Chapter 10 Shadows of the Past

The sun was setting over Chibok, casting long shadows that seemed to deepen the sense of unease that had settled over the town. The news of Mallam Sani's disappearance had spread quickly, and the air was thick with fear and speculation. Mallam Sani was not just a respected elder but a symbol of wisdom and stability for the community.

Zainab stood near the market square, watching as people gathered in small groups, whispering anxiously. "We have to find him," she muttered to herself, her resolve hardening. She spotted Dr. Ibrahim and Yusuf approaching and waved them over.

"This is bad," Yusuf said, his face grim. "Mallam Sani is like family to everyone here. If something happens to him..."

"I know," Zainab interrupted. "That's why we need to move quickly. We have to start by talking to his family and friends. Someone must know something."

They made their way to Mallam Sani's house, where his family had gathered, their faces etched with worry. His wife, Aisha, greeted them at the door, her eyes red from crying.

"Please come in," she said, her voice trembling. "I don't know what to do. Sani just vanished. No warning, nothing."

Zainab took Aisha's hand, squeezing it gently. "We'll do everything we can to find him. Can you tell us about the last time you saw him?"

Aisha nodded, leading them to the living room. "He was here last night. He said he had a meeting but didn't give any details. He was... different, though. Nervous. I've never seen him like that."

"Did he say where the meeting was or who it was with?" Dr. Ibrahim asked, his tone gentle but probing.

"No," Aisha replied, shaking her head. "He just said it was important and that he had to go. He promised he would be back soon."

Yusuf glanced around the room, his eyes landing on a small table by the window. "Mind if I take a look at his things? Maybe there's something that can give us a clue."

"Of course," Aisha said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Zainab and Dr. Ibrahim continued to ask questions while Yusuf examined Mallam Sani's personal items. He found a small notebook with cryptic entries and a list of names, some of which were familiar to Zainab from their investigation into Suleiman.

"Look at this," Yusuf said, showing the notebook to Zainab. "These names... they're connected to Suleiman. This can't be a coincidence."

Zainab felt a chill run down her spine. "We need to talk to these people. Someone knows what happened to Mallam Sani."

As they prepared to leave, Aisha handed Zainab a small, folded piece of paper. "I found this in his coat pocket this morning. I didn't understand it, but maybe you will."

Zainab unfolded the paper and read the hastily scrawled note: "Meeting at the old factory. Midnight. Trust no one."

Her heart raced. This was the break they needed. "We have to go to this factory," she said, looking at Dr. Ibrahim and Yusuf. "It might be our only lead."

The night air was cool as Zainab, Dr. Ibrahim, and Yusuf approached the old factory on the outskirts of Chibok. The building, long abandoned and shrouded in darkness, loomed ahead of them like a forgotten relic of the past.

"Dis place dey give me bad vibes," (This place gives me bad vibes) Yusuf muttered, glancing around nervously.

"Stay alert," Zainab whispered, her eyes scanning the area. "We don't know what we might find."

They moved cautiously, their flashlights cutting through the darkness. The factory was eerily silent, the only sounds their own footsteps echoing off the walls. As they ventured deeper into the building, Zainab couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

"Wait," Dr. Ibrahim said suddenly, stopping in his tracks. "Did you hear that?"

They all fell silent, straining to listen. From somewhere deeper within the factory, they heard faint voices. Zainab motioned for them to follow, moving towards the sound.

As they approached, the voices became clearer. They were speaking in hushed tones, discussing something urgent. Zainab peered around a corner and saw a group of men huddled together, their faces obscured by shadows. Among them, she recognized Suleiman.

"We need to ensure everything goes according to plan," Suleiman was saying. "Any slip-ups and it's over for all of us."

"Na wetin dey plan?" (What are they planning?) Yusuf whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Let's get closer," Zainab replied, inching forward.

They moved silently, getting close enough to catch snippets of the conversation. The men were talking about a new phase in their operations, something that would consolidate their power in Chibok. Zainab's heart pounded as she realized the extent of their plans.

"We can't let this happen," she whispered to Dr. Ibrahim and Yusuf. "We need to get back and warn the others."

Just as they began to retreat, Zainab's foot struck a loose piece of debris, sending it clattering across the floor. The men looked up, their expressions turning to suspicion.

"Who's there?" Suleiman called out, his voice sharp and commanding.

Zainab held her breath, pressing herself against the wall. The seconds stretched into an eternity as the men searched the shadows with their flashlights.

"Let's move, quietly," she mouthed to Dr. Ibrahim and Yusuf.

They began to retreat slowly, each step measured and silent. Just as they were about to turn the corner, one of the men's flashlights swept over their hiding spot.

"There!" a voice shouted.

"Run!" Zainab yelled, sprinting towards the exit. Dr. Ibrahim and Yusuf followed close behind, their footsteps pounding against the concrete floor.

They burst out of the factory and into the night, not daring to look back. As they ran, Zainab could hear shouts and footsteps behind them, but she didn't stop until they were safely hidden in the thick foliage on the outskirts of town.

Breathing heavily, they crouched in the darkness, listening as the sounds of pursuit faded away.

"We need to get back to the community center," Zainab said, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "We have to warn everyone."

Dr. Ibrahim nodded. "We'll need to prepare for whatever's coming. Suleiman and his men won't stop until they have complete control."

Yusuf looked determined. "We'll fight back. For Chibok."

As they made their way back to the community center, Zainab felt a renewed sense of urgency. The shadows of the past were closing in, but they wouldn't let fear defeat them. Together, they would uncover the truth and protect their town from the darkness that threatened to engulf it.