Chapter One: A Heavenly Gamble

This isn't the history you knew. Throughout the eons, the human race witnessed the birth of many legends. 32 of the strongest figures in history will battle for the honor of the gods! Who shall prevail?

The Elysium Council

In the temple made of stars, gods from the world over gather here. Walking towards the structure are two such gods.

One god is a tall, muscular man with scars on his body, yellow eyes, and low-cut black hair. He has on a black and red chest plate and pteruges, ram head shoulder pads, a long black cape, spiked arm bracers, and buskin.

"Well, this is a surprise. I wonder what got our father to call for all of us gods to come here."

The Greek God of War


Walking next to him is a beautiful young woman with rich cream hair, cyan-blue eyes, and a pair of small-rim glasses. She wears a golden chest plate with a white toga over it, a skirt, woven sandals, and a golden laurel tiara.

"I can't say that I know, brother."

Greek Goddess of Wisdom and War


Ares laughs, "Hah! You mean to tell me the great Athena doesn't know why our father is coming for the meeting of the pantheons? That's rich!"

Athena snickers, "Funny, because father trusts me with everything else than you. Of course, considering your solution to every problem is violence, it's not hard to see why."

Ares glared at Athena and growled, "Don't get so cocky! At least I'm stronger than you.

"But you lack the brains, the patience, and the composure," Athena said as she adjusted her glasses. 

They entered the temple and made their way to the senate room. A particular grinning god greeted them. This god is a young effeminate man with dark green eyes, picky ears, short reddish-orange hair, and long curly eyebrows. He wears a long black fur-collared coat, grey trousers, and knee-high boots.

The god looked at the two Greek gods and smiled mischievously.

"Well, if it isn't the brute and the bookworm. I was offering when you two would arrive."

Norse God of Mischief


Ares sneered, "We don't have time for your games, trickster. We're here for the meeting."

The Norse trickster laughed, "Ohoho, always quick to anger as always Ares. A simple hello wouldn't kill you, you know?"

Athena huffed, "Considering it's you, Loki. I think my brother's reaction is warranted."

"Eh, I would be worse, but I'm on my best behavior today," Loki shrugged.

Loki opens the door and lets Ares and Athena enter. He then enters the room as well.

Every god floats on golden yellow clouds in the council room filled with stars. The sky shows galaxies upon galaxies that would make mortals awed at the splendor. 

Loki joined Athena and Ares as they lifted up in the air a cloud. At the center of the room is a muscular man with flowing white hair, a white trimmed beard, blue eyes, and he wears a blue toga with a lightning brooch.

This man sits on a marble throne with a gavel in hand.

Leader of the Pantheons and Greek God of the Sky


Zeus laughs heartily, "Well, it seems everyone is here then. Good, now onto business."

Zeus began to speak more seriously.

"I have called all of you here for something crucial. As you all know, after the Theomachy, I was elected to be the leader and mediator of the pantheons. Some of you put your trust in me, while some don't. I have always done what's best for us for millions of years. However, there comes a time when even I must step down from my idea. Therefore, I am retiring as the supreme leader of the pantheons."

Many of the gods gasped as they heard the announcement.

"Lord Zeus is...retiring."

"I...I never thought this day would come."

"Who will maintain order in heaven?"

Athena whispered to Ares, "Brother, did you know this would happen?"

Ares answered, "No."

Zeus raised his hand to quiet the room.

"I know you are confused. But that's why I shall give this to my successor, but who among you is worthy is lead in my absence?"

Then an old voice rang within the celestial room. 

"Come now, Zeus. Among us, only I am capable of this responsibility."

Everyone turns their attention to the source of the voice. The sound came from a tall man with a shaved head, a grey eye on the left, a golden eyepatch on the right, runic tattoos on his arms, and a long grey beard with a braided mustache. He is sporting a dark blue kyrtil with a brown leather belt adorned with gems, a black cape with a fur shroud, black fur hide kilt, trousers, and reddish-brown boots.

The Allfather of the Norse Gods


Zeus perks up with intrigue at Odin's declaration.

Odin continued to speak.

"As you know, Zeus. I've always respected you as a god who is just, and upholds the laws dutifully. So it's fair that I ensure they supported under my rule."

Many of the gods chatter about Odin being a potential successor to Zeus.

