Wanted To Marry Early!

"Nora! That was her name." Benard stared at the screen intently. He remembered the girl. She looked so innocent and naive that he had not forgotten for a long time.

That was one of the reasons that he did not reply to the advance of David's daughter, Penny. She was nice but she was nothing in comparison to this girl.

"Have you not told me that she is bad at studies and wanted to marry early!" yet she had won a gold medal in the talent hunt competition. All of the winners of this competition secure a position either as researcher or scholar in the best university and have a bright career.

David was covered in cold sweat. It had been four months. Benard had asked for Nora for a few days then he had stopped. David had believed that Benard had forgotten about the girl. Who would have believed that he would think about the girl at this very moment!