Ch. 2 – Elixir of Existence: A Glistening Tear of Life P.4


The next year, my brother was born at the end of the year. He is 2 years apart from me. I'm 4 years old and I am able to walk in that toddler body. I also do everything on my own now.

My brother is still a baby. I always look at him because he is so cute. He really got a pretty face like my mother. I felt jealous that he was already handsome when he was little. He might have surpassed me when he grows up. His name is Elijah Amor. My brother has light purple hair like mother and pairs of green eyes like father. He is the opposite of me for his traits. But we both still get the traits from our parents.

As a toddler, I was already good at walking and I did like to watch my parents doing their job. I noticed that my father has a black sigil on his back while my mom has a white sigil on her chest. I was wondering what that sign is for because it is not a common thing to have on normal people. I also saw that they kept trying to hide those marks with thicker clothes. Whatever it is, I believe my parents are nice people and I hope so because there is something strange about them. They never let us go outside and meet with other people like they are trying to hide about us. However, I believe it must be for our own good. Besides, I love how they are kind and friendly with everyone in the village. As I do not have anything to worry about, I live fully to learn more about this world from a book after I learned some words that my parents teach.

Every day, my father will go to the forest to hunt monsters and strange looking animals from Earth. However, it is still edible, and my mom's cooking is delicious. I wonder if they use the same ingredients for seasoning. I was impressed by all of it if it was from a natural product. Meanwhile, my mother often will go to the forest to collect some herbs that I learned are very useful to make medicine and potions. This later can be used to conserve as support other than using their magic.

My hair is growing longer than last year. My mother told me that I inherited her bloodline that makes my hair long like a goddess race. She told me it would be useful for me because of its strength and durability. She also told me one day, it can be turned into a weapon or shield for me. As a woman, she could untie her hair like normal without worrying about her look. For me, my father made a special chain as a hairband to tie my hair. Even if it is tied, my hair still could reach my leg.

"Don't worry. Once you grow up, you will grow taller. It will only be on your back," my mother reassured me, attempting to lift my spirits from their gloomy depths.

"That's only if I get tall as dad" I retorted, not satisfied with her words.

One day, my father brought me to a dungeon, instructing my mother to take care of herself and my younger sibling, Elijah, as he anticipated a late return.

"Is the dungeon scary, Dad?" I asked, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

"Not at all. It's only dark there. You just need to keep a torch lit," he reassured me.

"But what if it blows out?" I pressed, my curiosity tinged with a hint of fear.

"The monsters will come... and eat you!" he exclaimed, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he teased me.

I jumped in surprise, momentarily taken aback before realizing he was joking. "You got me!" I laughed nervously.

"Just kidding," he chuckled. "But if the light goes out, you should immediately relight it with magic."

"But you don't know how to use fire magic," I pointed out, my concern resurfacing.

"Don't worry. I still have a rune to keep the fire lit," he assured me, his confidence lending me a sense of reassurance.

I keep talking with him while walking in the dungeon. He told me that I need to be brave and strong to protect our family. He reminds me to take care of Elijah and make a promise with him. After that, he seems to easily kill the monster with a single attack with his dark magic. My father is really strong. He said that the upper monster is just an easy opponent that is only large in number. But his single dark flame could easily spread and kill all of it.

"Can I know why demons and angels could not use elemental magic?" I asked him to continue our conversation.

"That's because we already have everything. Their magic is inferior to us. They might have elemental magic, but they can't use light and dark magic better than like our races" he explained it clearly to make me understand.

As a demon or angel, they are gifted with immortality unlike humans that age. They are also strong and powerful. Their speed is top notch than human and their physical strength is slightly different. The demon has a horn and tail that make them look hideous and scary. Meanwhile, the angel is sacred and pure with their beauty and makes them love by living things. Unlike the human race, look how they use their elemental power to destroy everything in this world. But not all of them are bad. They're still good humans in this world. For them, angels and demons are always getting hunted by humans because they want to use the dark magic to resurrect and light magic can revive. But that's all just a rumor. There's never a proof of that because of the cause. I once asked him what the cause was, but he didn't tell me.