Zeus strokes his beard and laughs, "Good point, my old friend. Besides myself, you have contributed to heaven more than any other gods. So unless anyone wishes to rebuke Odin's claims, speak up."


"I would."

Another voice came from a skinny dark-skinned man with six arms, yellow pupilless eyes, and boysenberry hair. He wore black and yellow robes around the waist.

Ashani God of Wisdom


The gods gasped at Anansi would oppose Odin of all beings. 

"Don't get me wrong, Odin. You're indeed the most qualified, but you're also a schemer and not the kind to have fun with. Besides, I want to liven up heaven, so I want to be the leader."

Athena spoke up after hearing this.

"Father! I also must insist that I must become the head of the pantheons. Because of my planning and wisdom, I maintain order within Olympus."

Ares protested, "Oh, no, you don't! Father, I make sure our armies are well trained. I should have the leadership!"

"I disagree, Ares." A soft voice spoke. 

Seeing the young woman, he noticed her having long golden blonde hair, peach lips, and closed eyes. 

In addition to her white kimono dress, she wears a bright orange obi around her waist and a jade magatama necklace around her neck.

Shinto Leader and Goddess of the Sun


"Heh, I beg your pardon?" Ares said with a sarcastic tone

Amaterasu spoke again, "You are quick to anger and quick to unnecessary violence. A leader must entertain the idea of peace and understanding. Those are the kinds of things I would do if I were the head of the pantheons."

"Oh, spare me the flower talk! You're too soft to make the big wartime decisions," Ares sneered.

Athena chimes in, "Oh, and you do? You lack a strategic mindset to be a leader!"

Then another voice echoes in the room.

"And you lack the regal of a ruler, Athena."

The echo came from a middle-aged tan man with amber swept-back hair, silver eyes, Egyptian eye makeup on his left eye, and beautiful white wings. He is a silk sky blue loincloth with gold ornate with gold and a multicolored usekh.

Leader of the Egyptian gods and God of the SkyHorus

Horus smugly smiles as he says, "When it comes to being a leader, you command the respect of the servants and peers. After all, I defeated my uncle, Sett, and claimed my throne. So it's far for me to represent my people and become the leader of all the gods."

Ares yelled, "Yeah, well, your mother was a whore!"

Horus yelled back, "Your mother is a drunken cow!"

Then the entire council descended into arguments. Each god yelled and squabbled over who had the right to be on the throne. Swear words were thrown back and forth. Meanwhile, Loki watched this with a wicked grin on his face.

While Zeus rubbed his eyes, he thought to himself.

'Huh, I knew I should've held a ballot instead.'

Zeus raised his gavel and smashed it on a stand near him. It sent a massive soundwave that shook the room. All of the gods went silent in respect of the King of Olympus.

Zeus sighed, "Now then. It seems everyone wants this throne so badly, hmm. Well, that's good, great even! But the last thing we need is a war of the gods. Am I right?"

Odin asked Zeus, "What are you getting at?"

Zeus smiles, "Well since everyone wants to rule heaven, how about a wager? A proxy battle tournament for the throne."

All of the gods are dumbfounded at the proposal.

"What do you mean by a proxy tournament?" Horus said curiously

Zeus said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"For eons, we've witnessed the strength of the human race. How they get to be quite a resilient species, but one thing has always crossed my mind. Who is the strongest in history?"

He grins wide as he says, "Bring me the greatest human ever to exist, and I will give you all of heaven! I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought about this. Surely, you all want to know; am I right?"

With that, the flames of ambition burn within the gods. A proxy war to determine the fate of heaven was set.

The gods roared in approval of it.

Once the cheering stopped, Amaterasu raised her hand.

"Lord Zeus, if I may, what should the human who wins this tournament get in return for winning?"

Zeus chuckles, "Anything their heart deserves. Reincarnation, wealth, godhood, it's all for the taking."

Amaterasu nodded in agreement.

Zeus sat up and raised his arms in the air.

"Then it settled! Let's have the 32 legendary humans throughout history fight for your honor! A deathmatch that will change the course of heaven and earth forever!"

As most of the gods cheered, Loki snickers wickedly, "This is gonna be fun!"

Meanwhile, Athena looks at Ares and says, "You know I don't intend to lose, Ares."

Ares smiled madly.

"Wouldn't bet on it, sister!"

The war has begun. Thirty-two of the strongest warriors in history shall enter, but only one will leave as the victor!

Welcome to the...Historiamachy!