The three continued their way down and soon arrived in front of the tomb of the first family head: Elias Leonardo.

On top of the tomb was old carving of many symbols, lining up in many lines and rows.

Hannah went to Evelyn and pointed to them.

"Darling, do you see the carvings on top of the tomb?"

Evelyn looked up to inspect the carvings. She immediately gasped when her eyes laid a gaze on them.

"Is that…."

"Yes, darling. Those are the good fortune spell you're about to chant. So far you've only heard how it's supposedly sounded. Now you're seeing how it's supposedly written." said Hannah.

"Mother, does that mean you can read those symbols?" asked Evelyn, her face was still in disbelief of what she was seeing.

"No. I don't know how to read them. I was just told by my father that those carvings were the written form of the good fortune spell." said Hannah. "All of us were only told as such. But none of us actually knew or figured out how to read the symbols despite knowing how the spell sounded."

"Alright, we need to return as soon as possible. So let's begin the ceremony right away!" hurried Bryce.

"Your father's right! Let's begin, Evelyn! Rest the grimoire on your right hand, raise it in front of the tomb, and chant the good fortune spell!"

Evelyn walked forward nearer to the tomb of the first family head as instructed by her mother.

She raised the Leonardo Grimoire with her right hand as tradition dictated.

Hannah and Bryce stayed behind Evelyn and kneeled as that was what the other family members who weren't chanting the spell supposed to do.

As Evelyn stood in front of the tomb with the Leonardo Grimoire resting on her right palm, right in the presence of the ancient carvings above the tomb, Evelyn took a deep, deep, breath.

Her face was solemn and focused.

She was dedicating her entire self to perform this chant. And it was for a very significant reason.

A reason that made her begged Hannah to bring her with them to the pilgrimage despite her weakly state. The reason that made Evelyn restless in the days leading to the trip.

For the last couple of days, ever since Evelyn learned of the good fortune spell from Hannah, she was keeping a secret from her parents.

A great secret.

Evelyn knew the meaning behind the spell.

Why Evelyn knew the meaning? Because the spell was from an ancient language. A lost language. One that Mariana discovered after journeying to the depths of hell.

It was the language of God Einsof. The words that God used to communicate with His creations in bygone eras.

The same language was also used in Satan's domain, Hell.

Princess Mariana had to learn the language in order to infiltrate the depths of Hell, navigate through it, and face Satan.

Having learned the language of God, Evelyn knew how to read the carvings above the tomb.

She began chanting the good fortune spell and the followings are its meanings:

[We are the scions of Elias Leonardo, a servant and a good friend of God Einsof.

[To Elias God had entrusted a Great Wisdom. One He commanded the Leonardo blood to treasure in secrecy until the Promised Time.

[And until then, us, Elias's scions, will safeguard that Great Wisdom which is hidden in the family grimoire by concealing our presence from the world under the authority of this oath.

[Until the Second Oath is spoken, which will be sounded in the Promised Time, the Leonardo will not garner the attention of the world, hence hiding the presence of the Great Wisdom from the evil eyes seeking for it, thus ensuring its safekeeping.]

Hannah and Bryce stood up and smiled. Evelyn just finished reciting the spell the Leonardo family had been reciting in their every pilgrimages.

The Leonardo family head walked up to Evelyn, "Now, we go to the tomb to place our hands and--"

Evelyn ignored Hannah. She maintained the same pose with the Leonardo Grimoire still resting on her right palm, raised up in the air.

Evelyn continued chanting.

What Evelyn also kept from Hannah and Bryce was the fact that the spell the Leonardo had been reciting for generations was not all that was carved on the tomb.

The 'good fortune spell' only covered half of the carvings. And now, Evelyn was chanting its second half.

[If you could read this passage, it means the Promised Time has arrived. 

[For God said the primordial tongue will soon be forgotten by all creations on Bara, and by the time it was recovered by the creations once more, the end of days is already nigh and the world will need what God entrusted to me, Elias. 

[When that time comes, His Chosen One must read the following oath:]

"Evelyn? What are you chanting right now?" asked Hannah in confusion.

But Evelyn held steadfast and continued chanting.

[The Ancient Covenant God made in the Day of the Fall is approaching its days of fulfilment. The Great Enmity between God's creations and Satan will soon reach its peak. 

[For God so loved the world in which His creations live, He bequeathed a Great Wisdom to one of His creations. A Great Wisdom that would aid them in the Final Battle during the Age of Revelation.

[And with these following words the Great Wisdom will be unveiled: 

["I, the One He Chose, present this grimoire so that the Great Wisdom could be revealed to all of His creations.]

The Leonardo Grimoire resting on Evelyn's right palm glowed with golden light and floated to the air.

The ancient book opened by itself and its pages flipped around by themselves. The whole text then shined like the sun.

Evelyn continued reciting the oath.

["I, the One He Chose, promise to spread the Great Wisdom to all corners of the world. To the eyes and ears of all of His creations. No beings, alive or dead, would not know of its presence. 

["I will ensure that when the Age of Revelation arrived, all beings will know that this Great Wisdom was the proof of His love to this world. 

["That is the oath that I, the One He Chose, pledge in front of the One Who Chooses."]