Chapter 144

In this glorious golden age, typically only one emperor reigns supreme in the Realm of the Without Immortals.

However, deep within the memories of the Shimmoku clan,

The Ninth-tier Heavenly Might warriors possessed by the Shimmoku Empire are not a mere handful.

For groups relying on the power of alchemy, as long as there is an endless energy source to rely on, they can continuously forge astonishing divine artifacts.


To create Ninth-tier Heavenly Might warriors is also no easy task for the Shimmoku Empire.

However, regardless, the present existence of the Shimmoku Empire has made Lan Qingyang enlightened.

The crisis in Qingyang Realm does not only stem from the powers of Daozi from other worlds within the Milky Way Stars.

More likely, it originates from advanced alchemical technological civilizations like the Shimmoku Empire, which rule over several star domains.

"The vast universe, countless stars, the Without Immortals and Qingyang Realms are just a drop in the ocean, containing numerous towering imperial dynasties."

Not only alchemical technological civilizations but also cultivation civilizations stand tall among them, shaking the universe.

Sixth-tier cultivators can traverse the star seas with their physical bodies.

From this point of view, cultivation civilizations have the potential to explore boundless starry skies, expand into foreign realms, and then establish vast empires.


When it comes to comparing alchemical technological civilizations and cultivation civilizations, Lan Qingyang believes there is little difference.

All methods converge; whether in technological alchemy or cultivation, once they reach their peak, their essence is the same.

The memories of the Shimmoku clan reveal that the Shimmoku Empire has formidable opponents even in the vast starry skies, having been defeated by certain cultivation civilizations.

At the same time,

There are worlds where divine belief systems arise.

Such divine civilizations are just as Lan Qingyang remembers.

By gathering the fervent prayers of believers as a source of cultivation, they eventually ascend to godhood.

However, based on the memories of the Shimmoku clan,

Such divine civilizations have a single method, far inferior to the Heavenly Courts he established.

Therefore, Lan Qingyang is more convinced that the methods of his Heavenly Courts differ fundamentally from traditional divine cultivation.

This difference may originate from the data panel he carries.

The so-called gods in other divine systems are no different from ordinary cultivators.

It's just that the latter absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, while the former feeds on faith.

In the eyes of the world, they are gods, but in reality, they are human.

In comparison, Lan Qingyang's methods are closer to the true gods in legends—creators of all things.

What then are these not gods?

Lan Qingyang pondered silently; if the Heavenly Courts' cultivation reached its peak, perhaps it could truly open up the starry skies and restart the creation of the world.

With these thoughts, his mind stirred slightly.

He took out the crystal from the Shimmoku people intended for Qingyang Realm, filled with green liquid.

In the past, he was unclear about the origin of this liquid, but now the memories of the Shimmoku people have revealed its true nature.

The Demon Virus!

Once this virus enters a creature's body, it will cause them to lose their nature and become a killing machine.

Moreover, those injured by the Demon Virus will indirectly become infected and turn into bloodthirsty demons.

If this small vial of liquid were to rupture in Qingyang Realm, the Demon Virus would spread with the wind and soon engulf the entire realm.

Although the virus does not survive long in the air, it is enough to turn most people into demons.

To resist the Demon Virus, at least Sixth-tier cultivation is required to expel the evil from the body. Of course,

The Demon Virus is just a private label.

The Shimmoku Empire claims it as a "divine gift," claiming that it is the compassion of high-ranking gods for mortal creatures.

In the eyes of the Shimmoku Empire, lower life forms infected with the Demon Virus and gradually promoted to higher life forms are undoubtedly a gift.

However, in Lan Qingyang's eyes, the Demon Virus is no different from the zombie virus he knew in his previous life.

"The Shimmoku Empire intends to use Qingyang Realm as a crucible for refining Gu insects, turning billions of lives into guinea pigs for their conflicts, ultimately resulting in the extinction of all life and nurturing a Demon Lord!"

The Shimmoku Empire's actions are extremely vicious.

Using a life-bearing planet as a crucible for refining Gu insects, treating billions of lives as insects, only to cultivate a Demon Lord at the cost of all life.

At the current scale of Qingyang Realm, if the Demon Virus were to break out on a large scale, with all living beings dying, it would indeed give birth to a Demon Lord.

Demon Lord!

This is the title bestowed by the Shimmoku Empire.

Every Demon Lord transformed from the Demon Virus can rival a Seventh-tier powerhouse.

Above the Demon Lord,

There are still Demon Emperors of the Eighth-tier, and even Demon Gods of the Ninth-tier.

However, the stronger the demon, the larger the nurturing planet needed, and the more lives sacrificed.

The memories of the Shimmoku clan reveal that the Shimmoku Empire even holds entities at the level of Demon Gods.

If Lan Qingyang had not intervened today, Qingyang Realm would probably follow in the footsteps of countless worlds ravaged by the Demon Virus, becoming a purgatory of slaughter.

The memories of the Shimmoku clan have deeply impressed upon Lan Qingyang the law of the jungle in the vast cosmic expanse.

In conflicts between two civilizations, destruction of life-bearing planets, billions of beings turned to dust, or plunging planets into purgatory of slaughter are commonplace.

"Today, with the arrival of the people of the Shimmoku Empire, tomorrow there may be other strong figures from cultivation or technological civilizations."

"At present, Qingyang Realm is a Sixth-tier civilization, at most equivalent to the Seventh-tier, and is relatively weak in the cosmic starry sky."

"If confronted with top-tier civilizations like the Shimmoku Empire invading on a large scale, Qingyang Realm may find it difficult to resist!"

Within Qingyang Realm, Lan Qingyang, relying on the heritage of the Purple Thunder Bow and the Heavenly Dao Immortal Tree, still has a chance against Eighth-tier powerhouses. However,

If placed outside Qingyang Realm, the situation would be completely different.

Without the suppression of the Heavenly Dao Realm, Lan Qingyang would be like losing a natural advantage.

For example, last time, the people of the Shimmoku Empire did not step into Qingyang Realm.

They only launched attacks in space, and the Heavenly Dao Realm was powerless.

If an Eighth-tier powerhouse were to arrive in person, perhaps with just one strike across space, they could turn Qingyang Realm into powder.


Even among Seventh-tier civilizations, there are differences in strength.

A powerful Seventh-tier civilization can easily destroy weaker Seventh-tier civilizations.

The Shimmoku Empire has even annihilated several Ninth-tier civilizations, and the gap between civilizations of the same tier is unfathomable and despairing.


The emergence of the Shimmoku Empire has brought new insights to Lan Qingyang.