Chapter 108. The Liar.

"All right guys, this is it!" said the Ashen Knight excitedly to his men. A large gathering of them stood assembled before him, carefully disguised as members of Everly's black knight order, patiently awaiting their instructions.

The Ashen Knight had to hand it to himself; the eastern temple's sending choir had been a hell of an acquisition. Implementing his various plans had become a breeze thanks to their ability to send him wherever he wanted to go in the world.

He only wished the choir of seers had been as malleable as the senders. But even under threat of torture, they still refused his requests for assistance; whatever this world's Everly had done to threaten them into permanent silence, it had been viciously effective.

No worries, though, he eventually decided. As useful as having complete knowledge of the future would be, it'll still wind up going in the same direction it always does. After all, this is ME we're talking about. I just can't lose!

"Wait patiently for my signal, show up and say your lines, and try to put up a decent fight. Remember, this is Fenneth we're talking about. She's a nice girl who'll gladly spare your life if you don't go too hard on her."

"She sounds too soft for a warrior's life, master," said one of the faux black knights.

"She absolutely is," agreed the Ashen Knight. "But she has qualities that are essential for us winning this war and reestablishing the kingdom. With her on our side, the witch will fall, and peace and justice will reign once more throughout the land. So, we can't miss this chance. Everything depends on us!"

The false knights nodded and spoke among themselves; some of them shouted words of encouragement, but most were silent as they reflected on the importance of their role in their leader's scheme.

Defeating Everly was everything these people lived for. They were the bitter remnants of the kingdom's elite who'd been sworn to defend their country, or die trying, only to be brutally swept aside by Everly's unstoppable armies. Obsession with avenging their loss gnawed away at them, night, and day, making it easy for the Ashen Knight to sway them to his cause. Vengeance-minded buffoons could be convinced to do anything as long as they believed it would give them the victory that they yearned for.

How disappointed would they have been to learn that Everly was already dead? Torn to pieces and gnawed upon by that revolting cloned mutant elemental that the Ashen Knight kept forgetting to rid himself of. Would they cheer with joy or weep in sorrow for missing out on their opportunity to see justice delivered with their own hands?

Probably a little of both.

From beneath his helmet, the Ashen Knight smiled patronizingly at them, encouraged by their commitment, and amused by their ignorance. Devoted underlings were such a precious resource. It saddened him knowing he'd have to betray their trust and cast aside their lives on this forthcoming gambit, but what could he do? Such was the fate of heroes and henchmen.

He'd miss these poor fools.

"Remember our glorious cause and the future for which we strive, everyone!" he called out as he stepped before the sending choir. "Everything we do is for our honor! Everything we do is for our families! Everything we do is for—"

"FOR WINSTEAD!" They all shouted in unison before breaking into exhilarated cheers.

"Absolutely!" he said beamingly, although he was deeply annoyed at being interrupted. The polite thing to do would have been to wait until he'd finished speaking before cutting in. His was the only performance that mattered, after all! The spotlight could only be focused on one person at a time.

Perhaps he'd miss these poor fools less than he thought he would?

"Well, now, we're off!" he said to them. "Trust in the plan, everyone. Trust in me! I haven't let you down yet, and I don't intend to start now! I hope you bastards have your pay saved up because when we return, you're buying all the drinks!"

With a final raucous cheer from the men at his back, the Ashen Knight gave the director of the choir a nod. In a flash of golden light, the haunting song of the choir enveloped the massive chamber and teleported everyone within it away to their assigned places.


Hundreds of miles away, Fenneth Godwell, the former maiden of the holy blade, and the presumptive champion of order (although she knew nothing about that part) was relaxing on a beautiful beach covered in white sand and swaying palm trees, working on her tan.

She had no idea where the island she'd ended up on was located on the map, and she didn't care. Ever since finally getting free of…that person, she'd been content to do absolutely nothing except relax.

