Journey To Soul Town


>{At This Point Your Luck Isn't A Skill, It's A Goddamn Blessing}<

Nameless lets out a little screech of excitement, holding the pair of daggers up to the moon. They're so clean that they even reflect the moon.

"They're so pretty," Nameless gasps in awe. It's like a teenage boy who found his first love.

>{Tsk, They Look So Out Of Place On Someone Like You. Especially With Those Raggedy Ass Clothes}<

"Good thinking, let's go get some better equipment with these coins I got."

"Achy, set the GPS to Soul Town, and don't lead me to a cliff this time."

>{Yeah, Yeah, Stop Your Whining}<

A path of light appears infront of Nameless, leading him through the wilderness. As he follows the path, he hums a happy tune. Taking in the beautiful scenery is calming, even if it's a game. He twirls his new found daggers in his hand smoothly, probably to get rid of the boredom, as there's not much to do besides walking and looking at the scenery.

"Ughhh, when is some acting going to star? My hands are itching for some blood. I swear the next enemy I sense I'm attacking them."

>{You're Such A Psychotic Ass Player}<

"Bitchy ass system."

If Achy had a human form, She would probably be crossing her arms, huffing in anger.

>{The Stupid System Is Spoiling You And It's Getting To Your Head}<

"Or maybe your attitude is rubbing off on me. You're literally giving me a split personality."

>{You Wish You Could Be Like Me, Hmph}<

Although Nameless didn't admit it, having the occasionally banter like this with Achy, especially during a boring walk, was definitely entertaining to say the least.

Nameless face becomes plastered with an evil looking grin as he stops walking.




His hands become masked behind pixels as his new shiny daggers become materialized into his hand.

"Hmmm… There's about, 5?"

He throws one of his daggers into the tree. As he does so, a bigger looking goblin can be seen falling to the ground with the dagger in his head. Nameless walks closer to it and grabs the handle of his dagger and pulls it out of its head, upon closer inspection, it's an evolved version of a goblin. A hobgoblin.

As he pulls out the dagger, it becomes painted in red. He licks the blade cleaning off the blood. The hobgoblin then dematerializes surrounded by pixels, as if being devoured by the world. Nothing left in it's placed.

"Tskk.. No drops?"

>{Seems You Finally Ran Out Of Luck}<

The other goblins that were hidden, jump down from the tree surrounding him.



Slash differed between swords and daggers, with the sword it goes with power while with daggers it goes with speed.

He quickly closed behind 2 hobgoblins slicing for both of their heads. The other 2 try to attack him but he dodged their attacks by taking a side step and stabbing the one closest to him in the neck.

3 hobgoblins quickly dematerialize behind pixels leaving only 1 left.

As he slowly walks near the last remaining hobgoblin, it cowers in fear. It took a while but the goblin slayer title has finally taken effect, probably because this is his first time encountering this type of goblin species.

The hobgoblin drops to his knees, crying. His cries can be heard all throughout the forest. However it abruptly stops as Nameless executes him with both daggers, his head slowly falling off and dematerializing behind pixels. All 5 goblins left no drops.

Nameless stares down with a cold look.

"No drops, Tskk.. I didn't even level up."

>{Pfffff, It Seems Luck Is No Longer On Your Side. How Pathetic}<

"Shut Your Trap."

Nameless continues walking, following the path of light once more. He clearly seems pissed.

>{It Seems Someone's A Tad Angwy~}<

Nameless ignores her teasing as he continues to walk.

Along his walk he can see the forest slowly start to fade out, leaving a grassy plain in its stead. In the distance Soul Town can be seen by a beam of light, however it's still quite far. He's lucky that he can even see it from the trees opening up.

Dusk slowly starts to fall leaving a faint coldness. The stars twinkling beautiful.

'This game really is pretty.'

Nameless starts to let out a soft hum, showing his new found content in the change of scenery. He also seems to be in a better mood now that his daggers have gotten dirtied with blood.

'I wonder if there's already class change quests that I can take.'

A class change quest is a sort of trial you can take to evolve your class. Even if he knew all the previous class evolutions (as stated in chapter 1), there is no guarantee that they will be the same, considering that this is now the full release of the game.

"Ahh, what's that pain?"

>{What're You Talking About?}<

Nameless covers his eyes.

"My eyes, they… Sting."


>{Nameless! Nameless, Hey! Wake Up Shit Head!}<

Nameless's vision fades as he collapses to the ground, his breath raspy and his eyes still in pain.

As his consciousness slowly slips away, he can hear Achy, worried.

'How cute.'