Chapter 17


Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

June 25th 3050

Estelle Harris watched the holovid with her father, her eyes entranced by the sight of Princess Katherine Steiner-Davion. At fifteen years old and dreaming of being a 'Mech pilot, she was captivated by the tall vision of regal authority on the screen. Katherine's blond hair was pulled slightly back, revealing a face known throughout the Lyran Commonwealth.

"Citizens of the Federated Commonwealth, I am Colonel Katherine Steiner-Davion. I come to you today with the grim reality of invasion on the horizon. A fearsome foe is knocking at our door. They have taken dozens of worlds from the Lyran Commonwealth and the Free Rasalhague Republic. The enemy is ruthless, armed with technology more advanced than ours, and bred for war."

Estelle felt her eyes widen. What could they possibly do against such a foe?

"They are powerful, more powerful than any threat the Lyran Commonwealth has ever faced." Katherine let the words hang in the air. "But they are not invincible. I made them bleed on Icar. I defeated one of their commanders on Wotan. Each time we face them, we learn more, understand more, and become better prepared."

The princess took a breath, her demeanor briefly vulnerable before it hardened into pure resolve.

"Now I know how to fight them. Now I know how to defeat them! People of Blackjack, this time there will be no retreat. This time I vow when the invaders come, I will throw them back. We will defeat them. This is my vow to you; I will not leave you to these merciless invaders. I would rather die defending this soil than retreat!"

The clarion call and bravado in those words filled Estelle with patriotic pride. The princess paused, allowing the weight of her words to be felt by all who listened.

"But I cannot do it alone. I need your help." Her voice was pitched lower now, but as she spoke, it rose in volume. "I need the knowledge and industrial might of Lyran businesses. I need the strength and valor of the reservists. I need the skill and enthusiasm of volunteers, both those who would brave the enemy, and those who can labor with their hands and hearts to prepare this world for the battles to come. I. Need. You. Every last citizen on Blackjack must work together to preserve this world and the great nation we serve."

Heart beating wildly, Estelle vowed she would do her part. She had only practiced with her family's Commando briefly, but she swore that when the invaders came, she would pilot it, whether her father willed it or not!

"Together, our spirit is unbreakable. Our resolve unmatched. Our way of life, the freedoms we enjoy, are things these warmongers can never understand. That is why they will lose. Whether you wield a wrench, a pen, or a laser, you are part of this battle. I know that together, the Lyran people can face any threat. When this invasion is thrown back, you and your children and your children's children will be able to tell stories of the day that Blackjack stood defiant. Long live the Federated Commonwealth! Long live Blackjack!"

From elsewhere in the house, a mansion truly, she could hear the servants and even some of the guards let out a raucous cheer where they were watching the same holovid in another room. The vid ended, and was replaced with a set of numbers and contact information for people to use if they wished to volunteer. Those with firearms ability. Demolition experts. Factory workers. Laborers. Hunters and more. Each had a method of contact if they wanted to serve in the defense of Blackjack.

They won't let me help if they know my age, but I will do my part!



Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

June 25th 3050

I felt Ainsworth's eyes on me as I finished my broadcast. My line of 'would rather die than retreat' had probably not sit well with her. While I had no intention of dying, I knew that this was make-or-break for me. I had to get a true win against these technologically advanced imbeciles. Rallying the people to commit their labor and their willingness to throw themselves at the enemy was crucial.

My next step was to lay more odds in my favor and use the enemy's information gathering against them. To that end, I was going to communicate via ComStar, as well as spread some rumors locally that my pride and joy – my precious Spitfire Cannons, which I would soon be receiving from my great-aunt – were flawed, nearly useless, and broken.

To ensure everyone played along properly, I had sent instructions via black boxes on what to do. When the time was ripe, I would send several worrying messages through ComStar, desperately asking for some sort of field kit to repair the supposedly 'useless' artillery. If the Clans were being fed information by ComStar, this would impact their bidding. The best part was that I intended to be completely honest and claim my full fighting power, including all my Spitfire Cannons.

