Chapter 127

The hidden realm of Dongtian has appeared in the mortal world, and Lu Qingyang, with the eyes of a disciple, precisely observes the Lingyun brilliance.

The overwhelming pressure also shook his heart.

A seventh-level saint, Lu Qingyang has yet to see in person.

Yet, just from the overflowing aura of brilliance, he has grasped the magnificence of a seventh-level saint.

Since stepping onto the path of cultivation, each level has been like a celestial chasm.

Especially after crossing the fifth level, these chasms turn into immovable barriers. Even with outstanding talent, it's difficult to truly transcend.

From the fifth to the sixth level lies an impassable barrier, and the same holds true from the sixth to the seventh.

Lu Qingyang estimates his own cultivation, expecting to match the seventh-level sage.

However, the specifics remain unknown to him.

Now fortunate to witness the opening of the seventh-level sage's secret realm, he can seize this opportunity to explore the depths of the saint.

After all, the impending battle between the Qingyang Realm and the No Immortal Realm always makes Lu Qingyang wary of powerful sages.

If he can understand the depths of the saint, it will increase his chances.

Continuing on,

Lu Qingyang observes the current status of the disciples.

Over the past year, those who entered the No Immortal Realm, if they practiced bodily techniques, mostly joined various sects.

Because bodily techniques are akin to the essence of body refining in the No Immortal Realm.

Joining a sect not only allows them to inherit the sect's methods but also promises to enhance their own cultivation.

However, those who cultivate immortal techniques and the path of cultivation have no chance to join sects.

Such individuals either become wandering cultivators or quietly establish their own sects through their own efforts, seeking various immortal treasures for sacrifices or spreading their beliefs.

However, not everyone has smooth sailing; some inadvertently expose themselves and fall prey to ancient wilderness cultivators, while others offend powerful cultivators and are instantly annihilated.

Against this backdrop, Lu Qingyang has no solution.

In the struggle between the two realms, is it possible for no one to die?

For all who fall, Lu Qingyang grants them the opportunity to become heroic souls.

However, not all fallen warriors can become heroic spirits.

Only those with great ideals, who face death as if returning home, are qualified to become heroic spirits.

Otherwise, even if their names are inscribed in the Celestial Hall, they are not true heroic spirits.

At this moment, millions of heroic spirits in the Celestial Hall are worshipped by the creatures of the Qingyang Immortal Realm. Some of these heroic spirits have reached the later stages of the first level, while many others remain in the early stages of the first level.

Regarding these changes, from Lu Qingyang's perspective, it is related to the abundance of offerings and the innate talent of the heroic spirits themselves.


The current influence of the heroic spirits in the Celestial Hall on the Qingyang Realm is still minimal.

However, over time, as the cultivation of the heroic spirits grows, they will surely play a key role that others cannot predict.


No Immortal Realm, Immortal Wilderness.

Suddenly, the hidden realm of Dongtian appeared in the mortal world, with spiritual brilliance piercing through the clouds. Forces from all sides dispatched their strongest to the location of the secret realm.

There were golden chariots tearing through the void, fierce beasts rampaging, and immortal boats crossing the sky.

As the immortal boats hovered in mid-air, many cultivators on the ground looked up with reverence.

"This is the Tai Chu Immortal Boat, rumored to be a treasure of the saints. Seeing it today, it is indeed extraordinary!"

Some exclaimed with emotion.

At the mention of "treasure of the saints," all the cultivators were mentally shaken.

For them, the treasures of the saints existed only in legends, let alone possessing them—it was not even easy to imagine.

If ordinary forces revealed treasures of the saints, they would surely attract others' covetous eyes. However, the name of the Tai Chu Dongtian prevented anyone from having second thoughts.

Great Emperor-level forces, how could they be easily provoked?

Throughout the Immortal Wilderness and even to the Central Plains, the Great Emperor-level forces stood as peak existences, and no one dared to underestimate them.

On the Tai Chu Immortal Boat, disciples from the Five Peaks stared ahead at the desolate mountain bathed in the light from the sea.

Its profound pressure made their hearts heavy.

At the same time, some disciples looked down at the cultivators below, their eyes flashing with pride at their discussions and reverence.

"A month ago, anomalies appeared in this hidden realm. According to the insights of the experts of the hidden realms, those below True Sovereign level cannot enter, unless they possess a power surpassing the remnants of the hidden realm."

"Yet, the shackles of longevity remain unsolved. Even if the saints are still present, they are in a self-sealed state, hence breaking the prohibition of this hidden realm is now impossible."

Before the Tai Chu Dongtian, Yin Hong stood with his hands behind his back. Although his appearance seemed old, his voice rang out like a bell.

Zhang Ming's expression changed and he asked, "Master, do you know which high-ranking expert this hidden realm originated from?"

"If my guess is correct, the owner of this hidden realm should be the Divine Sky Saint, Yu Tiandi!"

"Divine Sky Saint?"

"Yu Tiandi was a Nine Transformation Saint from ten thousand years ago, originally an ordinary wanderer with average aptitude. Later, by chance and perseverance, he ascended step by step from an ordinary person to a Nine Transformation Saint."

"By all accounts, if this Divine Sky Saint had not fallen, in the future, he might have been able to prove himself as an Emperor, and there was even a slim chance he could reach the realm of a Great Emperor."

"Unfortunately, he later encountered a young Great Emperor who had not proven himself, and after a fierce battle, Yu Tiandi was heavily wounded by the young Great Emperor and soon passed away."

Nine Transformation Saint!

Young Great Emperor!

Yin Hong's words shocked everyone. For the disciples, this was already a secret.

After all, things from ten thousand years ago were ancient, and it was not easy to know the details.

"Who was that young Great Emperor?"

Zhang Ming quickly asked.

Yin Hong did not conceal anything and said straightforwardly, "That young Great Emperor was later known as Emperor Hongwu. His talents surpassed all others of his time, and no matter how outstanding anyone was, they were not his match."

"In the end, Emperor Hongwu defeated the heroes, ascended to the throne of the Great Emperor, founded the Hongwu Dynasty, and placed it alongside the Tai Chu Dongtian as a Great Emperor-level force."

At this point, Yin Hong fell silent.

There were things he did not mention.

That is, as a rising Great Emperor-level force, the Hongwu Dynasty was currently at its peak, and although the Emperor had passed away, his influence remained.

Strictly speaking,

Today's Tai Chu Dongtian, compared to the Hongwu Dynasty, was slightly inferior.

After all, the Great Emperor of Tai Chu Dongtian had fallen for many years, leaving only the Imperial Artifacts to guard, with no successors.

Unable to contend with the newly risen Great Emperor-level forces.

The methods of the Great Emperors were profound and unfathomable. Even though they had died and disappeared, their residual techniques still amazed people, something that ordinary cultivators could not comprehend.

Such divine arts would truly dissipate only after enduring the passage of years.
