Chapter 7

New Avalon Institute of Science, New Avalon

Crucis March, Federated Suns

September 5th 3047

As part of the exchange program, which he had a sneaking suspicion had been put in place just for him and Katherine, he was to attend the New Avalon Military Academy. Nestled within the heart of the NAIS, it was even more advanced than the Nagelring. That was saying something, as the Nagelring boasted state-of-the-art technology – the very best on the market. The difference was that the NAIS kept inventing a new best, and students often had the opportunity to test the new toys first.

The faculty and student body made him feel welcome. He was wary of social climbers, but the camaraderie felt genuine. In the second year, they did more advanced scenarios in 'Mech simulator combat, with people taking turns commanding the lance to fulfill objectives.

Victor always scored high, but he saw Kai struggle with indecisiveness when it was his turn to lead.

He's afraid of failing, just like after the simulator battle.

Learning that a fellow student had been piloting one of the Centurions he fought was a bit of a shock. Both Centurions had moved with an eerie, almost unnatural grace. They reminded him of the way his sister moved in the 'Mech simulators. Despite Kai's incredible performance, he had thought he failed, and fear of failure was what was holding him back from succeeding.

Victor would encourage him, but that seemed to put even more stress on him. He finally came up with a stratagem that worked.

"Kai, you are up as commander for this mission. I want you to change your perspective during this run."

"How so?" Kai asked.

"You're worried about making a mistake, and it causes hesitation, but you're forgetting something about this academy. You're supposed to make mistakes. That way, you can learn from them. Instead of dismissing your ideas as ones that will never work, lean in and try them anyway. Figure out from the instructors where you went wrong instead of trying to figure that out on your own."

Kai frowned. "But won't that affect our class ranking? You've worked hard to maintain your number one rank."

Victor waved aside the concern. "And even if we utterly bomb it, I'll still be at the top. You're the only one beating me in outright combat scoring, and that's by a hair. I've maxed my grades and test scores in all the academic portions, and leadership attributes are scored as high as they can be. Don't worry about it."

In the end, Kai did listen to him, and they aced the exercise. Victor was pleased with his friend's performance, and a friend he was. Kai, unlike most everyone else, was someone he could trust. He was a peer, of sorts, in that they both would inherit a realm to rule. Kai was also so self-deprecating that the idea of him trying to climb a social ladder using Victor was unimaginable. Hell, Victor was the one who had to pull him out of his shell altogether.

After a few weeks, Victor was approached by Wendy. She was a hard-working cadet, and through Katherine's letters, he knew she had been his sister's roommate.

"Victor, you study far too much. Why don't you and Kai join Amy and me for dinner? I'd like to make it a double date," she said with a smile.

Victor was on guard. Even though Wendy hadn't been anything like some of the other cadets and didn't seem like a grasping individual, he was the Archon-Prince Designate. He had to be careful, and any sort of romantic entanglement would cause issues.

"I'm flattered," he said with a practiced smile, "but…"

She laughed. "Victor, I don't know any other way to get Kai to relax, and it's him that I'm after, not you."

Victor felt a rare heat rise to his cheeks.

I just arrogantly assumed…

"And Amy knows the drill; her father is a Hauptmann-General, so she knows the political score. So, what do you say?"

Victor's smile changed into a more genuine one. "I'd be delighted to."

Kai took a little bit of badgering, but he came along, and the night was more enjoyable than studying Galois Theory. The place they went to was on the NAIS campus, and it served as an informal hangout where NAMA cadets, NAIS students, and staff occasionally crossed paths.

Victor found Amy enjoyable to be around. She hovered on the edges of rudeness, but it was always in pursuit of a humorous or sarcastic remark. Meanwhile, Wendy was drawing Kai out of his shell, and he seemed to be unwinding a bit.

"Well, if it isn't the future First Prince come to rub elbows with the little folk!"

Donald Poole had a cocky grin on his face as he clapped Victor on the shoulder.

Victor narrowed his eyes. Cadet Poole didn't act like Ciro, but he was also a bit of an abrasive personality. He wasn't much of a 'Mech pilot, but he scored well in other areas. For a would-be MechWarrior, not getting command of a lance after attending NAMA would be viewed as a failure, but he would have a fallback in being given command of infantry if he wanted it. Many, however, would rather join the enlisted ranks and obtain a non-leadership position in a 'Mech than serve as an officer elsewhere.