I continue chatting with my father.

"Does that mean you are hated by them?" I asked him with concern.

"Not at all. Our appearance serves a vital purpose in the underworld." I listened intently as my father explained, his voice steady and sure.

As I absorbed my father's explanation, I couldn't help but ponder his words.

Only demons can survive in the hot temperatures in the underworld. Soft things like angels could not even get near it.

I'm happy to talk with my father about his birthplace. He is such a lovely father and strong. His white hair makes him hated by the demon race. Such pure colour is not suitable for them and he is known as a curse child. I heard from my mother that he is hated by his own father and kept it a secret between me. That's because I asked her why he is exiled to human land. Meanwhile, I learn about my mother's secret from my father.

My mother is a powerful angel that is strong and brave. Her vicious behaviour makes her leave the sky realm because she wants to travel in human land. That's all I know from him about mother.

I learn from the Master that my mother is not willing to kill the demon race. She only meant to protect them and didn't want to get involved in war.

But there are many secrets that I think they both hide from me. This relationship is unacceptable for both parties. I wonder if that would be the main reason they were exiled to the human realm.


As we reached the depths of the dungeon, a formidable sight awaited us—an imposing monster, its features resembling that of a fearsome bull. Its single horn protruded menacingly from its head, and to our astonishment, it possessed the ability to communicate.

The creature, who introduced itself as Bulldarox, made a chilling declaration: "I am the one who served Lord Nicholas, Bulldarox." Taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, I could hardly believe my ears. The monstrous being before us was not only capable of speech but also claimed allegiance to a certain Lord Nicholas.

Arthur, displaying his usual courage, confronted the creature: "What does my father want?"

Bulldarox's response was cryptic, dripping with a malevolent intent: "It is no use if you know because I will drag you to him either alive or dead. After all, he will make you his vessel."

A revelation unfolded—my suspicions were confirmed. The dire state of Lord Nicholas after the holy war was not mere rumor; it seemed he was indeed on the brink of death. Arthur's inquiry seemed to hit a nerve, provoking a reaction from the creature.

The tension in the air was palpable as Arthur pressed further: "So it's true that he is on the verge of death after the holy war?"

In response, Bulldarox's fury flared: "Silence! It's none of your business!"

Arthur's mention of his father's condition appeared to be a sore spot for the creature. This revelation struck a chord within me—confirmation that the demon lord was, in fact, nearing the end of his existence. Amidst our conversation, Arthur's insight into the situation became clear: "Look son. That is not a normal dungeon monster."

I found myself drawn into the unfolding confrontation, seeking answers: "So what is that thing?" Arthur's words held a grave warning: "He is the demon beast."

With my curiosity piqued, I voiced a question that lingered in my mind: "But how did he get in here?" Memories of my reading surfaced, recalling a passage about a pathway through which demons could infiltrate the realm of humans. A realization struck me: "The dungeon door?" There must have been an opening that led them passed into the human world. 

But that is impossible. The demon laughed at me sadistically. "There was a sudden disruption 2 years ago". It must have weakened the barrier. 


The demon only sees humans less than insects. The fragile body that resists too much when being killed.

Between many races in this world, humans have the best taste when eating them alive. Their screams bring joy to them and make them like a toy and entertainment. The living things that feel with various emotions inside them make it like a different taste to demons. Some's filled with greed, lust, and vengeance. Those taste the worst like rotten meat.

While one that lives in happiness, love and kindness grows like a delicious meal that perfectly cooks.

The demon only loves human's screams and agony when they are on the verge of death. Their despair heals them and makes them stronger. Human's bad emotions and black heart invited the demon to come into this world. The human that is filled with all of those is the seven deadly sins, a group of seven people that are the cursed child of the first human in the world. They are sealed in the fifth continents of the land of terror. They worship the demon as their king that fulfilled their limitless desire.
