Spirit Weapon

Bai Yu stayed for three days in the village. During the day, he conversed with the villagers, learning about their lives and customs. At night, he delved into cultivation, finding that a full night spent cultivating left him feeling far more energized than a night of sleep. On the fourth day, a sense of wanderlust stirred within him. Though many villagers expressed sadness at his departure, the village chief encouraged him, saying, "Go forth on adventures while you are young, Bai Yu. 

With heartfelt goodbyes exchanged, Bai Yu left the village behind. Three days of tireless running through the dense forest followed. Finally, he emerged from the thick foliage, and a distant city shimmered in the sunlight. "Finally," he mumbled, a surge of excitement coursing through him.As he entered the bustling city, he learned its name: Water Rites City. He wasted no time finding a shop, eager to convert his two beast cores into currency.

To his surprise, the shop owner offered a handsome sum of 10,000 gold coins for the cores. Unlike the copper and silver coins used by the common folk, gold coins were the preferred currency among cultivators and noble clans. Bai Yu scanned the shop's wares. He approached a young waitress with vibrant ponytails bouncing as she scurried about. "Excuse me," he began, "do you by any chance sell swords here?"The waitress blinked, processing his question. "Swords, huh? Of course! Head up to the third floor. You'll find a vast selection of weapons there," she replied, a friendly smile gracing her lips.Bai Yu ascended to the third floor, where the weapons resided.

Upon entering, he was greeted by a dazzling array of armaments – spears, sabers, swords, axes – practically everything imaginable. He gravitated towards the sword section, his gaze flitting across the common blades before settling on the coveted "Spirit Weapons." These weapons were specifically designed to resonate with cultivators, engraved with intricate runes or arrays that amplified one's Qi and offered a multitude of advantages.His eyes locked onto a sleek, black sword. As he grasped the hilt, a satisfied murmur escaped his lips, "This is the perfect balance of length and weight." A small price tag adorned the weapon, displaying a hefty sum – 9,000 gold coins.

Descending the stairs, Bai Yu caught the eye of the waiting attendant. "I'd like to purchase this," he declared, holding up the sword."An excellent choice!" the attendant exclaimed, impressed. "That comes to a total of 9,500 gold coins.Bai Yu swiftly settled the payment and departed the shop. He had secured a fine weapon for 9,000 gold coins, along with four Blood Cleansing Pills at an additional cost of 500 gold. These pills, valuable for cultivators in the Blood Condensation Realm, were a luxury few could afford.

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, casting long shadows, Bai Yu acknowledged the approaching night. "First things first," he muttered, "a place to stay." He managed to rent a modest room for a single gold coin per night, and with that settled, he embarked on his cultivation practice.