"It wasn't an insult – I really think it's good of you. We've all been watching you, and the other cadets and I think you are the real deal. The Fox's heir. Someone who gives a shit, unlike other royals. We see it when…"

"What do you mean, other royals?" Victor interrupted, a bit of anger leaking out. "Kai works just as hard as…"

Poole backed up with his hands up. "No, no, not what I meant." He looked at Kai. "He's a hard worker and a badass in the simulators. You're just taking this seriously, and with you showing up and putting in the work, you're head and shoulders above your sister."

Is this idiot really talking about Katherine?

"Is this a joke? You think my sister isn't taking things seriously? She's one of the best in your cadre. Everyone's scores are public." Victor was annoyed but also confused. Was this guy just trying to ingratiate himself with the future head of the realm? Did he think bad-mouthing his sister and trying to make some sort of biased comparison between the two was a way to forge a bond?


Poole rolled his eyes. "The staff give her a pass on everything. Not saying she doesn't have talent –she's got the Fox's genes, same as you – but you work for it. She's lazy and entitled, and getting special treatment."

Victor laughed. "Katherine? Lazy? You clearly don't know her."

Wendy interjected. "Donald, you shouldn't shit-talk someone who isn't here. Katherine does have other responsibilities, you know."

"I don't see Victor cruising back to another planet to shoot holovids for skin products." Turning to Victor, Donald took on a more contrite tone. "Look, I don't want to start any trouble. I understand why you want to defend her; she's your sister, so forget I said anything."

Victor let him go without another word and chuckled when it was just the four of them.

"Can you believe him? Has he even met my sister?"

Amy and Wendy looked uncomfortable.

"What?" Victor asked in confusion.

Amy shrugged. "She does skip a lot of classes. No one else can do that and not suffer consequences. She's literally never done any range time. I know some 'Mech pilots think that part of the curriculum is stupid and unnecessary, but we all show up. In his own dumb way, Donald was probably trying to compliment you."

"That's not the Katherine I know. She's a damned genius and excels at everything. She's my younger sister and was the one who encouraged me to do better in my studies. Kai, set the record straight."

Kai gave an apologetic smile. "I know she does miss class. As for the firearms training… I thought you knew?"

"Know what?" Victor was growing ever more baffled by the minute.

Kai looked at the two girls and then leaned in to whisper to him. "The terrorist attack of '42."

He just looked at Kai still utterly bewildered.

"I don't know what any of you are talking about. If she skipped class, she had a reason, but there's no way she's getting passed along just because of who she is. This is the New Avalon Military Academy; they're not going to cook the lex in her favor."

Wendy changed the subject, but Victor was not the type of person to let things go. The next day, he asked to speak with the Kommandant and get to the bottom of this.

Victor had his meeting bright and early, the following morning.

"Cadet Steiner-Davion, you can't expect me to give you details about another cadet. Her scores are posted like everyone else."

"Yes, sir, I understand that. All I am asking is whether what people are saying about her is true – that she's getting favorable treatment."

The Kommandant, a grizzled veteran, stared at him for several moments and then sighed. "Cadet, are you asking me to give you favorable treatment based on who you are and bend the rules to share information about your sister?"

Victor's jaw dropped, and for the second time in 24 hours he felt a flush come to his cheeks.

"Err, no Kommandant, I apologize."

"Victor, you are on New Avalon. I'm not going to share anything with you, but your father, as the First Prince, has access to everything."

Victor saluted and then left.

Wait, so something is going on, otherwise he wouldn't tell me to talk to my father. Hmm…

Hanse Davion was his father, but also not someone he could simply pick up a communication device and contact. Victor reached out to his FCIS security detail and asked them to arrange a brief five-minute call with his father when possible. Given Victor's own required attendance, and the demands of state, it wasn't all that easy to coordinate a time.

Two days later, he was on a secure line with his father.

"Everything going well?"

"Yes. I… I don't know. It probably isn't my business, but there's been some strange talk about Katherine, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it."

Victor proceeded to share what he had heard and what the NAMA Kommandant had said.

His father laughed. "Special treatment? Yes, I suppose some would call it that. Your sister is not only enrolled in NAMA, but also in the College of Engineering at NAIS. She misses class to attend her other focus of study and has tested out of some of the courses they wouldn't normally allow, but she's proven she knows the material."

