WarShip Dire Wolf, Assault Orbit, New Caledonia
Rasalhague District, Free Rasalhague Republic
April 21st 3050
"That was all the information Star Colonel Kerensky provided?" Ulric asked his saKhan.
His second in command, Garth Radick, was on the shorter side, but built stoutly. His face was always a bland mask of pleasantness that prevented any observer from knowing his true thoughts.
"Aff, my Khan. Before she was slain, Jera Carns reported that the Spheroid barbarians used quite despicable tactics. They would call down artillery on their own 'Mech and armor units, ruthlessly focus on individual targets with whole Binaries at a time, and made extensive use of artillery. The final battle Jera fought did not have any survivors that we know of, and when the Spheroids left Icar, they took everything they could and destroyed the rest. No copies of their battle recordings survived."
Ulric felt a momentary pang for the loss of his lover. Within the Clans, lovers came and went, but she had been Ulric's favorite. Beyond that, she was a trusted member of Alpha Galaxy and a talented subordinate. Her codex had been filled with success after success until Icar.
"Do you think the intelligence reports from ComStar were accurate?"
"Aff. The fault lies with us for underestimating the depths they would sink to and for not properly identifying that the Spheroids would have some sort of bodyguard unit for an important figure in their barbarous ruling system," Radick replied in an even tone.
"Katherine Steiner-Davion, head of the Science Caste unit? You suspect that perhaps some of their more elite warriors were independently assigned to protect her specifically. Perhaps even unbeknownst to our new allies, quiaff?"
"Aff. You have asked us to study these people. I have watched broadcasts of their 'media,' and this person is an important part of their society. Their Merchant and Labor Caste turn to her for advice on the personal products used to enhance their looks or for the beverages they consume."
I will speak to Phelan about this. Radick's explanation is logical, but is missing something. They treat the children of their leaders like we would treat Bloodnamed warriors. The actions of one Bloodnamed warrior echo and reflect on all those who hold that Bloodname.
"We will need to prevent a second occurrence. The 4th Wolf Guards are under half-strength now, and we must be on guard for future trouble. I am pulling Verthandi, or Norn on some star charts, from Wave 2 and moving it to Wave 3," Ulric stated.
"Surely you are not worried about failure, quineg?" he asked the question without a change in his expression.
"Neg, but losses could mount, and the intelligence from ComStar indicates two elite units are on that planet. The Kell Hounds, lucrewarriors though they may be, are impressive in comparison to other Spheroid units. We will move more ponderously for now, and will ensure no other failures occur before beginning the true hunt," Ulric concluded.
"I will see to it that orders are adjusted, my Khan."
Ulric had Phelan brought to him.
"Phelan, I would like your help in understanding the importance of royalty in the Inner Sphere. Would it be expected for the sons and daughters of your Successor States to have dedicated bodyguard units?"
Phelan was caught off guard by the question, but then answered. "Sure, why wouldn't they?"
"Careful with your language, bondsman."
"Sorry," Phelan said though he didn't sound contrite. "Yes, they would, though it depends on how far down the line they are and if they have a combat role."
"Would one of your Science Caste have a dedicated unit?"
Phelan shook his head. "No, but we do not have a caste system. An important research installation might be well defended, but no single scientist who would warrant 'Mech protection. I also can't... ah, cannot think of a royal who would be considered a scientist."
"The person in question is Kommandant Katherine Steiner-Davion. She was in command of a 'Research Battalion' and is also seen on Inner Sphere broadcasts advising your people of personal products to purchase."
Phelan grinned. "I have seen those ads too; despite her age, she's already a looker. I've had to knock someone's teeth out for saying something inappropriate once. I did not... did not realize she would be assigned to such a unit. I had heard she was doing well and was talented, especially for her age. She only got a battalion command due to her status as royal though."
"You believe she is unworthy?"
Phelan shrugged. "You must be good to make it through NAMA. I fought with her for a few seconds when we were younger, she has warrior instincts. We normally do not assign battalion commands to people fresh out of the academy. As for it being a Research Battalion, it might be structured like Team Banzai on New Avalon, and they are elite as they come. Hell, if she does have protection, it might have come from Team Banzai." Phelan paused, swallowed, and then asked, "Why? Is she on one of the worlds you are targeting?"
"No, Phelan, but she was." Seeing his worried face, Ulric added, "She survived the battle of Icar and fled off-world. However, she was part of the defense that successfully held Icar against the initial assault." He waved his hand dismissively. "For the future, who can say, but we are not targeting any Lyran Commonwealth worlds in the next wave."
