Depending On Your Skills

Chris finally leaned on the chair and chuckled.

"Ah! So you are here for the shares not for me. You broke my heart, Nora." his voice only looked bemused as he spoke. "But I am sorry, I can not sell these shares." 

"I will offer twice the amount." Chris paused. He had purchased the shares of this company at half the price since the stock value had fallen at that time. 

But now, with Alric's help the shares had risen again and the stock value was all time higher. If he sold these shares, he would earn thrice the amount he had invested already.

But if she was offering the double price! Chris watches her intently. 

"Do you even have that much wealth Nora? Or are you depending on your skills to please Alric and buy the shares for you?" Nora did not miss the crude remark and the way he stared at her chest.