Beyond Xiantian Realm

Two weeks melted away in a flurry of activity. Then, the very ground trembled as a potent aura erupted from within the Bai Clan. All eyes turned towards the source – Bai Yu's courtyard. A booming laughter echoed through the air, shaking the rafters.

"Hahaha! A breakthrough at last!" boomed Bai Yu's voice, his booming laughter echoing across the clan grounds.

"The Patriarch has broken through!" a disciple cried out, his voice laced with awe and jubilation.A collective cheer erupted from the gathered crowd. News of Bai Yu's advancement spread like wildfire, igniting a spark of hope and pride within the hearts of the Bai Clan.

Within his courtyard, Bai Yu basked in the newfound power coursing through his veins. The chaotic energy thrummed within him, a testament to the unorthodox path he had taken. "Thanks to the chaotic body and the chaos Qi," he declared, his voice brimming with satisfaction, "my strength has taken a quantum leap!"A thoughtful frown creased his brow as he recalled his unique journey.

"Condensing the chaotic body and the primordial chaos divine soul allowed me to bypass the tribulation from the Late Bone Forging Realm to the Mid Xiantian Realm," he mused. "However, this means the next tribulation will undoubtedly be far more formidable."A flicker of concern shadowed his golden eyes. "Unfortunately," he sighed, "I still haven't unlocked the potential of my primordial chaos divine soul. It remains a mystery, a power waiting to be harnessed."

Emerging from his secluded courtyard, Bai Yu's gaze swept across the horizon, his thoughts turning to the mysteries that lay beyond the Xiantian Realm. Whispers of a higher plane, a realm inhabited by beings like the Azure Sword Sect's Grand Elders and Sect Master, danced in his memory."The Xiantian Realm is merely a stepping stone," he murmured, a hint of ambition flickering in his golden eyes. "There's a whole world waiting to be explored, power to be harnessed."A pragmatic glint replaced the ambition in his gaze.

"One step at a time," he reminded himself, acknowledging the challenges that lay ahead.With a decisive nod, he summoned the Bai Clan Elders. A briefing followed, outlining his plans for another expedition to the Southern Wasteland Continent. Resources were crucial for the clan's continued growth, and Bai Yu, ever the pragmatist, understood the importance of securing them."Elder Xiu," he declared, his voice ringing with authority, "in my absence, the safety of the clan rests upon your shoulders."Elder Xiu, his posture radiating newfound strength, bowed deeply. "As you command, Patriarch," he affirmed, a resolute glint in his eyes.

With a final farewell, Bai Yu launched himself into the air, leaving a trail of shimmering energy in his wake.