Steel vs. Steel: Bai Yu clashes with the Bandit Captain

Bai Yu clashed with the bandit captain, steel meeting steel. Peak Blood Condensation against Early Bone Forging. Bai Yu danced away from a thunderous kick, his sword a blur of silver as he retaliated with a slash.

"Damn, how fast is he?" the bandit captain grunted, scrambling to dodge. He raised his saber high, attempting to parry the blow.

Meanwhile, a separate battle raged. Chu Yao, wielding a sword against the vice-captain's menacing axe, showcased her nimble agility. The axe's heavy swings proved no match for her swift movements, and she inflicted a flurry of cuts upon him.

Liu Ning at the Late Blood Condensation stage decimated the Body Refining cultivators. Their numbers were meaningless against her overwhelming skill. Chu Ming, however, lacked her sister's combat experience. While she held her own, slaying these opponents wasn't as effortless for her.

As Bai Yu fought the captain, he observed the others' battles with a critical eye. "If I had a proper sword technique, this would be child's play," he thought. "With enough contribution points, I could buy a high-level technique directly."Their blades met thirty times, each clash sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Finally, they disengaged.

The bandit captain's hand, still gripping the saber, trembled visibly."You wretched scum will pay dearly for defying us!" he roared, his voice laced with fury."Spare me your threats," Bai Yu countered coldly. "Go repent in Hell ." With that, he sheathed his sword and launched himself at the bandit leader.Using the Triple Wave Fist, Bai Yu's first strike sent the captain's saber flying. "Pathetic," he spat, unleashing the second wave of the technique. This amplified punch, imbued with the force of the first strike, rocketed towards the leader like a bolt of lightning.Panic surged through the captain. "I can't dodge this!" he realized, desperately raising his arms in a futile attempt to block.A sickening crack echoed as the fist smashed through his defenses, connecting squarely with his chest. The impact caved in his ribcage, sending him flying through the air before he landed with a sickening thud.