Adjusting to her new environment had been a breeze. When she was hungry, she fished for her meals using a sharpened tree branch and purified her catches with her magic before cooking it using the methods she'd acquired from her previous life as a girl scout. When she was thirsty, the large coconut-like fruits that she collected from the trees provided all the refreshing nourishment she could drink. And they were delicious too.

Even her clothing wasn't an issue. After carefully tearing strips off her dress and styling it in the manner of a swimsuit and waist wrap, she simply used her healing magic to restore any frayed areas to full functionality, easily mending any fresh tears while keeping it clean. It was easier than sewing or using a washing machine.

All in all, it was an idyllic time she spent on that beach, gradually reclaiming her sense of self-sufficiency and releasing all the tension and negative feelings that had been choking away at her.

Even better, her time was spent in the presence of good company.

"This is really nice," Fenneth said lazily as she lay back on the shore and let the warmth of the sun soak into her. "I know we'll have to leave one day, but in the meanwhile, this has felt really, dare I say, restful?"

I think it truly has been, buzzed Discordia's voice gently in her mind. Compared to the stress of being Everly's captive, being stranded on this pleasant island is quite enjoyable.

"You're telling me!" Fenneth agreed. "But please, can we not mention that… person's name? Why harsh our mellow by bringing her up? She's out in the world being a miserable you-know-what, and we're over here, content as clams in a lake."

Freshwater kills clams, mistress, Discordia corrected her.

"It does?" Fenneth asked in surprise. "I thought clams were shellfish."

They are, but they're also a species of mollusk that requires saltwater to survive.

"Wow. There's never a day when you can't learn something interesting," said Fenneth appreciatively.

The pursuit of knowledge is ever a noble endeavor, my lady. Also, there are many kinds of shellfish such as lobsters and shrimp that thrive in the ocean, just as mammals like dolphins and whales do.

"I knew that!" Fenneth chuckled.

I know you did. But I'm just making sure you remember.

"I like how sassy you've gotten, Dis. You're so much more talkative than you used to be," Fenneth said with a smile. "It really lets your personality shine."

I greatly regretted never properly showing the depths of my affection for you in the years we spent together before your first death, mistress, said Discordia somberly. Now that we've been given a second chance, I never again want to miss an opportunity for us to enjoy a pleasant conversation together.

"I love you too, Discordia," Fenn said warmly. At those words, her elemental buzzed brightly and filled her mind with waves of sheer joy, causing Fenneth to laugh with delight.

That was when suddenly, the sound of a man screaming in panic interrupted their happy moment.

"Oh, god, help, please help!" shouted a floundering knight as he struggled to keep his head above water some distance away. "My armor's too heavy! I'm gonna die! Someone doooo something!"

"Now what fresh nonsense have we got here?" Fenneth asked in disbelief as she watched the drowning stranger continue to struggle. "Where'd that guy come from?"

I have no idea, mistress, Discordia replied with equal confusion. It's as though he fell from the sky.

"Really? Well, I guess he was lucky to fall in the water instead of on the shore," said Fenneth.

It's unlikely he feels the same way, Discordia said as she observed the armored man's desperate efforts to remain afloat. Perhaps we should offer him our assistance?

"Well, of course we're going to help him!" Fenneth said chidingly. "It's been ages since we've had company over."


Fenneth was a very strong person. The greatest difficulty after pulling the struggling knight onto the shore was getting his helmet and chest piece off. She was momentarily taken aback by how handsome he was, but she shook it off quickly when she saw he wasn't breathing and quickly began giving him chest compressions and mouth to mouth breathing.

Not long after she began, he sat up gasping and turned to his side to vomit out a mouthful of sea water. Then he lay back down and screamed in pain as he wrapped his arms around himself.

"Oh, my bad! My bad!" Fenneth said in embarrassment as she gently applied her healing magic to him. Chest compressions, when done correctly, did considerable damage to a person's ribcage. She might have broken something while saving his life. Luckily, this was where being a healing mage came in handy.

"There we go, all better now," she said soothingly, as her magic did its work. "Are you okay?"

