The Prey becomes the Predator

Gripping the core till his knuckles shone white, Bai Yu shoved it into his pocket. "I could buy a new sword," he thought.

A rough cough sliced through the air. The village elder, his face etched with deeper lines, addressed the group, his voice hoarse with grief. "Report the losses."

A heavy silence hung thick in the air before a voice, thick with despair, filled the void. "The Bloodwolf flood took two Blood Condensation masters."A surge of rage swept through the crowd.

"Damn those infernal beasts!" roared a Bone Forging expert, slamming his fist into a nearby tree. The impact seemed insignificant compared to his grief.The elder, his own hand trembling, raised his voice. "We mourn them," he said heavily, "but the hunt for the Flame-Winged Tiger continues."A chorus of gruff affirmations rose from the villagers, laced with both determination and fear.

After burying their fallen comrades, they resumed their journey. They encountered Stage One and Two demonic beasts, easily dispatching them.Finally, they arrived at the Flame-Winged Tiger's domain. It was a wasteland. Scorched earth stretched as far as the eye could see, punctuated by jagged rock formations that seemed to claw at the sky. This was no place for life, only desolation.

"Scout reports indicate this is the last sighting," the village chief announced, his voice echoing in the vast emptiness."Form hunting parties of three," he commanded. "Search for the tiger's lair, but remember, strength lies in numbers. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary. Report any findings immediately."

Bai Yu's recent display of strength earned him a spot alongside two seasoned Body Refining experts which he could protect. They approached him with a mix of respect and apprehension."Sir Bai Yu," one of them said with a solemn bow, "we are honored to have you at our backs.""No worries," Bai Yu said coolly, his eyes scanning the desolate landscape.

Then, a tremor shook the ground, followed by a deafening roar. The clash of steel ripped through the air, sending a jolt through Bai Yu.He bolted towards the sound, heart pounding. He pushed himself to the limit, the battle noises growing louder with each desperate stride.

Then, silence. An unnatural, suffocating silence.Reaching the source of the sound, Bai Yu's breath hitched. Three bodies lay sprawled on the ground, faces contorted in pain. One, he recognized with a jolt, was the Bone Forging expert who stood besides the village chief.

Moments later, the other villagers arrived, faces etched with fear. A gut-wrenching cry tore through the air as the remaining Bone Forging expert collapsed beside his friends dead body, grief overwhelming him.

The village chief surveyed the scene, his face grim. "The Flame-Winged Tiger…" he muttered, his voice laced with realization. He scanned the bodies, his eyes lingering on the singed wounds. "It's smarter than we thought. It's playing us."

A cold dread settled in Bai Yu's gut. This wasn't just a hunt anymore. This was a predator toying with them, and they were its prey.