Hah! Lazy? Entitled? No, not my sister!

The final thing nagging him was Kai's comment. "Someone else had a theory that she wasn't doing range time because of the terrorist attack in '42. It confused me…"

"Who?" His father's voice had gone from fatherly to that of the First Prince.

Victor swallowed, "Uh, one of the other cadets, but that's not important."

"Victor, this is not a game. ROM hit us hard that year, and everything about those events is at the highest classification. What exactly was said, and by whom?"

Faced with a direct order and his father's serious voice, he confessed it was Kai who whispered to him that perhaps Katherine didn't want to spend time at the firing range due to something that happened then.

The voice on the other end relaxed. "Thank you, that makes me feel better."

"So…" Victor trailed.

"We didn't tell you and your other siblings due to the nature of the issue. I honestly wasn't prepared to talk with you about this right now. Suffice it to say that Kai has the wrong idea, and that Katherine is already highly proficient and has no need for time on the range. I'll discuss this with you more in person, during the holidays."

Victor was now rabidly curious. Still, he was pleased to know that Katherine was not doing something untoward as a princess. He hadn't thought so, but having confirmation of that made his steps lighter as he returned to his dorm.


The Nagelring, Tharkad

District of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth

October 1st 3047

The Nagelring was very different from NAMA. The 'Mech simulators were just as advanced as the ones in NAMA, but everything else was just not quite up to par. Oh, to be sure, it was a premier institution, but it was clearly second best in terms of facilities and technology.

NAIS is the future. More war-tech comes from it than all the other universities in both halves of the Federated Commonwealth!

The second big change was the student body. Just as skilled as their Davion counterparts, the major difference was their attitude towards me—they loved me, something that was both a boon and a curse. The number of requests for pictures and autographs was highly unprofessional, but on the other hand, it meant that the marketing contracts I worked with would be quite profitable. More profitable than my current contract with TharHes Industries, but hopefully, once we had some of my Spitfires in the field, that would change.

On a personal level, it was disconcerting. I didn't want to constantly compare the two institutions, but I felt the NAMA cadets acted better. They saw me as a fellow cadet. Their attitude of polite distance made sense—I was the boss's daughter; they didn't want to make a wrong move. It was just more comfortable on New Avalon.

It wasn't all bad, though. There were a few students who came from New Kyoto, a planet near the border with the Free Worlds League. That planet was a good 150 light-years, or five jumps via JumpShip, from the nearest Draconis Combine world. Without a command circuit, that meant over a month travel time. Despite that, most of the population were of Japanese descent.

Aiko Roth was one such student, a mixture of Japanese and Germanic ethnicity, though it wasn't nearly so simple as one parent being Japanese and the other German. Further up the line, probably as such, but she clearly looked more Japanese than German. Given we were at the Nagelring, she spoke German more fluently.

Her datapad had what looked like an anime-themed wrap around the back of it. I didn't recognize any of the characters, but it intrigued me. During my research into manga, I had of course learned of New Kyoto, but I found nothing for sale related to that – though perhaps not much of it made it off-world. The Lyran Commonwealth side of the Federated Commonwealth tended to be a bit more open-minded about other cultural groups, as long as there was money to be made. It wasn't uncommon, though that was improving, for Federated Suns merchants to refuse to sell to people of Capellan ancestry in the Capellan March worlds. Lyrans never had that problem; if you could pay in C-Bills, Kroner, or Pounds, your money was as good as anyone else's. It was a much more rational position to take.

Even so, a cultural subgroup with a shared ancestry with the Draconis Combine was not always well-received. This meant that if there was a market for old manga and anime, it might not have gotten off-world. Intrigued, I approached her.

"Hello, you're Aiko, right? I couldn't help but admire your wrap on the datapad. Where is it from?"

She gave a slight bow. "Ah, Princess Katherine, thank you for your kind words. It is from a silly holovid from my childhood. It holds special meaning for me, but it likely wouldn't interest you."

I shook my head. "I'm always curious about things I haven't encountered before. I could use someone to revise my notes with if you aren't too busy."

Aiko looked down. "Uhm, hmm, if you would like to, I would be pleased to help."

