Chapter 152

The ancient trees that once stood in the heart of the ancient city have vanished without a trace. In their place, a majestic mansion has risen, becoming the residence of the city's lord.

This lord is none other than Lu Wanqing, the former guardian of the ancient city. Having successfully transcended the tribulation of transformation, he ascended to the fifth order, now serving as both an elder of the Qingyang Immortal Nation and the lord of Wanqing Ancient City.

Inside the mansion.

Lu Wanqing, clad in a green robe, was immersed in his cultivation when he suddenly sensed something and instantly disappeared from the mansion. When he reappeared, he was outside the ancient city.

"When did such a master appear in the Qingyang Realm?"

Lu Wanqing frowned slightly. Before him stood a young man with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, exuding an extraordinary aura, with a familiar essence about him.

From this alone, Lu Wanqing deduced that the other party was not only of the human race but also someone who had transformed from plants like himself.

However, it is rare for plants to gain intelligence, and even rarer for them to reach the fifth order of transformation.

As an elder of the Immortal Nation, Lu Wanqing was well aware of the current state of the Qingyang Realm. Even though the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was abundant today, there were still very few who had reached the fifth order.

Among them,

Those who had transformed from plants were only a few ancient trees from the Ten Thousand Heavens Court.


The Ten Thousand Heavens Court!

Lu Wanqing seemed to realize something. While he was pondering, the young man said with a smile, "I am Qingye, from the Ten Thousand Heavens Court. I seek passage to the No Immortal Realm and hope you will grant me this favor."

"So, you are from the Ten Thousand Heavens Court. I am Lu Wanqing, also from the Ten Thousand Heavens Court."

Qingye's words dispelled all of Lu Wanqing's doubts.

Since the other party was from the Ten Thousand Heavens Court, everything made sense.

If there was any place in the Qingyang Realm that the Immortal Nation could not fully explore, it was the Ten Thousand Heavens Court, as it was where the lord resided, and the Immortal Nation dared not spy on it.

"So, it is Senior Brother Lu!"

Qingye's expression softened slightly. Sensing the familiar essence from Lu Wanqing, knowing he came from the Ten Thousand Heavens Court, Qingye couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness.

As fellow cultivators from the Ten Thousand Heavens Court, calling each other by the title of "senior brother" was appropriate.


Lu Wanqing used his authority to help Qingye traverse to the No Immortal Realm.

As Qingye approached the bronze portal, Lu Wanqing warned, "Beyond the bronze portal lies the ancient desolate land, guarded by heavy forces from various holy lands and cave heavens."

"Junior Brother, if you wish to enter the No Immortal Realm, you must first face the powerful beings of the ancient desolate land. Be cautious."

"Thank you for the advice, Senior Brother. I will remember it."

Qingye nodded in agreement, stepping into the bronze portal without hesitation. As he watched Qingye's disappearing figure, Lu Wanqing's expression was complex.

"It has been a long time since I returned to the Ten Thousand Heavens Court. Unexpectedly, such a powerful figure has emerged in my absence. Judging by his cultivation, he is probably above me."

"Father's means remain unfathomable!"

Lu Wanqing sighed inwardly.

From Qingye, he sensed a faint threat, as if facing a being stronger than himself.

Lu Wanqing had already reached the late fifth order, standing at the pinnacle of the Qingyang Realm. If Qingye could give him such a feeling, his cultivation must be at least at the late fifth order, if not higher.


Lu Wanqing gazed in the direction of the Ten Thousand Heavens Court. Though he longed to return home, he knew he could not leave his post at this moment.

Guarding the portal between the two realms was of utmost importance. Although the ancient desolate land had been quiet for many years, no one could guarantee that it would not invade again.

If the northern continent fell because he abandoned his post, Lu Wanqing would be held accountable.


Lu Wanqing continued to guard the portal between the two realms. The Immortal Nation also stationed heavy troops there, allowing no living beings to pass through without permission.


Traversing the passage between the two realms, a surge of overwhelming spiritual energy washed over Qingye, causing every pore on his body to open. A look of shock crossed his cold face.

"Such dense spiritual energy!"

Without comparison, one wouldn't know its intensity.

Upon stepping into the ancient desolate land, Qingye truly felt the abundance of spiritual energy here, far surpassing that of the Qingyang Realm.

Just as Qingye was marveling, several sharp killing intents locked onto him, and several streaks of light shot towards him.

"A cultivator from the Qingyang Realm has appeared, kill him!"

"How dare a mere Qingyang Realm cultivator step into this place? Today, you will not leave alive!"


The angry shouts were filled with boundless fury.

Qingye remained calm, and with a lift of his hand, a terrifying sword energy tore through the sky, destroying everything in its path, causing the three true men of the three great cave heavens to pale in fear.

In an instant,

The true men summoned their protective treasures, placing them in front of them.

Almost simultaneously with the appearance of the treasures, the sword energy's power descended fiercely. The treasures trembled violently, and in the next moment, under the astonished gazes of the true men, the treasures shattered into countless fragments.

With the treasures destroyed,

The powerful backlash hit like thunder, causing the true men to spew blood.

The other two true men also turned pale.

Before they could be shocked for long, Qingye advanced steadily, his reincarnation sword intent obliterating the void. The soul-captivating deathly sword energy seemed to cause the void to wither like flowers, enveloping the true men's minds in endless silence, dragging them into the abyss.

However, a strong sense of crisis arose within them, forcing them to break free from the grip of the deathly power.

As soon as they regained their senses, the terrifying sword energy filled their vision.


A chill at their necks.

The three men's bodies froze slightly, a blood mark appeared on their necks, followed by their heads rolling off, blood gushing towards the sky, and their headless bodies falling one after another.