"O Einsof, we raise our thanks to You for Your guidance and protection have brought us victory."

So was what Princess Mariana prayed in the middle of the valley of death.

A valley that was once infested with demons numbered like sands on the beach and stars in the heaven was now stained with the corpses of demons numbered like sands on the beach and stars in the heaven.

Millions of Einsof's creations rejoiced at their win over Satan's army.

They sang and danced on top of the rotting demons on the ground. Overjoyed by the great milestone.

Meanwhile, in the middle of this fiesta, Princess Mariana kneeled with her sword stabbed to the ground. Praying.

The four figures who accompanied her on the hill prior the battle stood silently behind her.

"May You keep watch over our lives in this sinful world. Amen."

Princess Mariana ended her prayer and faced her four comrades.

"Your faith in our God is unparalleled, Princess." said the gigantic man.

"Faith isn't something to be compared between one creation to another. It's a matter concerning oneself and Einsof."

"Indeed. Even after all you've experienced, you still kept your faith in Him, Princess." said the elf.

"For only in Einsof you will find salvation in this world of death. That's what kept me surviving."

"You have so much pride in your faith in Einsof if you say that's what kept you alive all this time." said the fairy.

"For faith can move mountains."

"In your prayers, you've been attributing the reason of every victory to Einsof. Why won't you attribute them to yourself?" asked the fair woman.

"For I am merely His Chosen One tasked to carry on the duties He had set for me. And as His Chosen One, I've come to an understanding how insignificant my being is within the grand scheme of His plan. All of our victories were the results of Einsof's extended hands. There is no reason whatsoever for me to praise myself."

Evelyn remembered that moment as she kneeled in the Guardia chapel, praying silently with her eyes shut.

"O Einsof, this humble servant of Yours will embark on her first battle against Satan's army in this new life You gave. Please watch over us while we vanquish evil and let us return home safely. Amen."

Evelyn opened her eyes and reached to the Lucerna lying beside her.

With a soft smile on her face, Evelyn traced her fingers over the surface of the magic staff.

"(O mother, what a fragile yet determined heart you possess…)"

Moments earlier. Right before Evelyn went to the chapel, she met her parents at the estate's gate.

There Hannah presented the Leonardo family heirloom to Evelyn.

"This is the magic staff used by the Leonardo family head." said Hannah to her daughter. "Considering your current undertaking and the fact that you're my successor, I judged it is time for you to start learning how to use the Lucerna."

"Mother, how could I…"

"Please, Evelyn. This magic staff is wasted on someone like your mother. It is better for it to be wielded by a talented magician like yourself." said Hannah as she thrusted the staff to Evelyn's hands. "Take it! This is an order from your family head."

Evelyn giggled as she remembered that scene.

She held the staff and felt the magic running through it.

"(Magic staffs are magical object used to aid magicians by regulating the power of the spell used, either by amplifying or suppressing it. Each magic staff has their own affinity towards a certain magical element.)"

Evelyn imbued some of her mana into the staff to get a better feel of the object.

"(Judging from what I'm sensing from the Lucerna, I can tell that this magic staff is tailored for light elemental magic. Perfect for the Primordial Arts contained in the Leonardo Grimoire which is light-based.)"

Evelyn lifted the Lucerna and poured more mana into it, making the golden crystal embedded on the top glowed brightly.

"(Since mother have given her permission, I will use this staff as my weapon until I acquire the second fragment of the Descendant's Heel.)"

Evelyn then left the chapel. Giselle was already waiting for her by the door.

"Have you finished praying, my lady?"

"Yes, I have. Did anything happen while I was in the chapel?"

"Your father sent someone over earlier to deliver his message. He said all the soldiers are ready to depart. He has also provided you with a horse and arranged the butler to mount your luggage on it as well."

"Very well. Let's return to the estate."

Evelyn and Giselle then made their way back home.

Upon returning, all 20 soldiers assigned to Evelyn were already on their horse. Bryce and his five knights were ready to depart as well.

Hannah and the estate servants were standing beside the procession.

"They're waiting for you, darling." said Hannah to her daughter.

Einsof's Chosen One viewed the sight of her soldiers with great anticipation.

"(It's finally starting… My first quest in my second life that Einsof gave me… A new beginning in my grand mission to kill Satan!)