Chapter 133

Creating another Heavenly Court chat group was an inspired move by Lu Qingyang.

To spread faith in another world, one must first offer substantial benefits.

How did Qingyang Realm manage to win the hearts of all beings in the universe within just over a decade?

In Lu Qingyang's view, the key lay in the power of the Heavenly Court.

Without it, how could the beings of Qingyang Realm have devoted themselves entirely to his faith?

Therefore, to quickly harvest the incense offerings from the Wuxian Realm, Lu Qingyang had to provide corresponding incentives.

However, to avoid confusion between the two Heavenly Courts and potential unknown dangers, Lu Qingyang created a dedicated Heavenly Court chat group exclusive to the Wuxian Realm.

To the beings of the Wuxian Realm, this chat group was an unprecedented novelty.

New members initially harbored doubts.

But once they exchanged treasures in the Heavenly Court market and saw their cultivation levels soar, any remaining skepticism vanished completely.

From that moment on, the number of Lu Qingyang's followers surged.

Today, the number of ordinary followers exceeded two hundred million.

The number of devout believers reached one hundred and twenty thousand.

What a sight!

One hundred and twenty thousand devout believers contributed tens of millions of incense offerings daily, and two hundred million followers contributed about six billion incense offerings annually.

As a result, Lu Qingyang's yearly intake of incense offerings was nearly ten billion.

In less than ten years, he could construct a sixth-tier Heavenly Court directly.

And as time passed, this process would only accelerate.

If current trends continued.

Lu Qingyang estimated that it might only take two to three years for the Heavenly Court to reach the sixth tier.


The larger the Heavenly Court, the more attention it would attract. This was unavoidable.

With the approaching Golden Age, Lu Qingyang had to strive to enhance his own cultivation.

Otherwise, when the Golden Age dawned and the strong from the Wuxian Realm emerged in droves, he would face great troubles.

Furthermore, the galaxy is vast, and worlds are as numerous as grains of sand in the Ganges.

No one knows when a new world might invade.

Nor can it be ruled out that such invaders might include beings of the ninth tier or even higher.

If a ninth-tier powerhouse appeared, even Lu Qingyang might find it hard to resist.


Lu Qingyang needed to make the most of his limited time to improve his cultivation, to ensure true peace of mind.

As Lu Qingyang was refining the Purple Thunder Bow,

In the land of the Immortal Wilderness,

At the Heavenly Thunder Sect,

A middle-aged cultivator in a purple robe, with a stern expression, suddenly opened his eyes.

A surge of murderous intent and overwhelming power erupted from him.

"Who dares to kill my son and steal the Purple Thunder Bow!"

Elder Zhuo's face twisted in fury as he rose from his secluded cultivation, transforming into a streak of light heading straight for the saint's secret realm.

Just now, the spiritual imprint he had left on the Purple Thunder Bow was erased by a formidable force, and he sensed the extinguishing of Zhuo Zhaoping's life token in the sect.

A life token symbolizes a cultivator's soul.

Once it extinguishes, it means the soul has dissipated, and death is certain.

Elder Zhuo had many offspring, but Zhuo Zhaoping was exceptionally talented.

Once he entered the True Monarch realm, he had the potential to become the sect's holy son.

With the Golden Age approaching, Zhuo Zhaoping had the chance to reach the pinnacle of the Dao.

At that time, the Zhuo family's status in the Heavenly Thunder Sect would greatly improve.

Although the Heavenly Thunder Sect appeared unified, it was actually fraught with internal factions.

Thus, Elder Zhuo had lent the family's treasured Purple Thunder Bow to Zhuo Zhaoping for protection.


With Zhuo Zhaoping's death and the Purple Thunder Bow stolen by a mysterious powerhouse, Elder Zhuo was seething with rage.

He had resolved to spare no expense to avenge his son and retrieve the bow, regardless of the perpetrator.

In the saint's secret realm, the sounds of slaughter were endless, and Gu Fang and his companions journeyed together.

They were both seeking the inheritance of the saints and searching for other saintly artifacts.

After the Purple Thunder Bow was sacrificed, all five of them had their cultivation levels significantly enhanced.

Under their formation, they could now even encircle and kill a sixth-tier True Monarch.

Especially noteworthy was Zhang Ming holding the Taichu Mirror. The power of the saintly artifact was unparalleled, and if he used it without reservation, even a True Monarch would struggle to break its defenses.


Other elite disciples from various sects became their hunting targets.

"Taichu Sect, I swear to fight you to the death!"

A young elite shouted in despair before being torn apart by a terrifying force.

As he fell, the ancient cauldron he had been using to contend with the Taichu Mirror seemed to sense something and attempted to flee the saint's secret realm.

However, Zhang Ming had anticipated this and used the Taichu Mirror to suppress it.

He then skillfully sacrificed the ancient cauldron.

In an instant, another hundred billion contributions were added.

Seeing the contribution points soar, Zhang Ming smiled and said,

"The saintly artifacts brought into the secret realm by the three major sects have all been collected by us."

"The remaining forces, although not weak, do not have the same depth as the major sects."

"Next, we need to find the people of the Hongwu Dynasty, seize their quasi-emperor artifacts, and then search for the inheritance of the Celestial Sage."

"Quasi-emperor artifacts are not easy to obtain; this will require careful planning," Gu Fang pondered for a moment before speaking.

At this point, after sacrificing three saintly artifacts, each person had received sixty billion contributions.

Including Ye Jiu, everyone's cultivation had steadily reached the late fifth tier.

Compared to before entering the secret realm, their strength had been transformed.

Such was the wonder of the secret realm.

Gaining its opportunities meant inevitable leaps in cultivation.

However, if one's strength was insufficient, they would meet the same fate as the other fallen elites.

They had witnessed the power of saintly artifacts firsthand; quasi-emperor artifacts would undoubtedly be even more formidable.


At this moment, the group became even more cautious.

Steady progress ensures long-term success, an unchanging truth throughout the ages.

A single misstep could undo all their efforts.

After a brief discussion,

The group decided to first seek the Celestial Sage's inheritance and temporarily set aside the matter of the quasi-emperor artifacts.

However, if they encountered members of the Hongwu Dynasty during their search, they would act accordingly.

Meanwhile, Lu Qingyang was tallying the treasures his companions had sacrificed from the secret realm.