We set a time together, and then I hurried off to work on some of my long-term assignments due for the College of Engineering back on New Avalon. The staff was working with me, but I needed to write an extensive paper on theoretical applications for the new Myomer Armor in industrial work as opposed to the battlefield. I also had some smaller assignments in urban planning, particularly bridges.

I checked my messages through a ComStar terminal and saw, to my surprise, a new name in the list of contacts. Isis Marik, after all these years, had sent me correspondence. I scanned through the contents: a polite greeting, questions about my interests, nothing untoward, but also quite generic. It seemed as if it was drafted by committee, rather than a genuine personal letter. Nonetheless, I thought it was a good first step. I drafted a response and forwarded it back through ComStar.

Isis was the current heir of the Free Worlds League; however, her father had recently married the Duchess of Oceana. Sophina Desiree could very well bear children for Thomas Marik and, in historical Marik fashion, lead to some nasty conflicts in the future. Either way, being on friendly terms with someone who could become the Captain-General of the Free Worlds League couldn't be bad.

I was kept busy, and despite my father's request to take the training seriously and utilize the Nagelring 'Mech instructors' expertise to improve myself, I didn't see much value. This was quite arrogant of me, but I likened it to a senior Imperial Mage giving me lessons on how to fight over the skies of the Empire. Not necessary, as I was already better.

It also wasn't as if I was embarrassing the family. I continued to use my piloting skills to their fullest, but like with my early duels with Victor, I deliberately missed or aimed for parts that were still armored. Even so, I found myself nearing the top of my cohort again.

Hmm, my time is already pulled in several directions, but perhaps I can get a head start on improving the caliber of the MechWarriors here. I've started to notice some bad habits in my peers. A little tutoring in the finer points of 'Mech combat wouldn't go amiss, and it would help me keep a lookout for able meat shields for my eventual command.


New Avalon Institute of Science, New Avalon

Crucis March, Federated Suns

October 24th 3047

"No, that can't be true. Katherine?"

Wendy watched as Kai's handsome face heated up.

"I wish it were not so, but it seems she grew out of it. We have written to each other throughout our childhood. It isn't so unbelievable given the close relationship my father has with her father. The mysterious head of the MIIO cuts a dashing figure, and while I can't compare…"

Wendy laughed. "There's no way, Kai. Katherine might as well be made of ice. I refuse to believe she had a crush on you!"

She leaned into him. "Though if it had happened that way, I couldn't blame her. You are quite easy on the eyes."

Wendy enjoyed making her boyfriend squirm under her compliments, but it was true. Kai kept himself in excellent shape, and his mixed heritage had left him with a certain exotic air.

He kissed her, a clever strategy to change the subject, and they held each other for a time, but Wendy wasn't through just yet.

"So… does the Archon-Prince Designate know?"

Kai sat back in alarm. "No, Victor doesn't know, nor should he ever know!"

"Hmm, you don't think he would approve of you breaking his little sister's heart?"


She laughed. "I'm kidding. Don't forget, I think you are wrong about her. I just don't see it, but keep your delusions after all."

They relaxed and curled together, just enjoying the shared moment of silent companionship for a time. Wendy eventually broke the silence.

"We are halfway through our schooling. Have you given thought to where you want to try to get a posting?" Wendy asked.

Kai nodded. "If it isn't too forward… I was thinking the Davion Heavy Guards."

His eyes were a mixture of vulnerability and curiosity, and Wendy couldn't help but love him for it.

"Kai, you know the traditions, are you saying…"

He shrugged helplessly, "I don't wish to be forward, and things may certainly change, but I… I don't know Wendy. I feel at peace with you."

"Calling me boring, eh?" Wendy gave him a playful push.

Kai grinned, and then sobered. "Am I being too forward?"

"Not at all!" Wendy said, exuding happiness.

The Davion Heavy Guards had a tradition where husband and wife fought side by side. While it wasn't always practical for that to happen given how the regiment operated, the Heavy Guards were a family. They were also considered one of the very best units in the Federated Commonwealth. Kai agreeing to the posting there meant he saw her as a potential lifelong partner in marriage.

I don't know what sort of pressure shaped you, Kai Allard-Liao, but you desperately need a place where you can be at peace. Despite your incredible skill you are so hard on yourself. I can't imagine what your family life was like. Justin Allard is a patriot, but the man probably has impossible standards for his children.

