Demonic Beast Tide (2)

The earth trembled with renewed intensity as two monstrous shapes lumbered out of the forest, their every step a seismic tremor. These were the King-ranked Demonic Beasts – hulking nightmares radiating raw power at the peak of the second stage. Their roars, a cacophony of fury and hunger, shook the very foundation of the city walls.

Panic threatened to engulf the defenders, but Bai Yu's voice rose above the clamor, a beacon of unwavering command. "Second Stage King Beasts!" he bellowed. "Gu Tong! Xi Tang! Engage!"Elder Gu Tong and Commander Xi Tang, their faces grim masks of determination, acknowledged the order with a curt nod.

They surged forward, propelled by bursts of cultivation energy, leaving a trail of dust in their wake.A hail of arrows rained down from the battlements, parting a path for the two Bone Forging experts. The air thrummed with the relentless twang of bowstrings as archers poured their hearts into creating a safe passage.

Bai Yu perched atop the city wall, a tense observer of the earth-shattering duel unfolding below. The two Bone Forging experts, Elder Gu Tong and Commander Xi Tang, had collided with the monstrous King-ranked Demonic Beasts in a whirlwind of violence.Elder Gu Tong, his wizened features taut with concentration, weaved a mesmerizing dance with his staff. Each strike, imbued with potent earth energy, slammed into the hide of one of the beasts, sending shockwaves rippling through its hulking form. The Demonic Beast roared in pain, its razor-sharp claws tearing furrows into the earth as it lunged for its agile opponent.

Commander Xi Tang, a stark contrast to the Elder's measured movements, was a whirlwind of steel. His twin blades, infused with blinding fire energy, carved through the air with deadly precision. Sparks erupted with every clang against the Demonic Beast's obsidian hide, but the sheer power of the beast's attacks slowly pushed him back.The air crackled with raw energy as the combatants exchanged blows. The ground beneath them shattered, and plumes of dust billowed into the sky.

Each "BOOM" that echoed through the city was a testament to the raw power unleashed in their desperate struggle.The earth convulsed beneath the onslaught of the clashing titans. Shockwaves radiated outwards, sending tremors through the city walls and pulverizing any unfortunate Stage One Demonic Beasts caught in the crossfire.

A concerned general approached Bai Yu, his voice barely audible over the din."Lord Bai Yu," he called out, his face etched with worry, "can they hold their ground?"Bai Yu cast a steely gaze towards the epic battle below. "They are seasoned warriors," he replied coolly, a flicker of confidence in his eyes. "They won't fall easily." He paused for a moment, a contemplative frown creasing his brow. "However," he continued, his voice dropping to a low murmur, "a nagging feeling persists. There might be something more… something stronger orchestrating this assault."The general's eyes widened in alarm. The thought of an even more powerful Demonic Beast lurking in the shadows sent a shiver down the general's spine. Bai Yu, however, remained composed, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.