Chapter 4

One of the administrator job was to inspect on all employees of hell whether they're working or lazing around. He cannot let the latter happn by any means. The facility does not have quite of a stable structure, meaning that they don't have enough members to operate the entirety of hell. 

 It was easy enough for humans to to migrate to heaven to hell as sinners and saints. But to land as someone that has to work as a job, it is tricky . For heaven, there was enough people there to fill the role as working there has a ton of benefits. But for hell, none of the people want to work with terrible situations. It was natural effect by hell itself to emit misery on those who lives there. Therefore, people that has to enter heaven but has enough sins are unfortunately forced to work in this firery pit of despair.


He could quit. But quitting means that one no longer has a purpose. They cannot reincarnate. They cannot reenter heaven. Forever stuck here till universe itself reject them out of existence. He hated the very idea of not existing. He cannot comprehend why some people prefer that over reincarnation. If he didn't keep check those sinners at bay, he would be fired. 


The rulers of heaven governing all of universe do not like any sinful person got away from their misdeed. They wanted poetic justices which is why punishment centers are formed to indirectly carry out the action. He thought of the same thing as them when he was just human. He wants right amount of justice for all kinds good and bad. Now, he regrets it.

"I hate this job", that was the only thing he could say right now.