When it came to fighting, firing off only a few sporadic rounds – not nearly two battalions' worth – would further sell it. That was important because getting the enemy in the spot I wanted them and then unleashing a truly devastating barrage was going to be key to victory. The truth, after the battle, would showcase my Spitfire Cannons as the reason for our triumph, so any short-term bad press would not hamper my sales targets at all.

Even if it did, it would be a small price to pay for victory here.

Ainsworth cornered me once we were alone.

"What was that, Katherine?" Ainsworth looked at me with a stern expression.

"That was me attempting to inspire people to service. As for the 'victory or death' line, don't worry – I have no intention of dying here. If we must bug out again, we'll have a story similar to my brother Victor's retreat from Trell – perhaps even acted out."

Ainsworth blinked and gave a wry shake of the head.

"You little…" she began, then gave a more emphatic shake of her head. "You really are sly as a fox, Katherine. I'll hold you to it – no glorious last stands."

"I promise. I do intend to bloody their nose on Blackjack – multiple times if I must. They need to taste a real defeat, and the Lyrans need a symbol to rally around," I said.

Ainsworth held up her hands. "I'm just here to protect you. Your military strategy is your own. Just don't make it too difficult to do so."

After reassuring her, I moved on to the next tasks before me. There was so much to do, and not a lot of time to do it in. We still needed to pick out the right MechWarriors for the 'Mechs we received. I had given some thought to which 'Mech to use in the coming battle, and I opted for both my Phoenix Hawk and the Gargoyle. The Phoenix Hawk would be perfect for the initial parts of the battle. The jump jets would allow me to easily lead potential opponents into the massacre sites we had planned. The urban environment was quite literally perfect for it.

On the other hand, for any battles that needed to be fought in the open, the Gargoyle's tremendous ranged power and heavier armor were more desirable. That left the Summoner, Hellbringer, Ice Ferret, and two Kit Foxes to assign. Gregory liked his Wolfhound, but he was already salivating at the thought of piloting Clan technology.

Playing with my new toys and divvying them out could wait, for now I had more organizing to do as millions of volunteers began overwhelming our intake system.



Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

July 8th 3050

When Nick Westfield first heard of Katherine's plans, he was dubious. The abandoned industrial zone on Blackjack would prove a good battleground. It was a place where the Clan's longer range would be blunted, but the modifications she requested were simply too much. There wouldn't be nearly enough time to get it all done.

That was before she gave her speech, and an entire planet sprang into action. With a planetary population this size, even though it was no longer an industrial hub, it still had heavy machinery. Roads had to be laid, buildings built, and debris cleared. They had tractors, bulldozers, heavy drills, the works, though they were scattered. Thankfully, Katherine had several DropShips that were perfect for picking up resources as they were consolidated across the three continents of Blackjack.

Still, the amount of work required was by no means simple. Earthworks, hastily constructed bunkers, localized burn zones with slow-burning chemical fires planned to foil sensors, and massive holes dug and then covered with stable ferroconcrete bridges – rigged to collapse if enough weight passed over them.

This place is going to be a death trap.

This was not Nick's field, but he knew the basics. Between him, the other NAIS researchers, and the local construction crews, things were proceeding apace. Field guns were housed in bunkers and in other places, positioned in camouflaged locations outside the primary danger zone.

Most of his efforts were focused on the industrial zone, but not all. The princess suspected that the Clans would still allow the defender to choose the position, but there was always the possibility that they would want something different. Her real concern, though, was a secondary attack like the Wolves did on Icar. The way Katherine intended to fight would incense the enemy, and when a second group of Clans struck Blackjack, they would come down hard on one very likely area: the Blackjack School of Conflict. Located a good fifty kilometers from the capital city, both the school and the capital were prime targets. The School of Conflict was going to be well-mined and receive its share of fixed, hidden gun emplacements. They were nowhere near as extensive as the ones in the industrial zone, but without knowing how much time they had, they had started what work they could.

If they had more time than they thought, they would also be looking to expand into a tunnel system and harden some of the city buildings. The urban environment would be the perfect spot for ambush attacks and making use of the portable SRM infantry.