Phelan's smile returned. "I told you; she is a natural warrior. A lot better than her brother, that's for sure!"
"You have fought this Victor Steiner-Davion?"
"Yes, kicked his ass too. That was a while ago, I hear he is a hot-shot 'Mech pilot, at least in the simulators. But I would put my C-Bills on Katherine any day of the week."
"Thank you, Phelan. This is good information, but not something I need to share with the Jade Falcons. If they encounter her, they can learn for themselves what sort of warrior she is."
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
April 28th 3050
Prince Hanse Davion sat with his wife, Melissa Steiner, as they stared at the holographic map of the Lyran Commonwealth. Worlds that had been taken were marked in dark red, those where they still had active guerrilla operations of effective size were in red, and those currently believed to be under assault were in orange. He squeezed his wife's hand as Justin Allard went over specific details.
"Most of our intelligence is coming from Princess Katherine. She managed to take a captive and has provided us with valuable information. She's also given us exceptional hard numbers on weapon capabilities. At any range, they outclass even our most advanced 'Mechs, but at long range, we are particularly disadvantaged."
Hanse nodded. "She's been cagey about her unit and the 12th Star Guards' 3rd Regiment that was evacuated. Any idea how shot up they are?"
"Yes, she was sneaky and embedded a message to one of the covert agents Ainsworth is familiar with through a Charlie-Level Priority message to Butler. Her battalion suffered significant casualties but remains above half-strength. As for the 3rd Regiment… almost a total loss. Less than one battalion made it off-world, along with only about a battalion from the 3rd Icar Armored Brigade. The only reason they managed to escape was that there was extra space due to the high number of casualties."
Melissa shook her head forlornly. "So much death… what do these invaders want?"
"Unclear, but Ostin, the captured member of Clan Wolf, has been turned over to a Loki cell on Wotan. Through a combination of drugs, physiological monitoring, and enhanced interrogation techniques, we'll soon learn more military details about our attackers. If I had to guess, they have returned to the Inner Sphere to conquer it all."
Hanse grunted. "Good. In the meantime, are our neighbors also experiencing attacks?"
Justin nodded and gestured toward Alex Mallory, his deputy.
Mallory cleared his throat. "I've analyzed ComStar data trends. A regular amount of traffic flows from worlds all over the Inner Sphere—commodity prices, personal correspondences, diplomatic messages, and more. If that suddenly stopped or changed when the Clans hit a world, it would be obvious. ComStar is dummying data, but they got sloppy. They didn't vary their algorithm enough, making it clear which worlds were hit. The Draconis Combine hasn't been struck as hard, but one of the worlds targeted was Turtle Bay. Rasalhague, however, has been hammered."
Melissa, the Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth, arched a brow. "They struck Icar, Trell, and Turtle Bay. Does anyone else find it odd that the worlds hit were all ones where the potential heirs to the heads of state were present?"
Hanse blinked, then cursed. "ComStar. They must be feeding them information." He turned to Justin. "We need to respond to this invasion, but we'll also need to set aside a number of units to assault ComStar facilities when the time is right. NAIS believes they can operate the HPGs if we gain full access. The biggest risk is ComStar destroying them as we break in, so it will have to be done quickly and simultaneously across all targeted planets."
Justin looked uneasy. "That will be difficult, and we'll need time to coordinate. If even one slip-up occurs and someone leaks it to ComStar, we lose the element of surprise. JumpShip word of mouth and in-person only. We'll need at least a year to set up that kind of operation with any chance of success, and some worlds will go dark, as we can't guarantee success everywhere."
Alex drew their attention again. "We have confirmation that Theodore Kurita is exercising his authority as Gunji no Kanrei and is shifting troops away from the Dieron Military District. We estimate upwards of twenty crack regiments are being rotated to the front to fight these invaders."
He pressed a key on the noteputer, and lines and icons of units began to shift, slowed by the necessity of using JumpShips, which had to recharge for around seven days after every jump.
"How did we get this information?" Hanse asked.
Justin leaned forward. "Half of it came through agents we have in various bases within the Combine, including agents we believe are compromised."
Hanse slowly nodded. "Then you think Theodore may have leaked this information about his own weakness to us?"
"Yes, Highness, I do." Justin pointed to the icons. "He is letting us know that he believes the invaders are a greater threat to the Draconis Combine than we are."
Hanse drummed his fingers on the table, and turned to his wife. "What do you think?"
"It strikes me, beloved, that Theodore must be concerned about his son's fate, as we are for our children. If we were to strike, the Combine could not handle a war on two fronts, but for now, the Combine serves as a buffer between the Federated Suns and the Clans. If we could move some of the troops we have assigned to the Combine border rimward, they could be used to hold back the invaders."
