Chapter 142



Inside the cosmic lawship, all the Triocular beings cheered in unison. The destruction of the monitoring treasures and artifacts seemed like a splendid fireworks display to them, greatly easing the tension accumulated during their interstellar journey.

Just as the Triocular beings were about to act, the expression in Lu Qingyang's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Trouble was coming!

"The power from that last strike could rival that of a sixth-level practitioner. Merely through the alchemical power of the artifacts, they were able to unleash an attack at the sixth-level range. The civilization level to which this spacecraft belongs likely exceeds my previous estimates."

Recalling the past, the "core" power of the human race, at most, equated to a range between perfected third level and early fourth level, representing the strongest weaponry of the human race.

Now, a single blow from the lawship seemed equivalent to a sixth-level standard, a chasm akin to a world apart.

At this moment.

The lawship suddenly halted, followed by the rapid projection of crystalline structures that seemed on the verge of touching Qingyang.

An overwhelming force surged from within Qingyang, and a figure in green robes suddenly appeared.

"This is the realm of cosmic stars!"

Having practiced for many years, Lu Qingyang, for the first time in a separated state, entered the vast and boundless universe of cosmic stars. There was no air here, nor any trace of celestial spirit power.

The entire universe was suffused with suffocatingly low pressure, accompanied by bone-chilling coldness, and without robust physical bodies, long-term survival was impossible.

According to Lu Qingyang's estimation, achieving preliminary body traversal across the stars required a sixth-level threshold.

Below the sixth level, regardless of high or low cultivation, any attempt to step into the cosmic stars without protection was a one-way trip to death, with the only difference being that stronger cultivators died more slowly, while weaker ones died faster.


Even if bodily traversal across the stars was possible, safety was far from guaranteed.

Here, there was no oxygen or celestial spirit power. Once strength was depleted, survival was impossible without supplies, leading to perishing in the vast starry sea.

Even for level-strong cultivators, traversing the stars was fraught with immense risks.

"Perhaps only seventh-level strong practitioners can truly traverse the stars safely without worrying about perishing for various reasons."

Lu Qingyang mused inwardly, then turned his gaze to the crystal shooting toward him. He grasped it firmly with a large hand, revealing a vial of dark green liquid.

Before understanding the nature of the dark green liquid, Lu Qingyang dared not easily crush it, instead sealing it with layers of seals and then sending it into the Ten Thousand Heavenly Court for safekeeping by his own hand.

On the other side.

Lu Qingyang's sudden appearance in the world caused the Triocular beings inside the lawship to freeze, their smiling faces turning to expressions of shock.

"Being able to stand in the cosmos is likely the work of a sixth-level living being. Could it be that the assumption of only having a fifth-level living being in this star is incorrect?"

The middle-aged Triocular person's complexion changed slightly.

There was a world of difference between fifth-level and sixth-level living beings, even though they were only one level apart.

Simply put, fifth-level beings couldn't cross the void with their physical bodies, while sixth-level beings could directly traverse the void.

In the endless cosmic stars, a civilization with sixth-level beings was an entirely different concept from one without them.

The earlier female Triocular person quickly manipulated the scan and soon drew a conclusion.

"He is not an ordinary living being but a condensation of celestial spirit power. It's highly likely that he's the guardian deity of this star, with a danger level of around early sixth level."

Early sixth level! Upon hearing this, the Triocular people's hearts relaxed slightly.

Even among sixth-level beings, there was a distinction between strong and weak, with early sixth level undoubtedly being the weakest among them.

The middle-aged Triocular person's eyes turned cold and ordered, "Command the lawship to launch an attack and completely wipe him out!"


Just as the middle-aged Triocular person issued the command, Lu Qingyang sensed an invisible force probing toward him from the direction of the lawship.

While pondering, the lawship suddenly erupted with a dazzling beam of light, instantly illuminating the entire cosmic sky.

The formidable power that tore through space evidently reached the later stages of the sixth level.

"The attack power of the late sixth level is superior to the previous one. Interesting!"

Lu Qingyang showed no fear, unleashing a punch that shattered everything with terrifying force, colliding head-on with the beam of light.

The clash of the two terrifying forces surged, dispersing into powerful waves that spread in all directions.

Lu Qingyang stood firm as if an ancient rock, standing before the Qingyang Realm, with the strong waves touching him, completely dissipated.

At the same time.

A shield appeared on the surface of the lawship, isolating all the remaining waves.

"It's impossible! How can he withstand the Spirit Light Cannon?"

Some of the Triocular people were shocked.

The Spirit Light Cannon was a powerful weapon carried by the lawship, and even sixth-level beings found it difficult to resist.

In the vast cosmic stars, many sixth-level beings had fallen under the Spirit Light Cannon.

Now, a sixth-level early-stage being could withstand a direct hit from the Spirit Light Cannon without any damage. How could they not be amazed?


Not only was there no damage.

It was almost completely unscathed.

"Activate the World-Extinguishing Cannon immediately!"

The middle-aged Triocular person's eyes were fierce, gritting his teeth as he gave the order.

Upon hearing this, the other Triocular people fell silent.

They looked at the star behind Lu Qingyang with a hint of regret in their eyes, but they understood the intentions of the middle-aged Triocular person.

If a being capable of crossing the stars with its body was not eliminated by thunderous means, trouble would be on the horizon.


As the middle-aged Triocular person issued the command, the World-Extinguishing Cannon was formally activated.

Meanwhile, in front of the Qingyang Realm, Lu Qingyang felt an increasing sense of threat. His divine consciousness stirred, and the Purple Thunder Bow instantly turned into a stream of light, landing steadily in his hand.