"I…I think so," the Knight said, as he stared at her in surprise, his uncovered eye now wide with wonder. "You're beautiful!" he gasped.

Fenneth smiled and blushed.

"Are…are you perhaps a mermaid?" he asked her, hesitantly.

"Do you like mermaids?" she asked him.

"I like you," he said with flattering sincerity.

"Then yes. Yes, I am. The name's Ariel. Good to meet ya," she smiled as she held out a friendly hand.

What are you doing, mistress? Discordia wondered.

Trying to break a long dry spell, Fenneth replied silently.

But Fenneth, you've only just met! fretted Discordia.

How many times should I expect a hot guy to fall from the sky and land on my lap? Fenneth replied. Because I don't know about you, but this is a first for me out of two lives lived.

Well, that is true, conceded Discordia.

"Well, I guess you could say this is a whole new world for me," the rescued knight said with a charming grin.

Fenneth frowned at his words. "That's Aladdin."

"What's Aladdin?" he asked guilelessly.

"Yeah, okay, nice try," Fenneth said as she stood up, having immediately lost interest. "And before you say anything else, the answer is an emphatic nooo."

"Nooo?" he replied.

"Noooo," she confirmed. "No offense, handsome, but everyone I've ever met who's also been from Earth has either been evil or evil and psychotic. For health reasons, my doctor recommended that I cut ninety percent of the crazy out of my diet."

"Really? Sounds like a boring doctor," the knight said as he stood up to walk beside her. "How many people have you met who were also from Earth?" he asked her.

"Just one, and trust me, she was more than enough," Fenn said grimly.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that," the knight said sincerely. "But hey, I've got good news to share! I'm not crazy! I'm one of the good guys and I'm here to rescue you!"

"You're doing a great job, so far," Fenneth said politely.

"If you're referring to my dynamic entry, that was a slight miscalculation on my part," the man said as his skin slightly pinkened in embarrassment in a way that Fenneth had to admit was cute. "I was sent here by teleportation to confirm your presence, Lady Godwell. Clearly some adjustments need to be made to improve the process."

"You came here knowing my name?" asked Fenneth.

"Of course!" he said excitedly. "You're the true maiden of the holy blade! You're the only one who can help us free ourselves from the yolk of the witch!"

Aye-ya-ya, Fenneth thought miserably to herself.

"Listen…uh, what did you say your name was?" asked Fenneth.

"I didn't. But it's James," he replied.

"James," she said to herself, trying it out. It was a nice name. It suited him. "Listen, James, I don't know how your people found out I was alive but—"

"It was a costly operation," he said sadly. "A lot of people died to get that information to us."

"Were they Bothans?" she asked skeptically.

"I'm being serious, Lady Godwell," he said. "I led the mission that let us acquire that info. A lot of good men died terrible deaths for us to confirm your safety and your whereabouts. I was nearly one of them."

His face now bore a haunted expression. "That…monster of an elemental buried so many of us alive, while the other one played with our minds and forced us to do horrible things to each other, all for her twisted amusement."

He shuddered at the memory.

Titania and Eris, said Discordia with a surge of fear. If this man truly survived an encounter with that pair, then he is fortunate to have both his health and his sanity.

Do you think he's telling the truth? Fenneth asked her.

It's difficult to say. I am not an elemental of the spirit, so his mind is closed to me. But his body language and tone speak convincingly of a great trauma. I…I think I believe him, mistress.

All right. Thank you, Discordia, said Fenneth gratefully. Over the years, Discordia had proven herself to be an excellent judge of character. Fenneth hadn't met anyone yet who could fool her, so she decided to follow her recommendation.

"How did you get away?" she asked James.

"I'll be honest, it was sheer luck that I escaped that hell alive. If it wasn't for your sister, I'd be dead right now."

"My sister?" Fenneth said in surprise. She grabbed James by his shoulders and shook him urgently as she spoke. "Laurell was there? Is she okay?"

"I-I don't know! That's why I need your help!" James said quickly. "We broke into a facility where Everly kept vital information and prisoners stored before sending them off to some place code-named the rat room for reeducation and punishment. That's how we found out about you."