Hanse gave her a smile. "I agree." He looked to Justin. "Do you concur? Do we move our troops from the Isle of Skye to face the invaders?"
The head of the FCIS nodded. "Our JumpShip assets are in position to move quickly. We can move troops to the rim faster than the Combine can. Orders have already gone out to mercenaries with their own JumpShips to start heading that way. Hopefully, we can form a firebreak and slow the invaders."
They talked for a time about various mercenary units. Of most interest and importance were the Eridani Light Horse, Kell Hounds, Wolf's Dragoons, and Northwind Highlanders. They were still awaiting a response from the Light Horse, but the Kell Hounds were already on the way. They blamed the invaders for Phelan Kell's death out in the Periphery. He had been the son of the unit's commander and staunch Steiner loyalist, Morgan Kell. No word had returned from the Wolf's Dragoons, but they had recalled two of their regiments serving House Marik on garrison duty and were in transit to the Wolf's Dragoons' permanent base of operations on Outreach. The Northwind Highlanders had demurred and wished to remain defending their own home world and the surrounding potentially volatile region.
"Wolf's calling his people home. Let them know we are ready to pay double their price if they are willing to fight these Clans. They are the best mercenary regiment in the Inner Sphere, and five elite regiments, especially ones with their own JumpShips, would be a mighty boon." Hanse took a deep breath. "Issue orders for the first Kathil Uhlans and all the Deneb, Arcturan Guard, Lyran Guard, Royal Guard, and F-C Regiments from Skye March to depart for Sudeten. Let Morgan know he's in charge of this army group and route Victor to Sudeten. We'll also move troops from the Crucis March up to reinforce the Terran corridor and Skye."
Justin keyed notes into his datapad and then looked up. "Field Marshal Nondi Steiner won't be pleased to have him on 'her' side of the Federated Commonwealth."
Hanse snorted. "I'm sure, but I have bigger worries than salving her wounded ego. She herself said over a decade ago it was time for her to retire. I won't push it now, not when the full scale of the invasion is known by the Lyran Commonwealth. Morale and fear will already be in the toilet, and the thought of stripping one of their heroes of her command in the middle of it would not go over well."
His wife stirred. "Victor to Sudeten, which will be a staging area for a counterattack. Katherine on Wotan, which is within their line of advance. We should pull one of them back to Tharkad or New Avalon."
Hanse sighed. "They are both doing their duty, but I will give orders to Lieutenant General Cabrillo to evacuate Katherine at the first sign of trouble. She's probably utterly pleased being there on-site as her NAIS partners are uncovering the secrets of the LosTech in those enemy 'Mechs. I won't take her from it until it is necessary. The March Militia isn't up to RCT standards, but it will be far more defensible than Icar. It is also the rallying point for the units that made it off-world in nearby systems."
Melissa looked as if she wanted to speak further, but then demurred.
Justin took his leave to carry out his orders, and Hanse remained staring at the map of the Inner Sphere, looking for anything else he could do to save his realm.
Kirkeøy Continent, Wotan
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
May 2nd 3050
I listened as Nick Westfield gave me the good news about our salvage. I was really starting to like the unassuming brilliant NAIS researcher. If he kept it up, I'd get my father to give him a Sunburst medal, one of the few awards that could be given to civilians. The overall martial nature of Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth meant that almost every national level accolade had to do with frontline combat service.
"The Gargoyle – the proper name we learned from Oston – is being called the Man 'O War by other units. It might be too late to change the designation in people's minds, but more importantly, we've got it up and running with a replacement cockpit. It took some tinkering, but we managed to fit cockpit components from one of the Naga 'Mechs Leftenant LeBeau's squad took out. It isn't a perfect fit, and there are some sensor glitches, but the link between the neurohelmet and gyroscope is synced perfectly."
I smiled. "Excellent news. Then, is it ready for me to test it out?"
"It is. We've also managed to put a set of replacement legs from a Marauder on the Timber Wolf – again, some are calling it something else, a Mad Cat – and we've got it working too. New legs makes it much more difficult to pilot, and pushing it to its max speed is asking for trouble, but as a weapons platform, it works," Nick said confidently.
"I'll have Leftenant Roth practice piloting with it."