This was useful and productive work, but he really wished he could return to his 'Mech projects. Learning from the Tech Caste captives had made so much clearer, quickly. The power of these OmniMechs was in their flexibility. They could completely change their loadouts between battles! It only took a couple of hours. Options were not so readily available for them right now, but as they hopefully acquired more salvage, they could outfit each of their captured 'Mechs in the optimal way for a given task.

Never a dull moment with Princess Katherine.


Black Pearl Base, Sudeten

Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

June 15th 3050

Victor's eyes blazed with fury. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was in a conference room with Galen Cox by his side. Morgan Hasek-Davion was at the head of the table, and around him were Dan Allard and Chris Kell of the Kell Hounds, as well as Andrew Redburn. Further down the table, speaking now, was General Adriana Winston of the Eridani Light Horse.

"I've spoken with my officers, and we need time to process this information. The news that these are Kerensky's people returning home… well, you know our history. It goes all the way back to the Star League Defense Force. We've always thought that somewhere, out there, his descendants still lived. We hoped that they may have even been the Sphere's own secret protectors… not… this." Her voice was grief-stricken. "I'm sorry, I don't think we can fight here."

"We understa–" Morgan had been starting to say when Victor stood up.

"No. You don't get to walk away from this, Winston."

"Excuse me?" Arianna's voice replied, shocked and affronted.

"You heard me. You made it here so fast because of a Command Circuit, and now you want to cut and run because your bedtime stories turned out to be wrong? Are you mad? My people are dying out there, and you want to take time to… what? Grieve over something as absurd as this?"

"Victor…" Morgan warned.

"No, Morgan. This is ridiculous. We brought two regiments here at the cost of other options! If they want to break their contract in our hour of need, fine. But I'll make sure the entire Inner Sphere knows of their cowardice, and when I am the Archon-Prince, they'll be exiled from every star system under my control."

The room was dead-silent.

"Tempers are high," Christian Kell finally said. "General Winston, why don't you take a breather, and we'll review this further this evening? Nothing good can come from discord."

Winston walked out of the room without another word, and Victor stared defiantly at Morgan.

"We will talk about this later, but let us get back on track," Morgan said, tiredly.

Taking a deep breath, Victor ordered his thoughts and began discussing what he had prepared. Based on Katherine's captured Clan MechWarrior's word, they learned that the Clans enjoyed their one-on-one duels. Victor had confirmed this by reviewing all the battle data footage he could. He presented his findings and shared that only rarely did a Clan warrior challenge another through a comm link. Instead, they somehow just knew how to pick their targets so that their allies knew not to engage.

"Because of this tendency to fight against only one foe at a time, and because of their increased range, it struck us in the Junior Officers' Group that decoys and sensor overloads could be effective against the invaders. We can modify the M-1423 pop-up mine to detonate a white phosphorus explosion that should burn out infrared cells. Combined with others that shoot out magnetized chaff, it would block magscan."

Victor keyed the next button of his presentation.

"We then combine this with a standard training-course decoy that projects a holographic image of 'Mechs. If we seed the battlefield with these, it will give the enemy more targets they won't be able to tell are fake. It will disrupt their tactical planning and cause them to shoot at false targets instead of at us, at least some of the time. The ruse will be discovered, but it will buy us precious time to close into range with our weapons."

Morgan nodded. "The idea has merit. We'll need to do some testing, and it will take some time to modify the mines, but I like it. Good work. What else?"

"We need to hit back at them. We can stack multiple RCTs and regiments on a single world, and we would have no guarantee they would attack it. And if they do, they can hit us with concentrated force." Victor paused. "We know that general doctrine states that to win a planet with only acceptable losses, an attacker should have three times the force. Otherwise, you can win, but you'll pay for it. We will have the resources to do that, but only if we go on the offense and force them to fight us on our terms."

Redburn looked at Victor thoughtfully. "But we will almost certainly be going in blind," he paused, then added, "at least for now."

"There's no way they can keep every planet well defended. These Clanners view garrison duty as a shameful role. If we hit a planet – an important one – we can crush the defenders and force their frontline units to double back. Their invasion is already slowing down. They've only taken three additional worlds in the last month. The pace is slowing. Our raiders and those trapped behind enemy lines conducting guerilla actions are frustrating them." Victor looked Morgan in the eyes. "This is the added piece that will cinch it, that will keep them off balance long enough for our reinforcements to arrive. If we don't do this, we will lose more worlds before they get here."