"In fact," Wendy continued, "I think it solves a lot of problems at once. The Heavy Guards will likely stay stationed on New Avalon for the foreseeable future. You can be close to family, hell you practically grew up in Avalon City. It will be perfect."

Kai's nervous expression morphed into relief, and they embraced again. Wendy loved being so close to him, but a part of her also wondered what the future had in store. Kai's mother ruled the St. Ives Compact and had recently suffered through cancer. NAIS doctors were galaxy-renowned, and she was in remission. But what would happen if she did die in the next decade? Would Kai leave the Heavy Guards and take his place as the head of the St. Ives Compact? Would she go with him?

Kai's parents worked it out. He's still the head of the FCIS even while she rules. They make it work, and so will we!

She was also getting a bit ahead of herself. First, they both had to make the cut and get top billing. Another 18 months of rigorous training were ahead of them. Wendy would do what she had always done, her best.


The Nagelring, Tharkad

District of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth

November 29th 3047

Aiko sadly had little knowledge of 20th-century manga or anime. In fact, the wrap on her datapad seemed to correspond to nothing I was familiar with. She did promise to write back home and see if her friends and acquaintances might be familiar.

It's a bit unseemly, given my cumulative age, but it would be nice to find a touchstone from my first life.

Aiko was a polite and somewhat reserved young woman. She was hard working and when she contributed in class she displayed a strong analytical style. When it came to 'Mech combat, she was a bit behind the curve, but there was some solid natural talent there.

"Aiko, did you get much practice on New Kyoto?"

She shook her head. "No, not much. I don't come from a MechWarrior family. We were more mercantile minded. But our system is only one jump away from Solaris, and some of the matches caught my interest." Her cheeks reddened slightly. "There was one match in particular in May of 3044 that changed the course of my life. Now I wish to pilot a 'Mech and help bring order to the galaxy for our nation."

I nodded, and began piecing a few things together in my head.

"We can do some additional training in the simulators, if you'd like. You have excellent coordination, and as you gain more proficiency, that will start to show."

Aiko smiled. "If it is not too much trouble… it would be an honor to be tutored by one of the top-ranked 'Mech pilots in our class."

And so I began working with her. There were some small habits that I broke early. Aiko's gunnery abilities were strong, but she often moved as if she were a person, as opposed to piloting a 'Mech. The difference was subtle because the 'Mech, despite the Neurohelmet and Gyroscope, did not create a perfect replica of your mental movements; it couldn't because of physical limitations. This led to mistakes, delays in aiming weaponry, and a tendency not to push your 'Mech to its maximum potential.

After a few months working with me, she had rapidly improved and was squarely in the first quartile. I projected her growth to easily put her in the top decile by the end of her training. I wouldn't be around to see it, since I would be back in NAMA for my final year, but I would keep an eye on her. Since we would be graduating at the same time, it would be fantastic if I could bring her on as one of my lance commanders.

I met with Ainsworth regularly, both because she was a valued co-worker and because she helped provide insight on potential threats. The Nagelring was not quite as secure as NAMA, but it was close. When I had arrived on Tharkad, there was a bit of a personnel switch. The old Overwatch had been reassigned, and the new Overwatch was a lanky man named Gustav.

"And that wraps things up," Ainsworth finished. "Are you still sure you don't want to travel back to New Avalon for the holidays to see your parents and brother?"

I let my body language portray a bit of uncertainty, and then I firmly said, "Yes, there is too good of an opportunity. My Great-Aunt Nondi went through a lot of trouble to include me in the veteran's support ceremony on Donegal, and you know I've always wanted to visit the headquarters of the Commonwealth Free Trade Society. I'll also be doing a holovid campaign with Mauser and Gray Firearms, on planet."

I knew it created complications for my security team, but it was fine. It gave them practice too!

Gustav took a sip of what smelled like black coffee.

"With the number of JumpShips travelling between the systems, you'll be back just in time for courses to resume." Gustav set down his cup. "We've been meaning to ask you about your new friend. Aren't you concerned she might be a Combine sympathizer?"

I looked at Ainsworth. "Please tell me he shoots better than he dissembles."

Ainsworth kept her face smooth, but her eyes glittered with amusement.

"Near perfect shot at anything under 1400 meters, but he's gotten 80ish accuracy at over four kilometers. So, yes. He can shoot."

