Chapter 135

The spiritual energy in Qingyang Realm surged dramatically!

This phenomenon could not escape the notice of the cultivators.

Especially those who had reached the fourth tier, their sensitivity to changes in the world's spiritual energy was extraordinary.

Previously, the spiritual energy in Qingyang Realm was so thin that reaching the fourth tier was already the limit.

If one wished to break through and step into the fifth tier, it was like chasing an illusion without extraordinary opportunities.

But now, with the surge of spiritual energy, some cultivators felt the barrier to their advancement start to crack, and they couldn't help but feel a surge of joy.

"The spiritual energy in the realm has significantly increased!"

In the depths of the imperial capital, Yang Yan, while in seclusion, sensed the dispersing spiritual energy around him, and the bottleneck of his fourth-tier consummation realm began to tremble slightly.

It seemed that a breakthrough was imminent.

This was due to the abundant spiritual energy washing over the bottleneck.

Many cultivators in Qingyang Realm found themselves in a similar situation as Yang Yan.

With the surge of spiritual energy in the realm, many cultivators seized the opportunity to break through, advancing silently.

However, compared to the changes in the outside world, the concentration of spiritual energy within the Ten Thousand Heavenly Court was a thousand times greater.

Under such rich spiritual energy, Lu Qingyang's Heavenly Dao Bone, which previously provided only 400 cultivation points daily, suddenly increased to 1,100 points.

In one year, solely relying on the bone, he could accumulate over 300,000 cultivation points, filling Lu Qingyang with delight.

At first glance, it seemed like a loss to trade a hundred strands of heavenly origin for a medium-sized spiritual vein.

However, in the long run, this deal was incredibly profitable.

Yet, with the surge of spiritual energy in the Ten Thousand Heavenly Court, the spiritual energy outside would sharply decrease.

"If I solely enjoy the spiritual energy within the Heavenly Court, it would benefit my cultivation but hinder the advancement of others."

"On the contrary, if I release the sealed spiritual energy from the Heavenly Court, the external spiritual energy will surge, leading to an increase in strong cultivators and subsequently an increase in incense offerings."

Lu Qingyang pondered.

Sealing or releasing the spiritual energy each had its pros and cons.

After careful consideration, Lu Qingyang decided to release the spiritual energy from the Heavenly Court.

He believed that a consistently strong spiritual energy in Qingyang Realm, with the increasing strength of his followers, would bring him endless benefits.

Once he established a sixth-tier Heavenly Court, the incense offerings from his followers could be converted into cultivation points, aiding his breakthroughs.

With this in mind, Lu Qingyang decisively lifted the seal on the spiritual energy within the Ten Thousand Heavenly Court.

Massive amounts of spiritual energy burst forth like a river breaching its banks, flowing from the Heavenly Court in all directions.

Simultaneously, the spiritual energy concentration within the Heavenly Court plummeted, stabilizing at forty-three.

Meanwhile, the spiritual energy concentration in Qingyang Realm rose to forty-three, more than doubling from its previous state of eighteen.

Compared to the initial levels, it had increased seven to eight times.

This was the unmatched power of a medium-sized spiritual vein.

As the spiritual energy surged again, cultivators within Qingyang Realm seized the momentum to break through.

"Fourth-tier consummation, finally achieved!"

In the secret chamber of the Xu family, the patriarch Xu Yan's aura was powerful, breaking through the late fourth tier and stepping into the consummation stage.

Such cultivation was rare in Qingyang Realm, being just a step away from the fifth tier.

The fifth tier was a watershed in the path of cultivation.

Xu Yan felt the vigorous flow of qi and blood within him, a determined smile appearing on his face.

"The surge in spiritual energy in Qingyang Realm must be related to that esteemed individual."

"I once thought it would be nearly impossible to reach the fifth tier, but now it seems breaking through is no longer difficult."

With the drastic change in spiritual energy, previous constraints disappeared, and the path to the fifth tier was now clear.

During the ancient wasteland expedition, Xu Yan had intended to venture into the wasteland seeking higher paths.

However, the Xu family could not be without its leader, and fifth-tier True Men in the wasteland eyed him covetously, so he sacrificed himself for his son.

He sent Xu Bo into the wasteland to seek opportunities.

According to Heavenly Court messages, Xu Bo had reached the consummation of the fourth tier a month ago and was currently in seclusion in a sect, aiming to break through to the fifth tier.

With his son aiming for the fifth tier, how could he, as the father, fall behind?

Yet, the spiritual energy in Qingyang Realm had been too thin, and without extraordinary talent, it was impossible to glimpse the fifth tier.

Thus, Xu Yan had been stuck in the late fourth tier for a long time.

Now, with the surge in spiritual energy, past difficulties were nothing but memories.

"The current quality of spiritual energy in the realm is enough to pave the way for fifth-tier cultivators, but it is still far inferior to the ancient wasteland."

Lu Qingyang observed the changes in spiritual energy and mused.

The ancient wasteland, though the most barren land in the Wuxian Realm, could still nurture ninth-tier emperors, while Qingyang Realm could only produce fifth-tier cultivators, a significant disparity.

Lu Qingyang gazed at the remaining thirty strands of origin in his hand and decided to create three small spiritual veins, burying them across Qingyang Realm.

This increased the concentration of spiritual energy slightly, reaching a critical point.

"The current concentration of spiritual energy is now sufficient to nurture sixth-tier cultivators!"

Lu Qingyang nodded in satisfaction, having exhausted all his origin.

However, he clearly sensed that as the spiritual energy surged, the strength of his followers also increased.

The daily incense offerings had also grown.

A trickle eventually forms an ocean.

The seeds of spiritual veins sown today would one day return several times the incense offerings.

Lu Qingyang calmed his thoughts and refocused on Ye Jiu and the others.

Half a month had passed since the opening of the saint's secret realm, and Ye Jiu and his team had dominated within, unstoppable.

No matter which saint sect elite they encountered, none could withstand their onslaught.

Even those at the peak of the fifth tier often fell with a single blow.