A strategy had formed in my mind if I had to fight the Clans again personally. Through Oston, we had learned that what the Clans were doing each time they invaded was a Trial of Possession for a planet. They would begin with a batchall, and the defender would declare their units and even provide the unit's history to the attacking party. The defender would then be allowed to choose the battlefield. Armed with the knowledge of the defender's force, the attacker would then internally bid, and individual sub-commanders would seek to prove their skill and honor in the competitive bidding process. The defender could also ask for something of equal or lesser value than the target of the Trial of Possession, though that was not always requested.
I had asked Oston why any defender would ever not do so, and he explained some of the thought behind it. For one, the defender could request, but it was always up to the attacker and their honor whether to accept. This could be negotiated, and sometimes those discussions became quite creative. For example, the attacker could counter and suggest that they limit the battle to just 'Mech forces without the use of Aerospace if they did not want to deal with those factors. Secondly, if there was a chance of further loss outside of just having their own force destroyed, the bidding would be less competitive as the risk was greater. From a defender's perspective, their odds of victory grew slimmer when they asked for something of value if they won.
With superior 'Mechs and their built-in belief that their trueborn genetics made them superior; the Clans were unlikely to bid one-to-one when attacking the Inner Sphere. They should feel confident with odds of one-to-two, meaning that if a defender had a 'Mech battalion of 36 'Mechs, a Clan leader would anticipate victory with 18 'Mechs, and through a competitive bidding process, possibly even going down to just 15. If the defender asked for something of value, the bidding might only drop to 20 'Mechs. It depended on many factors.
I idly wondered how impactful their genetic breeding was compared to their selection process. In one sense, certain physical traits such as build and reflexes could be inherited. The Clans themselves, for their Warrior Caste, did not have natural births; instead, they used 'iron wombs' to create whole groups from the same genetic material. The Science Caste carefully made minor adjustments on the genetic level, then raised different groups and monitored their successes and failures. According to Oston, who was likely biased to a high degree, it obviously was better, and trueborn warriors – at least on average – were better than freeborn ones.
In some sense, he could be right, though I didn't have the data to validate it. Elementals – what we had called 'Toads' – were clearly selected for height and the ability to put on muscle mass. Aerospace fighters were bred to be smaller but with larger heads, and MechWarriors had certain genes selected for Neurohelmet compatibility and superior reflexes. However, there were some rather stark confounding variables. Most of the groups of children born of the iron wombs did not go on to be warriors. In Oston's own 'sibko,' only four out of twenty-five joined the Warrior Caste after completing their testing.
Secondly, with superior technology, including better Neurohelmets as well as lifelong training and a singular focus on just being a warrior, one would expect any group of MechWarriors to be better on average than those raised in a normal environment. It remained unclear whether the superior fighting prowess of the Clan warriors was due to genetics, technology, heightened standards, or the learning environment. In any event, the point is that they naturally assumed they would win anything approaching an even fight or even a one-on-two fight.
I was no ordinary warrior. Gifted with my 'mage brain' conditioned reflexes from my second life, I was a cut above nearly everyone else. It wasn't supernatural, but given the total range of all human reflexes, I was almost certainly in the top .001% of humanity in that department. The folks I had trained were also fantastic warriors, especially Aiko and Gregory. And now, with two top-tier Clan 'Mechs, we could meet on more-or-less equal ground with our foes, who would still be viewing combat odds completely differently. If I could force bidding to a small engagement, and even win something from the Clans in return, that would be ideal.
I had submitted a proposal to Leftenant General Cabrillo and had been rejected outright. I didn't like going over people's heads; it was generally a bad idea in the military. But this plan could work if we were invaded on Wotan. At the same time, I didn't want to send communication via ComStar and run the risk they shared what I wanted to attempt to do. Instead, I used my black box and sent the details of how I would use the batchall process against a Clan opponent.
And Cabrillo was not happy, because, of course, he received that message first, since he has a black box as well.
I didn't have to face him in person, not that it would have been that big of an issue, but I could tell he was peeved. HQ for the Wotan March Militia was Borealtown on the continent of Stord, whereas I was currently stationed at the BattleMech repair facility on the continent of Kirkeøy. Originally a 'Mech factory from the Star League era, some of its critical components had been damaged during the wars. Instead of producing 'Mechs, it was put to use repairing them. It still produced 'Mech armor, so it was pulling a bit of double duty, though the armor it was creating wasn't the more advanced Ferro-fibrous that was becoming more popular in 'Mech designs.
Returning to the matter at hand, I asked Nick about reverse-engineering the technology.
"There, I have less good news. I've got some ideas, but testing them will require better facilities than this. The building blocks of these 'Mechs, their weapon systems – literally everything – is a bit of a mystery. It is like they've uncovered some new substance that is lighter and more durable; however, at the atomic level, it isn't. We've been struggling to figure out why, but we've also just begun. We are still learning new things from the Helm memory core, so it may be decades before we unlock the secrets of how the Clans produce such potent 'Mechs."
