pondered quietly.


There were still a few practitioners who showed the ability to challenge across stages.

Whether defeating a mid-level Stage Four with an early Stage Four, or a mid-level Stage Four overpowering a late Stage Four.

One person even used an early Stage Four body to kill a late Stage Four practitioner, despite severe self-injury.

Lu Qingyang couldn't help but look at him with admiration.


[Name: Ye Jiu]

[Origin: Human Race]

[Realm: Early Stage Four]

[Physique: No Special Physique]

[Devotion Level: Devout Believer]


Lu Qingyang activated the Celestial Eye, and all the information about Ye Jiu appeared before him.

Early Stage Four!

No special physique!

"If this person can survive, he will surely become a great talent in the future!"

Lu Qingyang gave a fair evaluation.

To challenge a late Stage Four practitioner with an early Stage Four cultivation, acting decisively and ruthlessly, both mentally and in combat experience, was beyond ordinary people.

Such a person undoubtedly possessed perseverance.

As long as he survived,

The future was bound to hold remarkable achievements.

Discovering such talent in the Celestial Court competition was indeed an unexpected delight.

In addition, Ye Jiu was a devout believer with impeccable faith.

Lu Qingyang made a mental note of this person, deciding to focus on cultivating him when the opportunity arose.


Lu Qingyang turned his gaze to other platforms, continuing to search for other potential new talents.