"THERE SHE IS!" shouted Fritz as he pointed at Evelyn who was treading the main street of Portos on horseback.

At the time, Fritz was accompanying Giselle at a diner which overlooked the main street, hoping they would catch the Leonardo lady returning from the Damsel's Cove. An endeavor which proved fruitful.

The two then went running to see Evelyn.

"MY LADY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" shouted Giselle as she approached her mistress.

"I'm fine, Giselle. But, more importantly…"

The Yellowfin boss gasped when he saw who was following Evelyn from behind.


"You're the leader of the Yellowfin, aren't you?" said Godrick as he lowered his hood. "You did pretty well to not mess with the Golden Groove all this time."

Fritz was completely speechless in the presence of the countess's infamous hound.

Ignoring the Yellowfin leader's reaction, Godrick turned to Evelyn.

"My lady, shall we?"

Evelyn nodded.

"Of course!"