Chapter 7: The Scotsman and The Spiritwalker

Following the removal of Ares by the archangels, a new set of drinks replaced the broken ones in the skybox. 

"Glad that idiot got kicked out! Seriously, how he is the god of war," Nike said as she sat on Ares's throne.

Athena smiled satisfyingly, "Yes, my brother is strong, but I'm always the one to make the strategies."

"Alright, time to see the second bout begin!"

Then a low-pitched and strong female voice called out Nike.

"There you are, Nike! Care to explain why you are lazing on the job?" 

Nike quickly looked behind for the seat and saw a tall, burly fair-skinned woman with full lips, shoulder-length orange hair with a size buzz cut, great white wings, and marigold eyes. She wears a white and gold sports bra, studded Pteruges skirt, and sandals.

Greek Goddess of Might


"B-Bia?! Heh... hey, sis," Nike said with a nervous grin.

Bia shakes her head.

"Nike, why are you slacking off? You know we must protect Lord Zeus and heaven's denizens as part of the imperial guard."

Nike raised her hands in the air and eased her eldest sisters.

"Woah, Bia! I was merely taking a break after getting that meathead out."

Bia cocked an eyebrow at her little sister.

"You mean Ares, yes?"

"Yeah, of course." Nike nodded

Bia exhaled and then gave a small smile.

"It's good to hear that you're okay. Anyway, let's go. Let's ensure the tournament goes smoothly."

Zeus then gave out a hearty laugh.

"Come on, Bia! You work yourself too much. Stay and watch the next bout with us!"

Bia was shocked to hear that from Lord Zeus. Her family pledges to serve Olympus, and now she is asked to relax?

"L-lord Zeus? Are you sure?"

Zeus gave another chuckle as he slipped on some wine.

"Of course! Besides with Jade's heavenly army and Odin's valkyries, this tournament is fairly secured."

"Yeah, sis! Live a little." Nike insisted 

"Well,...maybe one match," Bia said as she grabbed an armchair to sit on. 

Meanwhile, sitting at a table are two gods enjoying a round of drinks.

The first deity is a dashing, muscular man with radiant orange hair, pointed ears, golden eyes, and glowing Celtic tattoos across his upper body. He sports an amber wolf pelt cape, silver armbands, a greenish-blue kilt, and leather boots.

Celtic God of Light


"Ahaha! I must say that fight was something to behold! Am I right, Heyoka?" Lugh said after chugging down another pint of ale.

The other god was a more slender individual with striped skin, yellow fuzzy horns, and long, messy hair that covered his eyes. He wears baggy buckskin shorts and shoes.

Lakota Trickster Spirit


"Hehe, I quite agree, old friend! That Sasaki fellow was something else. I can see why Miss Sunny chose him. Ironic, considering the sun causes blindness, but I digress."

Lugh gave a small chuckle as he looked at the tournament bracket.

"So, seems our champions will be fighting next."

Heyoka rubs his neck.

"Yip. So I'll still be friends even if my champion wins, right?"

Lugh gave a reassuring grin.

"Don't be silly! This is just for festivities. Unlike the rest, we're more minimalistic."

Heyoka sighed in relief.

"Yeah, sometimes I forget. But in all seriousness, who do you think will be the threat in Historiamachy, Lugh?"

Lugh's cheery demeanor became stern as he looked at the other gods.

"Odin and Athena."

"How come?" Heyoka asked curiously

"Think about it, Heyoka. Odin's champion is not anything of the warriors from his Einherjar. As for Athena, the fact her champion is a secret concerns me more."

Heyoka nods.

"Yeah, and Loki is no better. I don't even want to imagine what Divine Invocation he gave to a serial killer."

Then the trickster shivers comedically as to Lugh's amusement.

"Well, regardless. May the best champion win!"

"Here! Here!" Heyoka as he and Lugh clink their glass mugs.

Two angels in silver armor walk across the corridors of the arena with a purpose.

"I can't believe I lost a bet?! Seriously, I thought Leonidas was a shoo-in?" One angel said

"You know angels aren't allowed to gamble, right?" The another stated

"Yeah, but...come on! Who wouldn't want in on the actions."

The second angel sighed, "Honestly, Jeff, what's wrong with you."

One angel scoffs, "Oh, be quiet, Mike! Anyway, we suppose to get the combatant for the second matchup. William...Wallace, wasn't it?"

Mike nodded, "That's the one."

Jeff scratches his helmet.

"I wonder how strong this guy is?"

Then all of a sudden, a massive wooden pillar crashed through the ceiling and landed behind the angels.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Mike and Jeff said in unison.

A minute later, a booming voice caught their attention.

"Sorry about that, lads! I tend to not know my strength." A Scottish accent called Jeff and Mike.

Walking towards them is a tall, muscular man in his late twenties. The man's hazel hair is long and curly, with a short beard, mint green eyes, and blue warpaint on his face. This man wore a sleeveless chainmail armor, a chest harness that sheaths a massive claymore, a blue tattered kilt, dark brown trousers, and leather buckled boots.

Son of Scotland

William Wallace

 "W-wait. That" Mike stuttered

William Wallace gave a cheery smile.