Morgan nodded. "Draft up plans for a few different likely targets. This does have merit, and anything we can do to keep the enemy off balance is good." He gestured toward the door. "Everyone, but Victor, please clear the room."

Galen gave him a pat on the shoulder before exiting with the rest.

"Victor, you can't pick fights with the Eridani Light Horse. They are one of our best mercenary units and have been integrated with us for decades now. Several of their officers teach at NAMA, for crying out loud."

I'm not backing down.

"Morgan, they are good, and that's why I want to keep them. Their excuse is preposterous. These Clans are nothing like the SLDF we've read about in our history books. If not the Federated Commonwealth, where do they go? Liao? Kurita? Doubtful. They can find work with the Free Worlds League, but to your point, their home is with us. We need to push them. Two crack regiments, Morgan! Two! I am not going to just let them leave over this bullshit!"

The Marshal of the Armies studied Victor carefully.

"You might not be wrong, but there is a way of going about things. You don't humiliate them and question their bravery in front of others, including some of their respected peers, like the Kell Hounds. I will try to smooth things over, but you are right in the fact that we could use them. I will see about placing them in a defensive role because it will allow them the possibility that they won't have to fight. A compromise, and one that may be needed. Several of the enemy JumpShips have Lithium-Fusion Batteries." Morgan shook his head in frustration. "It creates a nightmare situation for defensive planning. They can jump to a system and then almost immediately jump to a second one before having to recharge. Every system now has a sixty-light-year threat radius."

At least it is something.

"If need be, assuming they stay and contribute, I will apologize to her directly," Victor offered.

"How kind of you to offer, though I will be ordering you to do so, regardless," Morgan replied sternly.

Victor held up his hands. "All right, all right. But they've just taken Malibu, Beta VII, and Hot Springs. They might be slowing down, but it's obvious which world they're going to hit next."

"Ah," Morgan said. "You are worried about your sister."

Victor's face fell. "Damn it, yes. I know she can handle herself. Hell, she's done better than me so far! But we all saw the broadcast she put out. Even here on Sudeten, we have people lining up to join the AFFC. What she did is no doubt inspiring Blackjack to put up the best defense possible, but Morgan," Victor's voice was on the ragged edge, "she's always said what she means. She won't retreat when the Clans come, not this time. If she can't hold out…" His voice cut off before he lost his composure completely.

"If it's any consolation, unlike with you, she's accepted her protective detail. And I'm sure at least one of them will be more successful than Hauptmann Cox in knocking her out and dragging her to a DropShip. Your father has given clear orders on the matter."

Victor barked out a laugh. "I suppose that's something, but it's hard to do if she's in her 'Mech." He looked down. "I can't do anything about it now, other than try to convince you that going on the offense is the right thing to do. And it is, even without my sister being in the line of fire. But if we could take some pressure off their advance… even if it only means fewer of their MechWarriors are available to attack, it will be something."

"I'm dependent on others here. All I can do is try to persuade, and while I know I'm right about the Light Horse, scenes like that won't help my case. I have to be better. I have to think things through."


Tharkad City, Tharkad

District of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth

July 20th 3050

Hanse Davion was still adjusting to the new location for strategy meetings. One downside of being on Tharkad was that Nondi Steiner was now part of them. At first, the meetings had also been clogged with an absurd number of theater commanders who were nowhere near their theaters of operation. He quickly put an end to that fiasco, limiting the number of people in the room.

Still, the other advantages Katherine had outlined remained. The divisiveness in some parts of the Lyran media had been sharply curtailed. The vultures still circled, and there was always at least some news programming with a slant against him.

Ryan Steiner has been a thorn for far too long now, but he must wait in line behind the Clans and ComStar.

"The Clans are on the move again," Justin advised in the more intimate strategy room. There would be working groups to tackle specific issues, but those would be filtered through Alex Mallory and Justin Allard. In the room now were just his wife, Nondi Steiner, Justin, Alex, and Marshal Richard Regis II.

