Star Of The Auction

"Mom! They have replaced me." Penny felt her heart crushing when she watched the advertisement online. It was the same script, the same dress, same bottles of beverages from Blue Corn Ltd. but the girl was not her. A new girl was showing her bare shoulders and smiling at the screen.

Sophia sighed. It had been two days since her confession was uploaded but hardly a few netizens had felt pity on Penny. They all only accused her for lying and cooking up stories now.

A few even claimed that they knew who the third wheel is so Penny need not act.

Though the comments were taken down instantly by the PR team appointed by David. Things are not improving at all.

"Penny, why don't you go and study. Your exams are approaching." Penny threw the cushion on the ground before returning to her room. Her sobs filled the hallways making Sophiya singh.