Chapter 150

Qing Ye gazed at the plasma, akin to the essence of stars. He could distinctly feel the vast and boundless power within it, far surpassing the ordinary blood of the star sea beast.

In this celestial blood, Qing Ye could even hear soul-stirring roars. Before his eyes, a phantom of a colossal star sea beast seemed to appear, enveloped in an ancient, primeval aura that permeated his being.

"This is the essence blood of a star sea beast, a treasure within its body. For an ordinary cultivator to refine such essence blood without sufficient cultivation is a mere fantasy."

"Now that you have broken through to the fifth level, refining this essence blood is within the realm of possibility."

"If you can harness the power of this essence blood, your cultivation will undoubtedly rise significantly, potentially even reaching the physique of a star body. However, the dangers cannot be underestimated."

"If you wish to attempt it, I will give you another opportunity. If you do not wish to take the risk, we can leave it at that."

Lu Qingyang's words made Qing Ye ponder deeply.

But in just an instant, he made his decision.

"Disciple is willing to try once more!"

At this point, Qing Ye could not afford to hesitate. If he could enhance his cultivation with the power of the star sea beast's essence blood, it would undoubtedly be a great boon.

Upon hearing this, Lu Qingyang nodded slightly and then conjured an ancient alchemical furnace with his power, signaling for Qing Ye to enter. He then poured the essence blood into the furnace.

To moderate the power of the furnace, Lu Qingyang did not pour all the essence blood in at once but did so in batches.

After all, the essence blood of a seventh-level star sea beast was extremely potent. Pouring it in all at once would overwhelm even an ordinary sixth-level cultivator.

As the essence blood merged with the furnace, Qing Ye's skin instantly burst open, the terrifying energy within the seventh-level beast's essence blood erupting.

Just as Qing Ye's skin and flesh split apart, exposing his bones, his life-and-death sword intent surged forth, transforming into a cycle millstone to protect him.

All the destructive energy dissolved before the cycle sword intent, transforming into life force to repair his damaged flesh.

However, the power of the star sea beast's essence blood was too intense. Despite the protection of the cycle sword intent, Qing Ye's body continued to deteriorate, as if descending into a deathly abyss.

Lu Qingyang observed this scene without interference. This was an opportunity and a trial.

He believed that with Qing Ye's determination and his understanding of the cycle sword path, he could complete this transformation.

The mysteries of the cycle sword path amazed even Lu Qingyang.

The cycle represented the endless flow of life, the alternation of life and death, and the perpetuity of rebirth.

This was a path of death, yet it also embodied infinite vitality.

Currently, Qing Ye used the cycle sword path for protection, clearly deepening his understanding of this sword path.

Time passed.

Within the furnace, Qing Ye's flesh was ground away, leaving a skeletal form. If not for the undying vitality within his bones, Lu Qingyang might have thought he had perished.

Moreover, as Qing Ye sank into a deathly state, the cycle sword intent around him grew stronger. When it reached a certain threshold, new flesh began to grow over the bones, surging with boundless vitality.

"It worked!"

Lu Qingyang's eyes lit up.

Earlier, he could not be sure if Qing Ye could withstand the power of the star sea beast's essence blood. Now he was certain.

The cycle sword intent had elevated, and Qing Ye's flesh had regenerated through the power of the essence blood, making his body incredibly resilient.

Thus, the remaining essence blood of the star sea beast posed little threat to him.

Lu Qingyang poured the rest of the essence blood into the furnace, causing the cycle sword intent to tremble. Qing Ye's newly healed body split open again.

However, unlike the initial rupture, this time the flesh quickly regenerated, not reducing to bone as before.

This change was exactly what Lu Qingyang anticipated.

When the last trace of essence blood was exhausted, an invisible force shattered the furnace from Qing Ye's body.

Lu Qingyang's eyes glowed with divine light as he activated the Heavenly Eye of the Way.


[Name: Qing Ye]

[True Form: Sword Grass]

[Realm: Perfect Fifth Level]

[Physique: Star Body (Partial)]

[Faith: Devout Believer]


Qing Ye's advancement from the initial fifth level to the perfect fifth level did not surprise Lu Qingyang, considering the powerful energy contained within the essence blood of the star sea beast.

Now that Qing Ye had successfully refined it, reaching the perfect fifth level was only natural.

However, what truly caught Lu Qingyang's attention was the entry under physique.

"Star Body!"

The emergence of the star body confirmed Lu Qingyang's previous speculation that baptism with the essence blood of the star sea beast could indeed grant a special physique.

However, the "partial" notation after star body made Lu Qingyang frown slightly.

A partial star body meant that while Qing Ye had gained a star body, it was not in its complete form and still differed from a true star body.

Thus, compared to a true divine body, the partial star body might be slightly inferior.

Considering this, Lu Qingyang asked, "I see that you have acquired part of the star body's power. How does it feel compared to before?"

Qing Ye closed his eyes to introspect briefly. When he reopened them, he spoke solemnly.

"Disciple can sense the call of the stellar force, which seems to refine my body and aid in cultivation."

"However, the stellar force is weak during the day. Only at night can I cultivate with double the results."

"I see."

Lu Qingyang nodded slightly, understanding the effects of the star body.

The intense sunlight during the day obscured most of the stellar force, which only showed its true strength under the night sky.

Strictly speaking, the sun was also a star, but its power far exceeded that of ordinary stars, making it reasonable that the partial star body could not absorb it.

In Lu Qingyang's view, this was likely also related to the incomplete nature of the star body.

"Your current star body is not complete and not a true star body. Since the sun is also a star, your partial star body cannot refine solar power."

"If you can fully complete your star body in the future, the situation will naturally improve."

"However, to truly perfect the star body, you will need more baptism from the essence blood of star sea beasts. The vast universe is filled with these beasts."

"If you gain the ability to traverse the starry sea with your flesh in the future, you can seek opportunities in the cosmic expanse to complete your star body."

"However, the universe is fraught with dangers, including immensely powerful star sea beasts. Whether you can fully complete your star body depends on your fortune."

"Disciple understands."

Qing Ye responded respectfully.
