Chapter 120: Marnie and Pawniard


After achieving victory at the Stow-on-Side Arena, Marnie didn't rush to challenge the next gym. She was well aware of Opal's strength, the gym leader of Ballonlea Stadium, and knew she couldn't let her recent success go to her head.

So, Marnie headed to the designated training area for Galar trainers, the Wild Area, specifically the dangerous northern region of the Motostoke Riverbank.

To challenge Opal, who specializes in Fairy-type Pokémon, she needed to catch a Pokémon with both Poison or Steel types and Dark types, following Summer's advice.

Marnie knew the difficulty of training Pokémon and couldn't always rely on capturing a Grimmsnarl.

After analyzing the remaining gym challenges, she wisely decided to forgo Dark and Poison types and instead chose a Pokémon with Steel and Dark types.

Steel-type Pokémon had an absolute advantage against both the Ice-type Gym in Circhester and the Rock-type Gym. Moreover, this type of Pokémon also had an advantage in the most challenging arena, Hammerlocke Gym, where the leader Raihan not only specialized in Dragon-type Pokémon but was also a master of weather battles.

From past gym challenge videos, it was clear that Raihan often started with a Sandstorm team led by Gigalith, and Steel-type Pokémon were unaffected by the sandstorm.

Thus, the Pawniard family became Marnie's target.

"Pawniard, Pawniard... Morpeko, you can help me find it too, okay?"

In the Giant's Cap, Marnie walked through the desolate wilderness, hugging Morpeko. The area was dotted with peculiar boulders whose origins were unknown.

Rumors said the stone circles were made by aliens, remnants of an ancient city, or placed there by a wild Gigantamax Pokémon. To this day, there's no accurate theory.

"Mor, mor~"

Morpeko mumbled while chewing on berries. Marnie ruffled its head and sighed:

"Forget it, just enjoy your berries, Morpeko."

She gave up on commanding Morpeko, knowing it always acted on its own whims, though it could be unexpectedly reliable when serious. Despite its unpredictability, Morpeko always encouraged Marnie in tough times, making it her most trusted companion.

"Rolycoly, Rolycoly, more Rolycoly."

Marnie searched through the withered grass, only finding more Rolycoly. Why do they like this environment so much?

"Mor!" Morpeko, having finished its berries, suddenly pointed in another direction.

Marnie looked up to see several Gurdurrs waving their steel beams. Their strong bodies made the beams intimidating, but they lacked speed.

A small Pawniard was agilely dodging the Gurdurrs' attacks. It had no intention of fleeing and was instead looking for an opportunity to counterattack.

"Well done, Morpeko. Let's intervene!"

Marnie threw Morpeko forward. It sprinted across the ground, releasing electricity from its cheeks, forming a shining wheel beneath its feet.

The electric wheel struck several Gurdurrs, making them howl in pain. They lost their previous might, turned black from the shock, and fled, clutching their beams.

Pawniard, instead of showing gratitude to Morpeko for saving it, glared at them with hostility.

"Morpeko and I saved you, at least show some thanks," Marnie said coldly.


Pawniard crossed its sharp blades over its chest, eyes full of challenge.

"Ah, so you're upset that I took your opponents away. You still seek victory even against strong opponents," Marnie smiled faintly and said:

"I admire that indomitable spirit. I've decided to capture you!"


Pawniard waved its blades, unsatisfied with the earlier battle.

"Yes, I understand. You're not done yet because battling is such a joy! So I'll be your opponent. I just defeated a bunch of Gurdurrs!"


Pawniard charged at Morpeko. Its advantage against Gurdurrs was useless against Morpeko, so it had to go all out.

"Show our strength, Morpeko, Fire Fang!"

Morpeko's small but sharp teeth were engulfed in flames as it lunged at Pawniard.

Pawniard blocked Morpeko's fangs with its blades, but the heat made it flinch. Yet, it held on through sheer willpower.

Morpeko smirked, knowing it wasn't over. It gathered electricity in its fists and struck Pawniard's chest. The small but powerful shock left Pawniard charred and struggling to swing its blades, only to collapse.

"I won, and you're angry and unwilling to accept it. I've felt that too, which is why I hate losing." Marnie knelt beside Pawniard, sharing her experience.


"So, do you want to grow stronger with me? Your spirit and blades are both resilient, unyielding even against strong foes. I also have someone I want to surpass."

"I admire him for his kindness to everyone, his coolness in punishing wrongdoers, and his understanding nature. He's also a great battler with the same goals as mine."

"I don't want to lose to him, so I must work harder."


Pawniard slowly stood up. It too had someone it wanted to defeat, not out of admiration but to prove itself.

Pawniard's family followed their leader Bisharp's orders to attack enemies. Its target for revenge was Bisharp itself. After challenging and losing to Bisharp, it was expelled from the group, left with a scar of shame on its head.

To grow stronger, Pawniard constantly sought to challenge strong foes and improve its skills to face Bisharp again.

This human could help me become stronger, so submitting to her is fine. Please, make me stronger!


"Good willpower. I, Marnie, will make you a powerful Pokémon, as a Spikemuth trainer!"

The Poké Ball shook violently before settling down. With a beep, Marnie captured Pawniard.

Of course, this is from Marnie's perspective. She didn't detail the capture process to Summer; otherwise, she might blush in embarrassment.

Team Yell's thirty-sixth article on their favorite Marnie stated that her charm lies in her lack of straightforwardness.

(End of Chapter)