Having defeated the two Nightguards, Evelyn and Godrick opened Countess Zenith's vault and allowed themselves in.

The two discovered a room filled with crates of gold, cases of antique jewelries and artifacts, and shelves of books and scrolls.

"The countess has gathered herself quite a fortune from all her exploits in Portos." said Evelyn as she observed the vault. "There are numerous rare jewels and ancient relics as well. I suppose they came from the countess's participation in the past underground auctions, prior to the one that had my attendance."

"She's also keeping the ledgers for Golden Groove in here." said Godrick as he inspected one of the books from the shelves. "It's logical for her to keep the documents of her illegal dealings down in this dungeon."

Evelyn went further into the room and found an altar just like the one they found on the dungeon's entrance.