A horse carriage pulled up in front of the Leonardo mansion. The coachman was shocked by what he witnessed as he arrived there.

Countless wooden chests brimming with gold were laid out in front of the Leonardo mansion.

Standing beside the troves of treasure were Evelyn and her maid, Giselle. Each with their own luggage. The two of them were preparing to leave the estate for a trip.

Baroness Leonardo and Captain Reich were also there to bade the two young ladies goodbye.

"Have a safe trip, Evelyn!" said Hannah.

"I pray that you'll find success in your endeavors, my lady!" added Hilda.

Evelyn nodded to their words with a gentle smile.

"Make sure to prepare for our magic lesson before my return, mother! And take care of the soldiers in my absence, Captain Reich!" told Evelyn to the two. "I won't be long and I'll be sure to bring souvenirs from Portos!"

With that farewell, she turned to her attendant.

"Let's go, Giselle!"