Facing the Tide

The night unfolded with an unsettling stillness. Bai Yu perched atop the city wall, his eyes fixed on the horizon where the beast wave was expected. He spent the hours in quiet meditation, drawing strength and resolve from within. As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, he rose, his gaze sweeping over the assembled cultivators.

A sea of nervous faces stared back. Young, inexperienced cultivators, their hands trembled ever so slightly, betraying their fear. Bai Yu understood their apprehension. Facing a demonic beast horde was no easy feat.

"Everyone!" His voice boomed across the ramparts, cutting through the morning stillness. All eyes turned towards him, curiosity piqued by the unseen figure. Whispers rippled through the ranks – "Who is that?" "He's handsome," one young woman sighed. Another chimed in, "I can't even sense his aura."

With a decisive movement, Bai Yu unleashed the full force of his mid-Bone Forging Realm aura. A wave of palpable pressure washed over the crowd, causing them to gasp and stumble back.A hush fell over the city wall. The initial shock was quickly replaced by awe. "What tremendous power!" someone exclaimed. "He surpasses even Elder Gu Tong and Commander Xi Tang!"Leveraging this newfound respect, Bai Yu addressed the crowd once more, his voice a beacon of confidence. "Fear not!" he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "As long as I stand before you, no harm shall come to this city. Your duty is to hold these walls, to fight for your families, your friends, your very way of life!"His words resonated within them, igniting a spark of determination in their eyes.

The nervous tremors subsided, replaced by a steely resolve.A surge of satisfaction coursed through Bai Yu as he witnessed the transformation in the crowd's demeanor. Their fear had morphed into resolute determination, their eyes reflecting the newfound resolve he had ignited.

With a confident stride, he made his way to the forefront of the wall, where the two Bone Forging experts of the Gu Kingdom – Elder Gu Tong and Commander Xi Tang – stood flanked by a contingent of seasoned generals.A low tremor vibrated through the earth, growing steadily more pronounced. Nervous glances were exchanged as all eyes turned towards the distant treeline.

"So it begins," Bai Yu murmured, his gaze fixed on the dark shapes emerging from the forest's depths.The first wave of attackers materialized – hulking Demonic Beasts, their forms a grotesque amalgamation of savage beasts and twisted magic. These creatures, radiating the faint auras of Stage 1 Demonic Beasts, lumbered towards the city walls, a monstrous tide of fangs and claws.