"What?" Fenneth asked in confusion. "That doesn't make any sense. Everly threw me here randomly. Even she doesn't know where I am."

"That's a lie, Lady Fenneth," said James earnestly. "She chose this location deliberately. She called it the hamster's cage. She knows exactly where you are, always."

"The hamster's cage?" Fenneth said incredulously. "The fucking…HAMSTER'S CAGE? That…that bitch! That twisted, evil bitch, she lied to me again! Why does she always lie to me!"

With sudden tears in her eyes, Fenneth turned and angrily slammed her clenched fist into a nearby tree, smashing it in half with the impact of her blow. Then she regretfully stared at the fallen tree, feeling guilt over the knowledge that its death was due entirely to her anger.

Watching her from behind, James smiled with satisfaction as a shadow passed over his face.

"I'm not her pet. She doesn't own me," Fenneth said sorrowfully.

The grin on James' face grew even wider.

"Of course, she doesn't, Lady Fenneth," he said to her. "No one owns you."

Except for me, he thought triumphantly.

"Tell me about my sister," Fenn said some time later after cleaning her eyes and regaining her composure. "Do you know what Everly's done with her?"

"Lady Laurell stayed behind to hold off the elementals and secure the escape of our survivors," he informed her. "She's most likely still in that same location as a prisoner. I can take you to her, Fenneth! If you work together with the resistance, we can surely rescue her!"

"All right," said Fenneth without hesitation. "I'm sold, let's go right now."

"Now?" asked James in surprise.

"Yes, now," Fenneth said curtly. "I'm not going to let my sister languish in captivity for another moment. Knowing Everly, she'll use her to try and get to me. It's not out of the question. Nothing's out of the question with her."

"A-all right, then!" James stammered with excitement. "Just let me get my armor back on and then we're off to the races!"

Fenneth helped him re-armor, amused by his eagerness to join her. Was this man really a warrior? There was something about him that reminded her of a family pet, a puppy, really, with his eagerness to please her. She found him charming.

"Why's your gear so burned up?" she asked him after they finished adjusting his chest plate. "It's sturdy enough but it really looks like it's been through the wars."

"It's inherited equipment," James said sadly. "Someone else's inheritance! They needed some quick money, and I needed some protection, and this was the best I could afford. But it's kept me safe over the years and that's the most you can ever ask of your equipment."

"That's true enough," Fenneth said in agreement. "But tell me this, James. Why are you fighting against Everly? You're from Earth like us. What makes this your cause?"

"Nothing, really," he said, after appearing to carefully consider her words. "I wasn't reborn into this universe like others were. I came here through other means, so I can't say that I have a horse in this race. But when I look at the despair that Everly has caused, and…and the way she just laughs over it like it's nothing…it riles something up in me. People shouldn't treat each other like this. People should be better."

He laughed at himself quietly, then. "Pretty hokey, huh? Trying to be a hero when I don't even have a full pair of eyes. But I still need to try. I need to show this world that not all people from Earth are complete monsters."

Suddenly, Fenneth hugged him, surprising him greatly.

"I don't think that's hokey at all, James," she said to him with her eyes closed. "I think what you're doing is wonderful."

James looked down at her, stunned. Across his face ran a sudden gamut of differing, conflicting emotions: anger, revulsion, shock, delight, happiness.

The final expression it landed on was a deep, implacable sadness.

"Thank you," he said as he hugged her back. "Thank you for trusting me, Fenneth. You don't know what that means to me," he said gently. Then he turned away before she could see his expression and donned his helmet.

"Now let's go save your sister, so the two of you can save the world," he said with more cheer than he felt.

"Yeah," said Fenneth. "Hell yeah! Let's do exactly that."

James tapped a hidden insignia on his gauntlet that allowed him to contact the sending choir. Then he made Fenneth laugh by mimicking playing a guitar while they waited for the spell to activate.

Within moments of sending the signal, the pair of them vanished in a flash of light.