Outer Disciple Competition

The journey back was uneventful, and they arrived at the Sect gates the following morning. Bai Yu and Liu Ning immediately proceeded to the Mission Hall to collect their contribution points. Bai Yu received a reward of 1,000 contribution points.

"An Outer Disciple gets 100 contribution points per month, so I now have 1,100 contribution points," Bai Yu thought as he headed towards his courtyard. "I believe I should purchase a sword technique with this.

"Suddenly, a voice interrupted his thoughts. "Did you hear the latest news? Wei Yu, the daughter of the Water Rites City Lord, has broken through to the Bone Forging Realm!" a man walking ahead of him exclaimed."What? Really? She's only seventeen but is already a Bone Forging master? What a genius," another man remarked."Heh, so this wretch is now a Bone Forging expert?" Bai Yu scoffed inwardly as he finally reached his courtyard.

However, it was empty; the others were likely on missions as well.Bai Yu settled directly beneath the tree and began meditating, reflecting on his fight with the Bandit Captain. "If he had possessed a martial technique," Bai Yu thought, "it would have been more difficult to defeat him." "Cultivation first," he decided. "I feel close to breaking through to the Bone Forging Realm."

For the next three days, Bai Yu practiced tirelessly. He honed his swordsmanship throughout the day and cultivated at night. Finally, Ye Ming, who shared their courtyard, returned."Bai Yu, you're already back from your mission?" Ye Ming exclaimed joyfully."Yes, I dealt with some bandits," Bai Yu replied, remaining in his meditative pose beneath the tree."Wow, I wish I had such a mission," Ye Ming mumbled enviously. "I was stuck helping out in the Herb Garden. Ugh, it was so exhausting!""The others should be back soon. After all, the Outer Disciple Competition is about to begin," Ye Ming announced."

Outer Disciple Competition?" Bai Yu inquired, raising an eyebrow."Exactly," Ye Ming elaborated. "It's a tournament to determine the ranking of the strongest Outer Disciples. You even have the chance to win a better courtyard, though it'll be challenging. Many Outer Disciples have been with the sect much longer than us.""There are many participants who are already in the early stages of the Bone Forging Realm," Ye Ming explained. "These are most likely Outer Disciples who failed to become Inner Disciples."

"To become an Inner Disciple," he continued, "one needs to have reached the early Bone Forging Realm and pass the Inner Disciple Test. I heard that Wei Yu, who joined the sect at the same time as us, has also attained the early Bone Forging Realm. She'll likely take the Inner Disciple Test as soon as the Outer Disciple Competition is over.""The Outer Disciple Competition will start in about ten days," Ye Ming explained."Ugh, I hope I don't get matched against a Bone Forging expert in the early rounds of the tournament," he groaned with a grimace.