"What worlds have they taken?" Hanse asked.

"We aren't sure if the worlds have fallen, but ComStar traffic has changed on Planting and Roadside. I suspect these are just the first two of several new assaults."

"Marshal Regis frowned, "Those worlds are far apart."

Justin nodded. "We suspect it is two different Clans launching these attacks. The Jade Falcons have taken most of our worlds, while the Wolves have concentrated on the Free Rasalhague Republic. The Wolves took Icar and Chateau at the start, and this would now be their third world. Based on stellar cartography, we suspect Ridderkerk will also be in their line of advance, potentially more."

Hanse felt Melissa's hand on his. She spoke with no tremor in her voice, but Hanse could tell by her touch that she was deeply afraid for their daughter. "That is yet another world within range of Blackjack."

Nondi clicked her tongue. "She has more courage than most, but she needs to be tempered by more seasoned commanders. This whole 'will die before I retreat' nonsense is more Combine than Lyran. Though it smells of NAMA bravado as well. It may have rallied our people, but those gains can be undone when she is forced to retreat."

Hanse glowered at her. "If, Nondi. If she is forced to retreat. You are all underestimating her. She savaged them on Icar and played the Clan's game and won on Wotan, saving a lot of good soldiers and material."

Nondi's nostrils flared as she gathered steam.

"You will not find me ever disparaging your daughter, but she is horrendously disadvantaged by their technological edge. Every world they have attempted to conquer, they have taken. Every single one, Hanse! Not one has managed to throw the enemy off. Katherine is immensely talented, an incredible warrior with a fantastic mind, the best leader of her generation, and the ability to inspire our people like no other, but she is still only seventeen!" Her eyes blazed. "I will never forgive you if your arrogance gets her killed."

"I'll never forgive myself if that happens; you not doing so doesn't even register in my list of worries."

Marshal Regis interjected again. "If her words make it difficult for her to retreat, and all signs point to the Clans attacking soon, can we not reinforce the world more strongly?"

Justin shook his head. "Only with great difficulty. We could further our conscription of JumpShips, but if we dig any deeper, our factories won't be able to maintain proper supply chains for producing 'Mechs, tanks, armor, and munitions."

Nondi snarled. "You have an armada of JumpShips on Sudeten, as well as what, two RCTs and an additional four 'Mech regiments?"

"Who would take over a month to reach Blackjack? And with the Clans on the offense again, we can't just sit back and let them choose the battlefield. We need to attack. Doing so will force the Clans to slow down and waste precious time and resources defending their rear. I am authorizing a strike on Twycross, led by Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Allard of the Kell Hounds. They will be joined by the 10th Lyran Guards RCT and the 9th FedCom RCT," Hanse replied. "While their actions will not take effect in time to stop an attack on Blackjack, they will disrupt any secondary assault on the planet if Katherine can hold."

Hanse could see Nondi practically quivering with anger. Melissa spoke again before her aunt could.

"Nondi, we are all concerned over Katherine. There are steps being taken to ensure she leaves the planet if it is lost. The FCIS team that is protecting my daughter includes LIC elements, and they know how important she is."

"And you as well?" Nondi's eyes raked Melissa with scorn. "Your mother would be rolling in her grave if she knew what you were doing. We are operating in the dark about their overall strategy. Yes, reinforcements from Sudeten may not make it in time, but they might! You still have the Gray Death Legion, Eridani Light Horse, and Kathil Ulhans on Sudeten with a full RCT arriving in August and another in September. Send one of those regiments to Blackjack and they can make the difference. For God's sake, she only has two battalions of 'Mechs on Blackjack, and one of those battalions is a training battalion."

Enough of this.

"Decisions have been made. Reinforcements to multiple worlds will be needed. Send your request to Morgan via black box as our communication protocol demands. My Marshal of the Armies knows how important Katherine is, and he has the most up-to-date information on the warfront. His task force is responsible for throwing the Clans back; our job is to make sure he has the resources he needs. We aren't going to micromanage him from Tharkad."

