Soon, Princess Mariana's surroundings felt warm like being under a fur blanket. The pain caused by her pierced heart somehow dissipated.

Instead of suffering, the Princess experienced bliss in her final moments.

The lady closed her eyes to embrace her eternal slumber. To the second life in the Kingdom of Heaven as promised by God Einsof.

But when Princess Mariana reopened her eyes, she found herself lying on a great green grass field with blue sky and white clouds stretching above.

Towards the distance, to the horizon, she could spot a great wall made of gold like she had never seen before. In the middle of the magnificent fence was a grand gate made of diamond and other precious stones ever existed.

Beyond the wall was a shining city that glowed like the sun. Ever-continuously inviting Mariana to go there.

The sight of the view in front of her was a beauty she had never seen before. It was so beautiful that it made the Princess cry.

"Beyond that gate is your home, My child…"

A calm and soothing voice surprised the Princess.

She looked over and found a Man in white robe sitting on the grass with a snow-white lamb on His lap, a lamb which foot was injured.

Princess Mariana could not see the Man's face as great light was engulfing it.

Despite not being able to see His face, the Princess felt a sense of familiarity with the Man.

It was more than familiarity and more akin to a paternal feeling, like seeing one's father. A great loving father.

"God Einsof!" called the Princess.

"Hello, Mariana." replied the God back.

Princess Mariana crawled to God Einsof and went to His heels. Tears were shedding from her eyes.

"Father, I have failed You! Please, forgive me!" cried Mariana in front of her creator.

Einsof stroked His hand on Mariana's head, comforting her.

"No, Mariana. You have not failed Me. You gave your all to deliver My will in a world that rejects it. You kept your faith in Me through it all, till the end. Well done, My faithful servant!"

"But, my Lord, I failed to defeat Satan! The one who brought ruination to Your divine work!"

Though she could not see it, Mariana could feel Einsof's smile.

"Mariana, daughter of David, YOU were NEVER meant to win that battle."

The Princess gasped, she was shocked by her God's words.

"My Lord, what is that supposed to mean?"

"Your fight against the Fallen Angel was not fair to begin with. Your chance of victory was already robbed from you the moment you were born. When you decided to fight against him, all of the advantages had long been taken away from you."

Mariana sighed, "Then, does that mean Your covenant won't be fulfilled?"

Einsof reached to Mariana's hand. His smile persisted on His face.

"On the contrary, My child. Now, it will definitely be fulfilled!"

"What do you mean, Father?"

Einsof stood with the injured lamb in His embrace.

"The Fallen Angel did all he could to prevent the covenant from being fulfilled. Because of that, the state of the world turned for the worse."

Einsof then laid the injured lamb on the ground.

"But thanks to you, Mariana, it was proven that, despite the Fallen Angel's scheme to ruin My divine plan, faith still thrived. And because of that, the Fallen Angel lost his bet against Me."

"(A bet? The one Satan mentioned?)"

Mariana recalled her conversation with her enemy earlier. Even so, she still could not see how Einsof's covenant will be fulfilled.

"But, Father, despite my strong faith in You, Satan still won the rivalry."

"No, Mariana."

The injured lamb suddenly stood up and walk as if it didn't have an injury in the first place.

"It's because of your faith that you were able to go as far as you went. The numerous victories you led My creations to in the war against the Fallen Angel's army was achieved because of your faith."

Einsof and Mariana saw the lamb gleefully ran around the plain.

"Had it not been for your faith, Mariana, the world would not have survived for as long as it did." said the Creator to the Princess.

Despite Einsof's words of comfort, Mariana still shed sad tears.

"Father, I am truly thankful for what You just said to me. But I still can't help but worry about Satan's victory."

"Have you lost faith in Me, My child?" asked Einsof.

"NO! OF COURSE, NOT, FATHER!" denied Mariana promptly.

"Then why do you still worry about the Fallen Angel when I have said My covenant will be fulfilled?" 

"Perhaps it's because this lowly servant of Yours doesn't understand, yet, how Your covenant will still be fulfilled despite what had transpired." answered Mariana.

Einsof then put His hand on Mariana's head once again.

"Mariana, I already said that YOU were never meant to defeat the Fallen Angel."

"But if Your covenant is still going to be fulfilled, then does that mean someone else will defeat him?" asked Mariana.


"Who, Father? The world has already come to an end!"

In response to Mariana's question, Einsof pointed to the golden gate.

"My child, have I told you that what's beyond that gate is your new home?"

"Yes, Father."

"I have prepared a place for you in My kingdom and it will always be yours." said Einsof.

"I thank You, my Lord!"

"Which is why I will say to you to not worry about your place in My kingdom when I'm sending you back to the world."

Mariana was surprised to hear those words.

"Sending me back? What could You possibly mean, Father?"

"Because I've won the bet against the Fallen Angel, I can and will use my power to rewind time back into the past and return your soul to the world." explained Einsof.

"For what purpose You will be doing such miracle, my Lord?" asked Mariana.

"I'm giving you another opportunity to fight against the Fallen Angel. An opportunity where you will have an equal ground with him."

Mariana kneeled in front of Einsof.

"Let Your almighty power be known throughout the universe."

"Mariana, will you delay your entry to your residence in My kingdom so you could fulfill My covenant?" asked Einsof.

"It is not my will that should be done. But let Your will be done, my God." answered Mariana.

"Very well, My loyal servant. Now, before you return, I must remind you that you will not return to the world as Princess Mariana, daughter of Emperor David, anymore."

"Then who will I return as?"

"You will assume a new name. One that I have prepared for you since the beginning of time."

Einsof extended His hand in front of Mariana and from her entire body burst forth great light. 

"You will not bring your powers back with you as that is not how My covenant will be fulfilled." said Einsof.

He then returned some of the great light back to Mariana. The light seeped back to the Princess through her forehead.

"But, you will bring your mind back with you to the world. All the knowledge you have accumulated and the words I've spoken to you will be your guide for this new calling." 

"I understand, my Lord!"

"Remember, Mariana, this second opportunity strictly allows you to be on equal footing with the Fallen Angel. It does not give you any advantage, not even in the slightest." told Einsof with vigilance.

"I'll bear that in mind, my Lord! Please send me back!"

Einsof then extended both of His hands on top of Mariana to give her His blessing. 

"Mariana Lena Brielle Christie Edenites, as someone I have chosen, return to the world and expand My kingdom there once again. Turn every creation into My believers by showing them the love and grace I've shown to you."

A great portal opened behind Mariana. A path back to the world. 

"Keep your faith in Me in your journey to fulfill My covenant. Always remember that My love for the world is as endless as it is everlasting."

Mariana's whole body suddenly glowed up with white radiance. 

As soon as the light engulfed her entire body, she dissolved and disappeared into the great portal.

As His Chosen One ventured on her grand quest, Einsof looked toward His kingdom in the distance.

"With this, everything is finally in motion."