That is impressive.

"I don't understand." Gustav looked a bit put out.

I gave him a frank look. "All right, for starters, she isn't a Draconis Combine spy, nor is she some type of sympathizer. How do I know this? Because it would make all the sense in the Inner Sphere to investigate the close acquaintances I come across. Two, both you and she have made it rather obvious that she's FCIS."

Gustav's eyes had widened and they darted to Ainsworth.

"Hah, pay up, I told you!" Ainsworth crowed.

He began grumbling. "Ok, ok, but how?"

"Too many clues, you pushed her in front of me with too many indicators. She moves with an easy grace; that doesn't mean much in a vacuum, but unless she had a history of being trained in an advanced martial art, or perhaps a gymnast, it would be odd. When I spoke with her, she never mentioned either of those hobbies, meaning she likely had some formal training."

I held up two fingers. "Two, she had a datapad wrap; and I've only seen that done a few times. Most people don't bother decorating. And never at an elite military academy. A design that was kept within my line of sight to draw my eye and attention."

Gustav rubbed his hand across the side of his face as I continued my explanation.

"Her cover story of watching the Solaris games was good, but it sounded a wee bit too practiced. Including a specific month and year was also not the ideal. Her mannerisms and behavior also seemed to fit a bit too cleanly for what someone who has knowledge of me would assume I liked in others."

In fairness, they got that right on the money. A hard worker who doesn't cause needless friction? One who takes coaching and training well? A dream come true for any leader, military or business.

"She even has a mercantile background? You lot laid it on quite thick with that."

Ainsworth collected the stack of Kroner from Gustav.

"I knew you would figure it out," she said, "but now what? The goal here wasn't to try to spy on you. Our superiors just thought it would be useful to have someone who would regularly be around you with training who could help protect you in environments where we are not there."

I nodded. "Like the classroom setting. Or when we are piloting live 'Mechs, potentially even later on in my military career."

"Exactly," Ainsworth replied with a smile. "I had hoped there would be no hard feelings when you learned, and I knew you would learn of it."

"I'm not upset, as I stated, it was fairly obvious. Aiko was trained to be an agent, I suspect LIC Molehunters originally, yes?" Ainsworth inclined her head affirmatively. "Which explains why her 'Mech piloting capabilities weren't as keen as her peers. The reality is, she is highly competent and will make a great MechWarrior, and I would be happy to have her as part of my command."

"I'm impressed. Princess Katherine, you already had my respect and my diligent service based on your parentage, but now you have it for who you are," Gustav stated with a straightforward tone that had a hint of reverence in it.

I was happy to hear it. One could never have too many good subordinates.


Avalon City, New Avalon

Crucis March, Federated Suns

December 25th 3047

It was Christmas, and Victor was glad to be around his family again. He wished Katherine was there, but he knew how hard she was pushing her new Spitfire Cannons. It had stunned him to learn that she was already designing weaponry that was going to be part of the AFFC. That was on top of being an ace 'Mech pilot and taking a double course load.

She really is amazing.

His sister was thoughtful too and had arranged for gifts for the family. Victor had received a set of sweets that somehow, she had learned he enjoyed, which were produced on Tharkad. Along with that had come a miniature Victor 'Mech figurine. His father had received a miniature Battlemaster and his mother a miniature Warhammer. Victor knew his mother had piloted only one 'Mech in her life, and it was the Warhammer that had been her mother's. Melissa Steiner had wanted to show her people that as Archon she too was a MechWarrior, and had even taken a semester in the Nagelring to learn how to pilot it, though she would be quick to admit she would never actually use one in combat.

His brother Peter hounded him with questions about the two academies and openly asked his parents (again) to attend early. They (again) told him he needed to be further along with his academics to even consider joining early, like Katherine had. Victor thought it unlikely he would buckle down and actually do so, but he provided an encouraging word to him and some advice with the simulators.

After the close-knit family celebration, they would have an appearance for the public. Security was tight, and Victor's smile felt frozen as various nobility and senior military leaders shook his hand, wishing him a Merry Christmas and, on occasion, a 'Happy Christmas.'

"Merry Christmas, Victor," Marshal Bishop Sortek shook his hand.