As the head of Lyran State Command stormed out, Hanse squeezed his wife's hand. Morgan's task force had more targets than just Twycross, and he needed to protect a broad front. Blackjack was not an important world to conquer, which meant he hoped the Jade Falcons would not plan to use a lot of resources on it. If they did reinforce it with crack units, it would only bring a larger force.

Let them underestimate her. Her analysis said the Clans discount armor and artillery. Without a full regiment, they may bid foolishly. This is the right call to make, regardless of whether the attack comes early or late. It must be.

Marshal Regis looked troubled. "Forgive me, Highness, but is even the force assembled enough to dislodge the enemy from Twycross? Perhaps the unexpectedness of the assault will play in our favor, but most militaries and societies would view 'Mech factory facilities as ones to be well-guarded. I cannot help but think of the BattleROM data from Chateau. Less than a battalion's worth of 'Mechs and fewer than a hundred of their Toads defeated Marshal Steiner's RCT, along with both the 1st and 2nd Chateau Mechanized Militias. Over 100 'Mechs, 300 combat vehicles, a wing of Aerospace support, an artillery battalion, and five regiments of infantry from within the Tenth Donegal Guards RCT were defeated and driven off-world by less than a battalion of their 'Mechs."

Regis shook his head. "Sarah Steiner is an able tactician and one of the best RCT commanders we have. But if she can't hold off less than – what did the report call them? 'Clusters,' yes, less than one of their Clusters attacked Chateau. If an RCT isn't a match for that, I fear you may be sending your son to his doom."

Hanse sat back and steepled his fingers, sensing something off about the conversation.

"Chateau was one of the first worlds hit. We didn't know the capabilities of the enemy, how they fought, or even what the Toads were. Getting hit from a range that should have been impossible, then attacked by infantry who can tear you from your cockpit, is bound to cause fear to run rampant. From Sarah's report, her mistake was trusting one of her flanks to the militia, which cut and ran, compromising her position. Despite that, she was able to organize an orderly retreat and managed to salvage some of her Regimental Combat Team."

Richard nodded. "Yes, depending on green troops against the Clans may not be wise."

You son-of-a-bitch.

"Your point is taken, Marshal Regis." He glanced at his wife, "We too, would prefer our daughter not be forced to fight with half of her 'Mech force being trainees, but the strategic situation has not changed. You are smoother than Field Marshal Nondi Steiner, but my answer will be no different, and I do not appreciate the attempt at manipulation."

The man had the grace to look chastised.

"I had to make the attempt, Highness. The hopes of the Lyran people rest in your daughter."

I know.



Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

August 1st 3050

The ceremony to bestow medals approved by Federated Commonwealth High Command was an opportunity to keep the radical fanaticism on Blackjack alive and well. I was a bit taken aback by the sheer energy of the people of Blackjack. My broadcast must have been like a match in a dry summer – it sparked the conflagration, but the essential building blocks for the wildfire were already in place. My worry was that, like a wildfire, it would burn out and leave nothing but sad ashes.

We can't have that until we've fought off the inevitable attack.

The good news was that nearly all the equipment and mercenaries I had hired had arrived and I'd be meeting with the retired Lyran MechWarriors after this ceremony. I said a few words, smiled for the cameras, and then pinned on the medals. The last on the list was Corporal Aaron Keegan. He was part of the crew of a Partisan Heavy Tank that had taken crippling damage. He had pulled another crewmember, who had lost consciousness free, and dragged him to safety despite the raging battle going on within Cuanger.

Hard to imagine that was nearly five months ago.

Keegan looked proud to be receiving the Federated Commonwealth Star, an award a step below the more prestigious Federated Commonwealth Medal of Honor, but still quite a big deal. Since you typically had to die in the line of duty to earn the Medal of Honor, I suspected he preferred the Star over the Medal of Honor in any case.

After a few more holovid poses and then a syrupy-sweet, choreographed scene of me hugging a few children and promising to protect them, I headed to my next meeting. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Hans Lautner was a man in his 80s, and despite his advancing years, he looked quite a bit like the old mascot for a chicken chain that had grown popular in Japan.

Ah yes, the spitting image of Colonel Sanders, but without the glasses.