Unfortunate, but realistic.
"What about the battle armor suits, these Elementals?"
Nick shrugged. "Not exactly our specialty, but the same material issues are present. On the bright side, the damage to three of them was incredibly minimal, thanks to your sniper's precise shooting. The suits can be adjusted for sizing. While they probably won't be as optimal for regular-sized humans, we've proven they can work. Two of your protective detail have already tested them, and I think they want to keep them."
Hmm, now there's a thought.
"What about the damaged ones? Can we get those working again?"
He nodded. "Some of them. They weren't a top priority because of the damage done to the 'Mechs and vehicles. But we recovered pieces of over sixty suits from the three battles on Icar. I estimate we can get ten or so working and fully functional, with another five or so working but with greatly diminished combat capacity."
My mind raced at the possibilities. I could outfit the survivors of Leftenant Roger's platoon with Elemental armor, or I could give it to some of my artillery companies, providing an alternative way to carry and move my Spitfire Cannons. An artillery crew that could jump through mountainous terrain, set up the artillery using our proprietary magnetic interlocks, and defend themselves if light 'Mechs or VTOLs came to stop them?
Okay, calm down. That would be great for my unit, but not exactly something other units could easily replicate.
"Let's make that a priority. Good work, Nick. I know things got hot on Icar, but I want you on my team for the foreseeable future. I won't say there's no limit to the funding I can get you for any personal projects you want to work on, but it will be close. Are you good with working for me for the rest of your career?"
He grinned. "Princess Katherine, I'm now on the very bleeding edge of research. As a scientist, this has been an incredible opportunity, and I'm more than game."
After meeting with Nick, I met with Hauptmann Sven Fischer. I had worked closely with my XO during our journey through space and the descent to Wotan. Casualties had been high, and I wanted to personally correspond with the families of the fallen. They were entitled to life insurance funds, which would be paid out, but in addition, if they had children, I provided funds for scholarships. We also put in for posthumous medals for those who had gone above and beyond the call of duty.
I also submitted requests for medals for my living soldiers. The whole situation with the AFFC unification made things awkward. I had troops from both the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth. Despite being part of the AFFC now, the Lyran military and the Federated Suns military still used their old medal systems just as often as the new one. This was a result of a compromise between tradition and unification, but the balance was frankly terrible and very inefficient. Regardless, I wanted to ensure my people got what they earned, so I put in requests for all three and would let high command figure it out.
After saluting, he sat down and reported on the details of the refit. Our units were getting top priority, but we still had gaps in our roster, both in terms of equipment and personnel.
"Kommandant, we're in a better position with personnel than we are with equipment, as not all destroyed vehicles come with fully killed crews. The same goes for our artillery pieces. We weren't expecting any replacements for the Spitfire Cannons, so we'll have to make do with only eight for now. However, Lyran State Command recently placed an order, and I'll see if we can route some of those to us. We also have an opportunity to expand, if you can get approval."
I arched an eyebrow; we were already listed as a reinforced battalion on paper. Growing any larger would put us in an even more unique role.
"The Third Armor Icar Brigade had artillery elements. They were nearly destroyed by the counter-battery fire and the attack on the spaceport. I'll be honest, they're rough around the edges and not as well trained, but they want to avenge their world. With as many worlds as have fallen, it won't be anytime soon that Icar is retaken. They want to join you."
"Me?" I asked, a bit shocked. "I lost almost half my command."
"And the Brigade lost 80% of its people. The 12th Star Guards lost over 70% of its command." Sven stroked the thin beard he had been growing since the battles on Icar. "You also took charge in a nearly hopeless situation. We had to run, but we defeated them at Cuanger and secured valuable salvage for our researchers."
I paused to think. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be saddled with soldiers who hadn't gone through my training. I was told the Icar Armored Brigade was better than most armored units on Periphery worlds, but they were a far cry from the standards of the more important planets. On the other hand, I could probably delay integration and training, which would preclude me from being included in any counteroffensive actions…
Yes, this might be just the thing I need to avoid the frontlines!
"I like this idea. Get me a headcount of any artillery personnel who wish to join… hell, since their operational integrity is destroyed, get me a headcount for anyone who wishes to join, from tank crews down to techs. In the meantime, I'll see if I can get permission. Ugh, this will be a headache. My chain of command goes up through Wotan Command, but the genesis of this unit was dreamt up in NAIS. All right, not your issue, and you have work to do."