Bishop was in his 30s, with close-cropped hair and a firm handshake. As commander of the 1st Davion Guards RCT, he was stationed on New Avalon alongside the Davion Heavy Guards RCT, the New Avalon Crucis March Militia, and Team Banzai. The New Avalon CMM was a full RCT, unlike many other March Militias, while Team Banzai operated at regiment strength. There was an eager rivalry between all four commands, and the yearly simulator duels between their command companies were always a competitive treat.

Bishop had won this year's competition and Victor was glad to be able to congratulate him in person.

"Congratulations, Marshal Sortek. The way you took down Marshal Adelmana's Banshee – what a match! I'm sure your unit is enjoying their bragging rights," Victor said with a smile.

The taller man nodded. "Thank you. I've heard your father plans to station you somewhere on the Lyran side. Shame – you would do well here."

Victor gave a slight shrug. "Honestly, sir, I don't think I would want to be stationed on New Avalon."

The man raised an eyebrow. "Young and eager can be good, but war is a terrible thing. Don't be too eager for a fight that you start looking for one at every opportunity."

Victor swallowed, understanding intellectually that Bishop was right. And yet, he longed to prove himself. His father's shadow was a long one, and he was determined to live up to the expectations placed on the first ever Archon-Prince.

Further conversation didn't take place, as there was essentially a queue to speak with him and his father. It was on to the next important person. And the next. And the next. He would have much rather spoken at length with people like Marshal Sortek than over a hundred people for just a minute or two. When it was finally over, he and his family returned to their quarters, and his parents sat down with him – alone, not with the other children.

"Victor," his father began, "you had some questions regarding the attack in '42. Justin has spoken with his son, and we see where the confusion could have taken place. You've matured quite a bit, so I trust that you will keep this confidential. Your sister has always been extremely advanced for her age, and there is a concern that if the details were released, it could make people view her differently. Not that it would necessarily be a bad thing…"

His mother cleared her throat. "We've talked about this Hanse."

His father nodded. "In 3042, ROM struck out at every field agent they could identity who had participated in an operation to take down identified ROM agents. Due to our previous successes, they had limited resources on New Avalon, but if there's one thing ComStar has, it's money. They ended up hiring hundreds of people involved in criminal gangs and organizations to stage a series of attacks. One of those targets was Agent Patricia Ainsworth."

"Mein Gott, that's Katherine's primary guard, isn't it? She was attacked while Katherine was with her? Why didn't you tell me? She must have been terrified and so alone. I know I was young, but I would have been there for her," Victor said, his voice a mixture of shock and anger.

I never noticed her act any different. Is that why she is so chilly to other people?

"She is. Agent Ainsworth was gravely wounded in the assassination attempt," his father said slowly. "However, that isn't all. During the attack, Katherine took part in killing the hired guns and ended up saving Ainsworth and who knows how many others. I was, of course, proud but also concerned with how it would affect her psychologically."

Victor tried to wrap his mind around the news. His sister, at the age of nine, had killed. It was hard to imagine himself doing something similar at that age. He didn't think he'd even had any arms training that young.

"Is that why she avoids the range? Does it remind her of that day?"

Victor knew that killing was part of being a MechWarrior, but there was a certain level of detachment involved. MechWarriors were adults who could grasp and confront the consequences of blood on their hands.

His father chuckled, which earned another glare from Victor's mother.

"No, not at all. Your sister is a born warrior. No one should feel guilt for killing the scum sent to murder our citizens. In that regard, Katherine is very much like me. Your sister just doesn't have time to participate in something she is already incredibly proficient at. Ainsworth says her marksmanship scores are near Olympic level, and she has proven she won't freeze in a combat situation."

That made sense to Victor and fit the picture he had built up of his little sister.

"Killing shouldn't be that easy," his mother said forcefully. "I had, and still have, concerns over your sister's mental state. The ability to do what she did has been linked to psychopathy and…"

"She isn't," his father replied firmly. "The neuro and behavioral teams agreed that she only expresses some of those traits, but not others. We won't retread the same ground, Melissa, but as I've said before, killing our enemies without hesitation isn't a bad trait." He turned to Victor. "The matter is sensitive. Your mother loves and adores Katherine, yet she struggles with how she views her now. Imagine what strangers, what the general public, would think. An adult MechWarrior killing on the battlefield is very different than a child killing several men in a restaurant. That is why we've kept that day highly classified, and we've also worried about how you and the others would react."