"Aye! Nothin' like Caber tossing to get ye olde muscles to strengthen, no?"

Then William scratched his beard and asked, "So, is it my turn now to fight?"

"Uhh, yes," Jeff said

With that, William Wallace let out a hearty laugh.

"Ceart gu leòr! Well then, I better not be late then. Maybe after I win, how about we gents grab some grub on me."

"Sure!" Mike said as he's starting to like William Wallace.

William Wallace nods as he heads for his match.

"Wow! What a great human that guy is." Mike said

Jeff sighed, "Yeah, but unfortunately, his opponent is the opposite. The man who was feared by all of America. The Spiritwalker...Crazy Horse."

The attendance in the arena waited in anticipation for the next match to commence.

Hermes stands in the middle of the field as he begins the announcement.

"And we are back! After Sasaki Kojiro's victory over Leonidas and the arena grounds cleaned up, it's time for Historiamachy's second bout to begin!"

The crowd cheered two see the match begin.

"Now up first, sponsored by the Gaelic God of Light, Lugh is this man!"

Hermes pointed to the western gates as they opened. Then emerging gates are men and women of Scotland playing bagpipes and drums.

"Hey, I know this song," Nike said amusingly

"Scotland the Brave. Fitting for Lugh's champion," Athena said

William's silhouette began to emerge from the darkness as the music played.

"1296! Edward I of England imposed his rule on the Scottish people. Edward's tyranny spread throughout Scotland as high taxes were imposed and husbands were forced to give their wives to his soldiers. Until one man said enough and rebelled!"

All the people throughout Scottish history in the crowd stood and saluted as Wallace entered the arena.

"This lone man sparked a rebellion across the countryside. He led his rebels into the First War of Scotland's Independence! Despite his death, He lit the fire with his people until, in 1320, Scotland won their freedom! Fighting on Lugh's behalf, The Beloved Son of Scotland!"

William reached the center of the arena and pulled out his massive claymore, and rested it over his shoulder.


The audience cheered in excitement to see the legendary Scotsman in battle.

"So this is William Wallace? Hmm, he seems rather strong." Benkei said as he and Tomoe sat in the crowd.

"Indeed, so now we await his opponent." Tomoe stated

Meanwhile, William waves to the crowd while the musicians leave the arena.

"Not too bad. Now then, let's see my rival then."

William preps himself as Hermes announces William's opponent.

"Okay, with William's introduction out of the way. Let's introduce his opponent!"

A thick fog spews out as the eastern gates open. The mist obscures much of the audience's vision.

"What drives a person to forsake mercy and compassion to see does to have wrong you suffer? What lengths will you go to punish the guilty? Well, why don't you ask this man?"

As Hermes announces, William sees someone walking in the mist.

"He held from the Lakota and Sioux tribes during the Wild West. This life was peaceful until his village was burned to the ground by the U.S. Calvary. Upon this, he received visions of his future and made it his mission to take vengeance on the American frontier!"

A thin, toned Native American man stood a few feet from William as the fog slowly dissipated. The man has lightly tan skin, back-length curly black hair, ghastly red and black face paint, spiteful grey eyes, and a white black-tipped feather with a red dot between his right ear. He has white spots painted over his body. He wears a short bison hide cloak, bone hair pipe bracers, and buckskin pants with a loincloth.

"This man left a path of blood across the West to the point even his own tribe feared him. So dear audience, I ask this question to you. Was there a way he could've helped his people without becoming a monster? Well, at this moment, the answer will be revealed! Representing the trickster, Heyoka, CRAZY HORSE!!!!!!!"

The Spiritwalker

Crazy Horse

The crowd was silent as Crazy Horse stared at Wallace.

"Geez, Heyoka. Is your champion always like this?" Lugh said, slightly put off by Crazy Horse's demeanor.

Heyoka sighed, "Unfortunately. Of course, I don't blame him. Watching your home set ablaze has that effect."

As the fighters meet face to face, William stretches his hand to Crazy Horse.

"Hullo Crazy Horse. I hear you're a strong fighter. Let's shake on it like honorable men." 

Crazy Horse coldly stares at the hand and speaks with disgust.

"Do you think I shake your hand, wičháša ská?"

William cocked his eyebrow.

"Well, there's no need for hostility. I know we're fighting each other to the death, but let's be civil."

Crazy Horse darkly laughs, "Civil, you know. The only civil thing you deserve is to be put down like a dog."

William furrowed his brow as he glared at the Native American.

"So you want a war with me instead? Alright, but now I'm aiming to cut you down."

Then Wallace grabbed his sword in a two-handed grip and took a combative stance.

Crazy Horse removes his cloak to reveal scars and sacred symbols on his body. He outstretched his arms as he sinisterly grinned.

"Then, by all means, šύŋka. Offer your life to the spirits."

Seeing the two combatants ready to kill each other, Hermes prepares to announce the fight to commence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here we go! Historiamachy match two begins! Representing Lugh, from Scotland, William Wallace! Representing Heyoka, from the Lakota-Sioux Nation, Crazy Horse! Reeeeeeady! FIGHT!"

The Second Bout begins...

The Freedom Fighters clash..!