Sven nodded easily. "Yes ma'am!"
How far could I push this? The more disparate groups that join, the more elongated my 'training and integration' period could be. Could I even offer the 12th Star Guards an opportunity to become line soldiers of the AFFC? Would they even be interested?
The other worry was Wotan itself being targeted. Hopefully, the Clans would need some time to digest their gains, and more than likely, they would need to hit Apollo and Somerset first. Getting a shipment of more artillery in the event they did hit us… well, that could only be for the better.
Time to see if my connections to my great-aunt can pay off…
Nadir Point, Baker 3 System
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
May 8th 3050
Victor was so engrossed in the holovid screen showing the 'Mech battle on Trell that he didn't notice Galen until he loudly cleared his throat. Victor had pulled the combat data from the 'Mechs and had them forwarded to his terminal on the DropShip. He didn't have a lot to work with as the ship only carried four 'Mechs, but he had studied them over and over again in the weeks since the battle as he journeyed toward Sudeten.
"Kommandant," Galen said as he saluted. "Do you really think there's anything more you can glean from those vids?"
Victor gave an irritated glance at Hauptmann Cox. The swing he took wasn't personal – he knew that. Galen had been following orders, but still, it stung. They had worked glove and fist together, shaping the battalion. They may have been crushed by the invader, but thanks to their hard work, they had performed better than many other battalions against them.
"I don't have anything better to do. I've made a list of notes and figured out the optimal ranges we should try to stay in when fighting each specific 'Mech design. I've also calculated how long each of our own 'Mechs can stand up to their punishment by type. I've cross-referenced…"
Galen folded his arms and Victor petered off.
"Kommandant, you were forwarded the casualty lists. Have you done anything with them?"
"Damn it, Galen, do you think I don't mourn? I'm trying to figure out what to do next time so this doesn't happen again!"
Galen shook his head. "It isn't about mourning. I know you care. It's about taking your responsibilities seriously as a commanding officer! You were taught at the best academy in the Lyran Commonwealth. What is a battalion commander's responsibility to fallen soldiers and their families?"
Victor felt heat rise to his cheeks. "I… I don't know what to say. What can I say to the families of the soldiers who trusted me? Every time I think of something, I wonder how it will sound to someone who could be their son's or daughter's age!"
"So you ignore your duty? Look, with all the 'ComStar technical difficulties,' you haven't really stepped in it, but you do need to get them done. I'll help you if you want. You also need to think about whether anyone deserves to be honored specifically for valor. I've seen the memorial services. I've seen the pride on our citizens' faces when they hear the roll of honor and it's their child being celebrated."
Victor closed his eyes. He was screwing up. If Galen hadn't been here, he would have done nothing until someone else – maybe even Morgan – chewed him out for it. He owed it to his men who had fought and died for him. Leading was more than just being good at strategy and individual piloting skills. He knew that; he had taken the courses.
"You're right, Galen. Thank you. I don't know what I would have done without you these past several months."
Galen gave him a grin. "Probably would have been shot up in that canyon and either dead or in a prison camp."
Victor chuckled, and then winced. "Damn, I hope my sister has someone like you on her command staff."
Galen patted him on the shoulder. "I'm sure she does, Victor. Given her youth, I can't imagine High Command didn't set up someone experienced to fill that role."
"And she's not as prickly as me, so probably welcomed the help immediately."
Galen nodded. "Don't beat yourself up over it too much. There's a reason officers start out just commanding a lance. You've proven you can train, organize, strategize, and fight. You can give a decent speech too. You're already ahead of the ballgame more than you might realize. But mistakes will happen, and as your XO, I'm going to be in your ear reminding you of them. That's my job, and I appreciate you letting me do it."
Victor stretched, then pulled up a document to begin drafting the letters. He owed it to his unit, and he owed it to their families. With each one he completed, the drive to throw back the invaders and avenge the losses grew stronger in his chest.
Tharkad City, Tharkad
District of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth
May 10th 3050
Nondi Steiner downed another antacid, then rubbed the back of her neck, trying to ease the tight tension in her muscles. At sixty-nine, she felt every year. Since the Clan invasion, it seemed like every ache she'd accumulated had multiplied. But Nondi wouldn't give in to age, infirmity, or anything else. Her people were under attack, and she would deal with it.
But with what?
JumpShips had been shifted to help bring Isle of Skye units to the front on Hanse's orders. They weren't bad orders – Nondi would have almost certainly done the same – but the additional JumpShips called in to hasten the process had stripped her of nearly all tactical flexibility. She needed to keep some JumpShips in reserve in case a rapid redeployment of elite units was required. Who knew if the Draconis Combine or the Free Worlds League would strike while brave Lyrans died fighting the Clans?