Victor's head was still spinning, but he thought it through. He found that it didn't change his perception of his sister much. Katherine was highly analytical. She clearly loved her family, so he wasn't worried on that front, but her reasoning for doing things was always soundly pragmatic. It wouldn't be pragmatic to feel guilt over defending oneself from assassins, so she simply didn't.

"I understand, and thank you for trusting me with this information. I am still saddened I wasn't there for her, but I am proud of her actions. This won't change my feelings toward her. She's still going to be that sister I mentor in the simulators like always, and will no doubt be my strong right hand when I rule the Federated Commonwealth."


Tharkad City, Tharkad

District of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth

February 4th 3048

Field Marshal Nondi Steiner was not often a happy woman. The Federated Commonwealth was an unholy abomination that sought to subvert hundreds of years of history as the Lyran Commonwealth. She had tried to tell her older sister, Archon Katrina, that it would enslave the Lyran side to the Davion war machine, but Katrina hadn't listened.

As usual.

Nondi's bitterness over her sister's decision to sell Melissa to Hanse Davion had only grown since her death. Melissa had been made the Archon, but she was clearly subservient to the Fox. Just look at how the combination of militaries and intelligence agencies was unfolding! A Federated Suns head now led the newly formed AFFC and the FCIS. If Nondi were less of a dutiful and loyal family member, she might have considered something more drastic. But the very idea of betrayal and treachery sickened her. No, she would do her duty, as much as it galled her.

She had been given Lyran Commonwealth State Command, with access to over 150 'Mech Regiments. It was a tremendous amount of power, and an even greater amount of stress. Often, she wondered if it was time to retire, but without her voice, would any Lyran interests ever again be considered?

And so she soldiered on, hoping that more of Melissa than Hanse would develop in their children. She had held some hope for Victor. He was a polite and earnest youth, but as he grew older, it became clear that he worshipped the ground his father walked on. The future 'Archon-Prince' – a disgusting title – would follow as best he could in his Davion father's footsteps.

He's a gifted 'Mech pilot, but already arrogant, considering himself above others. The reports from his first year in the Nagelring confirm that. He kept every Lyran at arm's distance, but now he takes part in the exchange program and is best friends with the Allard-Liao, the heir to the puppet state of the Suns?

As disappointed as Victor made her, she felt the precise opposite about Melissa's second oldest child. Katherine was born to be an Archon. Her intelligence dwarfed Victor's. She was two years his junior, but would be graduating at the same time as her elder brother. What's more, she took others under her wing at the Nagelring and sought Nondi's advice regarding artillery usage. Her questions and understanding of tactical warfare were impressive. Oh, she had some naïve notions, but she was still a child and could carry on a conversation with a Marshal commanding thousands of 'Mechs!

Not only that, but she understood that life was not just bloody war and conquest. She took time to get to know her people, to engage with them and their interests. Making time to speak with merchant alliances showed how much the Lyran blood flowed true in her.

With Katherine's exceptional progress, she could choose which unit she would be assigned to. Nondi intended to make sure she stayed in the half of the Federated Commonwealth that was her true home. She couldn't make the choice, but she could influence it. After all, had not Katherine come to her for advice on her artillery project? Had Katherine not agreed to attend the events on Donegal?

She'll listen to me, and I'll help with her projects, even if I find them of slightly dubious merit. It isn't as if artillery ever truly changed the course of a battle; why not go with a less expensive option?

Nondi knew Katherine's intention was to increase the number of batteries in RCTs, but the Field Marshal did not see much value in that portion of the proposal. On the other hand, replacing the artillery units that were destroyed or became unserviceable due to wear and tear—on the cheap? That had value. So, she placed an order for a dozen battalions of the Spitfire Cannons. As Long Toms, Thumpers, and Sniper Cannon platforms were replaced, they would be sent the new, less expensive artillery, and the savings could be used to continue upgrading the line 'Mechs with the new tech coming from NAIS.

Katherine would be grateful, and what was more, she would continue to listen to her great-aunt.

She'll do right as a Lyran. She'll be stationed here, and the people's love for her will continue to grow. Regardless of whether the realms stay united or split apart, it should be she who rules the Lyrans. The embodiment of Katrina's 'Mech piloting skills, combined with my good sense and wisdom, will make her unstoppable.