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A triumphant smirk played on Bai Yu's lips as he willed himself upwards. To his astonishment, his body obeyed, defying gravity with newfound ease. He soared through the air, a feat typically reserved for seasoned Xiantian Realm cultivators, most only achieving true flight in the middle or later stages. The impossible had become his reality, a testament to the unorthodox power coursing through his veins. "This chaotic body..." he mused, a hint of awe coloring his voice, "it seems its potential is far greater than I ever imagined." With a newfound sense of purpose, Bai Yu turned his gaze towards the distant horizon. The world stretched before him, a canvas waiting to be explored with his newfound strength. "Time to leave this cliff behind," he declared, his voice echoing through the vastness.

Soaring through the air, a testament to his newfound power in the Middle Xiantian Realm, Bai Yu cut a determined figure. His gaze, once filled with pain, now held a terrifying glint – a chilling harbinger of the vengeance he craved. Stormwind Island, the architects of his suffering, loomed large on the horizon. Three days of relentless flight brought him face-to-face with the ghostly outline of his former home, Blue Tempest Island. A twisted smile played on his lips as he descended. "Home," he muttered, the word a bitter echo in the wind. Memories of his fallen comrades, his father's lifeless form displayed as a grotesque trophy – these images fueled a fire within him, a fire that Stormwind Island would soon feel burning down upon them.

Descending towards his former home, Bai Yu steered his flight south, drawn by a faint tremor in the earth – a tremor that resonated with the remnants of his own Qi. A mere ten kilometers away, a sight unfolded that sent a jolt through him. Huddled figures toiled away in a desolate ore mine, their once-vibrant auras dampened, cultivation bases forcibly sealed. "Survivors," he breathed, surprise flickering across his golden eyes. These were his people, the remnants of Blue Tempest Island, enslaved and stripped of their power. A fierce resolve hardened his features. "This ends now," he declared, his voice echoing with newfound authority.