The Archon had said a plan was being formed and that Morgan Hasek-Davion would be coordinating efforts on Sudeten when he arrived. How that enraged her— the thought of one of the most Davion of Davions deciding which Lyran worlds would be well-defended and which would be left to fend for themselves was a grave insult. He didn't know their history, he didn't know their people— he was a stranger to them.
Her next meeting was at hand when Marshal Robert Bryant and Hauptmann General Abigail Burne-Jones entered her office. They oversaw Wotan command but spent most of their time on Tharkad. Bryant had a rather sparse military career, but had powerful patrons and a strong reputation within Lyran State Command. Abigail had risen through the ranks after graduating from the Nagelring and had a sharp mind for logistics.
Bryant saluted. "General, it's good to see you again."
Nondi smiled at the use of her prior rank, before the accursed union of the two militaries. Being a fierce Steiner loyalist, Bryant too longed for the old days.
"It's always good to see you, Robert, but sadly, these are not good times for any of us. Wotan command seems to be all but shattered."
"Three worlds still stand, and we are making things extraordinarily difficult for Winfield and Here, for the invaders," Bryant replied smoothly.
"God grant Frederic's soul some rest. His loss is felt quite heavily," Nondi sighed. Hauptmann General Frederic Anderson had been in charge of the 8th Arcturan Guard RCT and the highest-ranking officer physically within the Wotan Command region. A fine leader, and the invaders had butchered him like he was yesterday's garbage.
"Amen," the two other officers said, their voices solemn.
"Will those three worlds hold if the invaders come?" Nondi asked pointedly after a brief moment of silence.
"Somerset cannot. Apollo has the Grave Walkers and the Apollo Militia, but if a whole RCT cannot hold, what hope do they have? Wotan is heavily defended. Cabrillo has combat experience from '39 and knows what he's about. It's defended by the Wotan Tamar March Militia, which is less powerful than our RCTs, but he does have reinforcements. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Regiments of the 12th Star Guards, those who made it off the planets that fell, have arrived. They amount to less than a single regiment, but they have faced the enemy and survived. That must count for something."
Abigail chimed in as well. "Princess Katherine also brings what's left of her NAIS Artillery Battalion and the remnants of the Third Icar Armored Brigade. All combined, we think they can hold, but reinforcements would be ideal."
Nondi sighed. That was the problem – what could she send, and how quickly?
"I can't pull any troops from worlds within one jump of the enemy. We only have local militia units on Beta VII and Malibu. They've pushed all the way into Trell, leaving several worlds within just one jump. Looking further out, places like Waldorff don't even have that."
Bryant frowned. "Perhaps some elements of the 41st Avalon Hussars RCT? They're stationed on Planting, but if they transit to Seiduts, then on to Twycross, Butler, Derf, and finally Wotan, they could arrive before the end of June."
Nondi shook her head. "That's a border unit, and given how fast the Free Rasalhague Republic is falling apart, they'll be needed to defend Planting."
"Surely there's something we can do. We can't just let my whole region fall," Bryant said, a slight note of panic in his voice. An idea clearly popped into his head as he leaned forward suddenly.
"We must hold Wotan. Princess Katherine is on the world, surely, we can spare something to keep her safe."
"She will be evacuated if Wotan is attacked. She will not be risked again. She is our future. She's young yet, still inexperienced, but she does have some ideas on how to defend Wotan. Katherine believes Leftenant General Cabrillo is not keeping an open mind about attempting to beat the invaders at their own game."
Nondi had her own reservations about Katherine's strategy. She didn't trust the enemy to honor any agreements, so why should they plan their strategies around it? Still, Nondi wanted those responsible for Wotan Command to review the idea and give it a fair shake.
Bryant shook his head. "If you order it, General, we'll try it, but I think it would be a mistake. Revealing our hand and what units we have would be foolhardy." Abigail hesitated for a long moment. She looked at her CO and then at Nondi.
"We can't know if it will work until it's tried. We haven't had any victories. Perhaps it should be attempted?"
Bryant chuckled. "We haven't tried painting our 'Mechs in neon colors as a distraction, either. We can't know if it will work until it's tried, yes?" His tone was mostly jovial, but there was an undercurrent of disdain.
Abigail flushed. "You're right, sir. Just an idle thought."
