The unethical healer in the war III


It is Rose's third month serving in the war. Aeon has been transferred to a different division by that time. As the fourth month approached, the Masked War no longer remained quiet. The South of Zone Blue retaliated. This part of Zone Red was always weak in terms of economic and military. However the sovereign power of Greater Zone Red always backed them up with their power and hence they never had to admit it internationally. They say they value their history and cultural heritage deeply and hence they shall never remake their cities with modern infrastructures of high rises despite their growing populations, instead, renovating those 3 centuries old buildings again and again. But the word got out, the Lesser Zone Red has been bankrupt for decades and each year the Sovereign of Zone Red funds with immense military and finance in exchange of their solidarity with them against Sovereign of Zone Yellow. The actual exchange rate of their currency with respect to the International Coin is half of what the World Bank claims to be. An international scandal it was indeed. A perfect weak point.

Away from the camping base, I met a wounded soldier from Zone Blue, couple of years older than me. He was shot in the lungs, 2 broken ribs. In such situations, I was ordered to shoot him dead. But I wasn't able to do so. He was lying among his fallen comrades, all bleeding and alone. I gave him a shot of morphine, dragged him to an abandoned tent and I treated him with care and gentleness unlike the soldiers I was supposed to serve. I did not feel guilty. I belong to Zone Blue and I am supposed to serve the soldiers of Zone Blue not the other way round. For the first time I was afraid to inject that cultured cell serum, I wanted him to be treated to heal, not get rotten and infected after mere 2 weeks. As I explained him the side effects of the serum, he encouraged me to inject it as he was sure he will make it back. His name was Lior. He said everything will fall back at the right place.