The man wore an old, but pristine-looking, Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces uniform. His own Dragonslayer's Ribbon was a 'medal' from the old Lyran Commonwealth for distinguished duty against the Draconis Combine. I had perused his record—he was good. Whether he was still good thirty years later was something I hoped to find out. He had brought with him a group of retired officers, four Kommandants, and a Hauptmann. All were in advancing years around his age, and all had heavy or assault 'Mechs.

Lautner piloted an early Succession War Atlas, and his companions piloted two Awesomes, a Zeus, an Orion, and a Warhammer. None of them had any of the new technology from NAIS, no double heat sinks, or better armor, but they were still deadly machines that could take a beating and hold a line.

Our meeting took place in one of my office's and he bowed gallantly.

"Princess Katherine Steiner, you remind me so much of your grandmother. You know she pinned this award on me herself! Never had a prouder day in my life."

I smiled at him, making a mental note of how he used a partial form of my last name. If I brought him on, he'd need to fix that quickly. I was a product of both parents, and the future Federated Commonwealth was the product of two nations.

"I read the commendation report; it was well earned. You not only made the right tactical call, but you also fought ferociously and slew the Kurita commander."

"Ah, so you are already familiar. I tell you, it is always darkest before the dawn, but when I saw…"

"Forgive me, as much as I would love to hear more, I do have a meeting with one of my Kommandants just after this one."

He gave a belly-laugh. "Oh, right, right, well, when duty calls, we must always answer. And when House Steiner calls, proud Lyran patriots will always answer."

"Indeed, and it is about that duty that I would like to speak to you of. The last time you fought in combat, I was not even a gleam in my mother's eyes. I would like you and your fellow patriots to log in some serious simulator time. Then, I'd like to use you as an ad hoc mercenary unit, or if you would care to join the AFFC. I can't promise you the rank that you were, but I could use an experienced commander to help mentor my newer staff officers."

His earlier demeanor sharpened, and he stood, giving a salute.

"Colonel, I stand ready to serve. This is likely to be my last hurrah, and I'd rather see it within my Atlas while my hands are still steady and my mind sharp."

The tonal shift was immediate. He didn't want to be a mercenary; he wanted to return to the military. Gone was the retired uncle facade; in its place stood a Lyran officer who still had his wits about him.

"I'm glad to hear it. Report for simulator duty, and afterward, I'll pick your brain some more to see where you might fit into my unit's rank structure. I can't give you all the commands you deserve but will be glad to make good use of your experience."

The man gave me a wolfish grin. "I'll be happy to beat any of these youngins with my Atlas. I may be half as sharp as I was, but that's still twice as keen as your average officer."

I'll wait for the results of the simulator exercise, but my read on him is that he's still in command of his faculties. As a prior XO of a full regiment, he would be perfect to slot in as Kommandant of my 'Mech battalion. Hauptmann LeBeau can learn from him, and when Hans re-retires, we will have a seamless transfer. I'll assess the others as well, but I have enough officers for my 'Mech companies already. Instead, they will likely be my anchor or brute squad when I need heavy firepower.


WarShip, White Aerie, Assault Orbit, Blackjack

Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

August 9th 3050

Galaxy Commander Samantha Clees had entered orbit over the world of Blackjack, prepared to oversee the bidding between the Star Colonels she had chosen. Nearly her entire Galaxy was with her fleet, the lone exception being the First Falcon Striker Cluster, which was attacking the world of Goat Path simultaneously.

Star Colonel Marthe Pryde of the 2nd Falcon Jaegers had accomplished every objective she had been assigned flawlessly. She would be bidding against Star Colonel Evelyn Buhallin of the 305th Assault Cluster. They would be free to call upon the other Clusters gathered, such as the Fifth Battle Cluster, Gyrfalcon Eyrie Cluster, and the Gryfalcon Solahma Cluster. They could even include Stars from each other's Clusters, though that was not as common.

"The world of Blackjack is being defended by Katherine Steiner-Davion. She is the one who defeated Star Captain Diane Anu. After this world, we are scheduled to assault Devin and Denizli, so to ensure we can keep pace with our schedule, the cutdown for this world will be two Clusters."

