Not long after Giselle left, Evelyn heard loud thumps beyond the door. Footsteps of several people running through the hall.

The door opened and two people stormed in: A blonde woman with ocean blue eyes and snow-white skin. And a handsome black-haired man with strong and fierce countenance.

Evelyn could see she inherited her hair, eyes, and skin-color from the woman. While her face structure shared striking resemblance to the man's.

Evelyn then guessed that these people were her parents.

"EVELYN!" shouted the woman.

"MY DAUGHTER!" joined the man.

They hurried to the bed and hugged Evelyn.



"Mother, father!" called Evelyn.

"You're awake! How did this happen?!" said Bryce Leonardo, the father, in disbelief. "Did the treatment from last time worked?"

"No. I don't think so." replied Hannah Leonardo, the mother, instantly.

She grabbed Evelyn's hand and gave it a careful observation.

"There's a new healing magic casted on her. Different from the one casted by the healer we hired last time."

Evelyn was once again impressed by the observation from the people around her.

"(It's different from Giselle who only gave vague description. This woman's observation is more direct and precise. That suggests this mother of mine must be a mage in some capacity.)"

"Then what kind of healing magic is it that it could heal our daughter?"

"I don't know. I've never seen this type before. It's amazing!" said Hannah in admiration.

"(Of course you don't. Angel's Touch is an advanced healing spell that was invented by a group of the church's mages in the Holy Nation of Zion in the year 966, which was only 4 years ago.)" thought Evelyn. "(It is based on the basic healing spell from the Holy Arts Grimoire and modified to increase its efficiency and applicability.)

Evelyn smiled at her mother's curious face who was carefully analyzing the spell.

"(At this point in time, the magic circle of Angel's Touch is only known by the Zion Holy Nation's special mages and some high profile healers in the continent. It is only 5 years from now that the Church would actively teach mages of the spell as the demon population grew across the continent. And another several more years before the knowledge spread throughout Mortalia Empire.)" 

Hannah grasped Evelyn's hand and asked her daughter a question.

"Evelyn, who casted this spell on you?"

"I did, mother." replied Evelyn promptly and confidently.

"You knew how to cast magic, Evelyn?!" shocked Bryce.

"An unknown magic at that!" said Hannah. "How is this possible, my daughter? Before you were cursed, I never taught you this spell. We haven't even begun your magic lesson. And you were practically asleep the entire time you were cursed. How come you knew about this magic?"

Evelyn softly chuckled at their reaction. She had expected this would be their reaction upon discovering the spell she casted.

"For now, let's just say that after I woke up, I suddenly knew a lot of things. Including this new magic spell." answered Evelyn.

Her face then turned gloomy. "But more importantly, have the maid told you about my condition?"

Hannah and Bryce shared a look. Their expressions turned dark.

"Yes, my daughter." said Bryce. "She told us you don't remember anything."

"So you really forgot everything that happened? The time before you were cursed, darling?" asked Hannah.

Evelyn nodded. She reached out to her parents' hands.

"I don't know anything about my life. That's why I wanted to talk to you both, my parents." said Evelyn.

She grasped their hands firmer.

"I want you to tell me the story of my life. How I was raised, my childhood, and the moment I was cursed."

Einsof's Chosen One intended to figure out why God sent her back to the world in Evelyn Leonardo's body on the day of Princess Mariana's birth.

The best way to start looking is by hearing the life journey of Evelyn Leonardo.

Evelyn then spent the next few days being taken cared by her parents, Bryce and Hannah, and her maid, Giselle. Those three people helped Evelyn remember what had transpired before she woke up.

After several days, Evelyn managed to learn some new information.

The Mortalia Empire in which the Leonardo family resides in recognizes the right of a daughter to succeed as an heir. And such was the case for the Leonardo family.

Evelyn's mother, Hannah Leonardo, was of the Leonardo blood. While Evelyn's father, Bryce Leonardo, was a head knight who used to serve the Leonardo family.

Bryce married Hannah, assumed the Leonardo name, and the title of a baron, and kept his role as the head knight of the family. While Hannah became the family head once her father passed away years ago before Evelyn was even born.

The Leonardo Barony was a noble family which owns a rural land in the southwestern region of the Euphrates Province of Mortalia Empire.

The family had an affinity with light elemental magic and possessed a grimoire heirloom containing various light-based magic spells that the family's founder created long ago. 

The spells in the Leonardo Grimoire were quite basic and not that much different from the light elemental magic that the church had in their Holy Arts Grimoire. In fact, the Leonardo's light magic felt more outdated and inefficient than the church's version.

In addition, ever since the family's founding, none of the Leonardo family members managed to become a great mage. At best, the Leonardo could only produce a C-rank mage.

Even so, there was only one C-rank mage Leonardo recorded in history and that was the head family from five generations ago. 

Nothing was outstanding from the Leonardo family.

There was nothing special about how Evelyn was raised either.

She was just like any other noble daughter who lived by the loving care of her parents, until she was cursed by a lich while she was on a journey outside, that is.

Even that lich incident could easily be ruled as an accident. An unfortunate encounter with a dangerous demon. 

Einsof's Chosen One wondered even more why God sent her to this family.

"(Why did God return me as Evelyn Leonardo? There must be a reason!)