As the sunlight poured in,it cast a shadow of the branches in Su Yubing's body. The pale white flowers fell on her robe, leaving a trace of an enchanting beauty, sweet and fragrant.
Su Yubing was sleeping in a very weird position and looking at her, Mo Yuxin immediately knew that she must have gotten up but again slept while she was still in the posture of getting up.
Mo Yuxin silently approached her and stood beside the large bed. Before entering the room, she has knocked quite a few times but Su Yubing did not respond at all. And thinking of her weak body as well asher sickness, Mo Yuxin was immediately worried that some bad accident may have happened.
Mo Yuxin knew that it was an extremely bad manner to barge into a woman's room while she is sleeping but at the moment, her worry for Su Yubing far surpassed her moral thinking, so she walked in with obvious hesitation. Fortunately, Su Yubing was fine and was in deep sleep.