"What forces defend?" Evelyn Buhallin asked.

"According to ComStar, the official units are the equivalent of 14 Stars of 'Mechs, 8 Stars of vehicles, less than a Star of Aerospace, and a large force of unarmored infantry. ComStar indicates an unknown number of lightly armed conventional aircraft. They also have 10 Stars of artillery, most of which are faulty and may self-implode."

Star Captain Nedra, one of the several Star Captains observing the bid, laughed. "Typical Spheroid incompetence."

Clees shook her head. "It was your Cluster that failed, do not think the shame Diane Anu inflicted on our Galaxy is not felt most strongly for the Fifth Battle Cluster. Be silent."

Nedra's jaw clicked shut as her eyes blazed.

Marthe, meanwhile, looked intrigued. "Will this Katherine try her ploy again?"

"If she does, she will be refused. Our Khan has instructed that no more of our technology can be given up in a batchall. This is a battle for a world, so a simple Star would not be an appropriate challenge."

"She is good, but I do not fear her," Evelyn Buhallin said simply. "Their stolen BattleMechs will make a small-scale battle more intriguing, but if we bid equal numbers, we are sure to win. We could skip over this planet quickly and restore our honor."

"No. We will not be led by the nose like an Ice Hellion. Do not underestimate her individual talent. If that were a Trial of Position, she would be a Star Captain on the day she became a Warrior. A larger conflict serves us, as they cannot have more than a Binary of our 'Mechs. I will not risk not taking this world. The cutdown is two full-strength Clusters."

A Jade Falcon fully equipped Cluster would typically have 45 'Mechs, 75 Elementals, and 30 Aerospace fighters. With two Clusters, it would be 90 'Mechs, 150 Elementals, and 60 Aerospace. An overwhelming force of 30 Stars. The cutdown was considered the minimum required to take a world. While officers could bid below the cutdown, they did so at their peril. Samantha Clees knew that even Marthe Pryde wouldn't do it, given the mood her commanding officer was in.

"Marthe Pryde, prepare your opening bid."

The Star Colonel pulled up her console and outright deleted all the assets of the Fifth Battle Cluster. It had been removed first, prior to the removal of the Gyrfalcon Solahma Cluster. It was a calculated insult.

No doubt she wishes to hone her talons by fighting a Trial of Grievance or two.

She removed more, and her opening bid consisted of 105 'Mechs, 150 Elementals, and 60 Aerospace fighters.

Evelyn Buhallin took her turn and removed similar units, though she kept elements of the Fifth Battle Cluster over the Solahma Cluster. Her bid took away one Star of Aerospace, leaving 105 'Mechs, 150 Elementals, and 50 Aerospace Fighters.

Marthe looked over at her peer and removed a Star of 'Mechs. Evelyn matched it and brought it to the cutdown with the removal of a Star of Elementals. Her final force composition was 100 'Mechs, 125 Elementals, and 50 Aerospace Fighters: 20 Stars of 'Mechs, 5 Stars of Elementals, and 5 Stars of Aerospace, which was still the 30 Stars required for the cutdown, just in a different configuration.

"Star Colonel Buhallin, you may proceed with the batchall. Remember, do not agree to forfeit any of our technology and do not get led into a small-scale fight for the planet. Your bid is two Clusters, regardless of what she chooses to defend the world with."

Samantha was annoyed by her Khan's orders. She knew why they were given. Too many setbacks had occurred. The prior wave had them only attacking three planets.

At this rate we will move even slower than the Ghost Bears.

Two Clusters felt criminal. No chances could be taken if they were to regain their momentum. Even Iota Galaxy had been moved from the Periphery, and they had been granted the unheard-of honor of being allowed to lead an assault on one of the worlds toward the end of this wave. She had mixed feelings about it. Yes, they were a Provisional Garrison Cluster and not properly considered part of her Khan's bid for an Invasion Corridor, but that assumed a Garrison Cluster remained on garrison duty. It felt… shameful. Almost Wolf-like.

With a shiver of revulsion, she returned to the other tasks of a Galaxy Commander while Buhallin prepared to assault Blackjack.