"I trust your judgment, Robert. There's something else she suggested. She has more artillery officers than pieces and has requested reinforcements with the new Spitfire Cannons. In her field-testing report, she mentioned that they're simple to operate and that, as long as a senior artillery officer is overseeing them, she believes motorized infantry can be quickly trained to use them. We do have extra battalions of the new pieces rolling off the line. I can send a battalion's worth stacked in a single Union DropShip. It won't do much, but while she's on planet, she could have her artillery companies train one of Wotan's TMM infantry regiments in their use."
Bryant let a flash of annoyance cross his face, but it quickly disappeared. "We'll take any help we can get, General."
I know you wanted more, but I don't have it. However I can appease Katherine.
After dismissing the two high-ranking officers, Nondi reviewed the message from Katherine sent via ComStar. It was Katherine's request to use her Research Battalion's experience to train more units in the use of the Spitfire Cannon. With Nondi's approval, she would start with the March Militia and potentially move on from there.
Katherine had also requested Aerospace support, noting that when she was on Icar, it had been used against her. The only reason her command hadn't suffered far worse was the foolishness of the enemy commander.
With the Spitfire Cannon being so light and easy to transport, they could fit thirty-six of them into a single Union. And that included a generous helping of ammo, replacement parts, and space for a pair of VTOLs that TharHes Industries recommended for use in spotting. Based on normal artillery standards, that was a battalion, though according to the Spitfire Cannon's specifications, it should really be sixteen per company to maintain the same firepower. Nondi had decided to deploy them at twelve per battery, saving the difference for more worthwhile pursuits while keeping the artillery numbers the same in their RCTs and March Militias.
We'll call it two companies for the sake of getting her more.
Along with being able to stack thirty-six Spitfire Cannons in one Union, there were still Aerospace bays available for two fighters. Nondi intended to send three Union DropShips, giving Katherine a full squadron of six fighters. Those six fighters would be commanded by a Hauptmann from the 2nd Royal Guards RCT. The odds of any strike on Tharkad were near zero, and six Aerospace assets wouldn't change the course of a battle so large if the unthinkable were to happen. Nondi was providing Katherine with the best protection possible in the unlikely event she was forced into a fight.
Looking at the proposed unit roster, Nondi was pleased. The 1st NAIS Research Battalion would now be expanded to two battalions. In essence, she would have one 'Mech company, one armored company, one aerospace-equivalent company, and four companies of artillery based on her existing artillery and the new Spitfire Cannons. The additional thirty-six Spitfire Cannons would remain on Wotan when Katherine eventually left, forming a second artillery battalion for the March Militia stationed there.
Assuming the Clans give us time.
That still left one Union DropShip for additional support. But now that Nondi was thinking about it, she could replace that with an Intruder-class DropShip that could also carry two Aerospace fighters. Having that in the 1st NAIS Research Battle Group would give Katherine access to a powerful DropShip, one that had more weaponry on its hulls than a Union. It also had a state-of-the-art medical bay including a trauma surgery unit in the event something truly awful happened.
Nondi personally was not a fan of the DropShip because it couldn't carry 'Mechs, however Katherine's unit had suffered casualties and the cargo bay could carry 850 tons.
More than enough for a few tank and Thumper replacements as well as some other miscellaneous restock requests she wished for. I'll even send her a company of infantry for additional security. The after-action report indicated some of these armored infantry soldiers breeched the base perimeter and caused a lot of casualties.
Normally, it would be a three-month journey, but Nondi had some excess capacity and could create an abridged Command Circuit for a formation of three dropships, enough of the common Invader JumpShip with its 3 docking collars were already near enough in position to arrange several partial chains. It would save only four systems of recharge time, but that would bring the additional reinforcements to Wotan by late July. With Katherine leading two battalions, Nondi decided to resurrect the Hauptmann-Kommandant rank.
It should never have been removed.
When the AFFC had been formed, certain ranks were deemed unnecessary. Nondi felt a bit of glee at the spiteful gesture. Once the rank was approved and announced through the media and the AFFC military communications, what could Hanse and Morgan do? Demote the Archon's daughter?
The rank Nondi was giving Katherine was the one the Lyran Commonwealth bestowed upon the senior-most battalion commander in a regiment. It allowed for clear delineation of who should take command if both the CO and XO of a regiment fell in battle. It also placed Katherine above her brother in rank, something that pleased Nondi immensely.
It was time for another meeting, this one with Marshal Herbert Chandrasekar and his second, Hauptmann General James Cherenkov, who oversaw Twycross Command, the six-world region adjacent to Wotan Command. James had been a delight at last year's charity gala, but this would not be a warm conversation. They had lost Chateau and Trell, and would no doubt be hounding her for reinforcements she didn't have.