
The next morning, a sharp rap on his door jolted Bai Yu from his meditative state. "Patriarch, I have urgent news," a panicked voice called out from beyond the door.

"Enter," Bai Yu commanded, his voice tinged with a hint of annoyance at the interruption.The door creaked open, revealing a young disciple, his face etched with worry. "A messenger from Stormwind Island has arrived," he blurted out, barely catching his breath.A wave of irritation washed over Bai Yu. "Stormwind Island," he sneered, a cold glint flashing in his golden eyes.

Without further ado, he vanished from his room in a blur of movement.In the blink of an eye, he reappeared in the main hall of the Bai Clan, where the elders were already gathered, their faces etched with concern, alongside a nervous-looking messenger.

As Bai Yu materialized, the messenger, a middle-aged man radiating Early Xiantian Realm power, instinctively sank to his knees."Greetings to the Lord," the elders chorused, their voices laced with respect."Rise," Bai Yu commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument. He stalked towards the head of the table, his imposing presence filling the room.

His golden eyes narrowed, boring into the kneeling messenger. "Speak," he spat out, his tone cold and unforgiving. The weight of Bai Yu's power hung heavy in the air, leaving everyone present in no doubt about the consequences of any delay or deceit.The messenger, his voice trembling under the terrifying aura of Bai Yu, stammered out a response. "I-I-I am here to deliver a message," he sputtered.

"Stormwind Island wishes to extend an invitation... to a gathering aimed at forging peace. The event will be hosted by Jade Dragon Island."A flicker of surprise crossed Bai Yu's features as he muttered, "Jade Dragon Island?" This powerful island, widely considered the strongest in the vicinity, held considerable sway in the region. The implication was clear – this gathering was not simply a casual courtesy.However, the surprise quickly melted away, replaced by a cold fury. "Peace?" he scoffed, his voice laced with disdain. "Why should the Bai Clan even consider such a notion? We have no interest in appeasement."As he spoke, his aura intensified further, pressing down on the messenger like a suffocating weight.

The man whimpered, his face pale with fear. Despite the messenger's obvious discomfort, Bai Yu held his gaze unwavering.

The air crackled with raw power as Bai Yu's words echoed through the hall. "Scram!" he thundered, his voice laced with such fury that the messenger choked, a spray of blood erupting from his lips.Without daring to meet Bai Yu's gaze any longer, the messenger scrambled to his feet. Terror propelled him out of the hall, his retreat a frantic dash for the nearest exit.he aftermath of the messenger's hasty departure left an air of charged silence in its wake.

Bai Yu, his golden eyes gleaming with a mix of anger and deliberation, turned his gaze towards the elders."What are your thoughts on this matter?" he inquired, his voice laced with a hint of curiosity.Elder Xiu, ever the pragmatist, stepped forward. "Patriarch," he began, his voice measured, "it's clear they're intimidated by our recent rise in power. This invitation to peace talks is likely a face-saving measure on their part."

A flicker of agreement crossed Elder Su's weathered face. "Indeed," he rumbled, his voice thick with past grievances. "We mustn't forget the humiliation we endured as slaves in their mines not long ago. These 'peace talks' might be a trap."The room crackled with a mix of opinions. Some elders, wary of another conflict, echoed Elder Xiu's sentiment, seeing the invitation as a sign of weakness from Stormwind Island. Others, like Elder Su, burned with a desire for vengeance, urging a more aggressive stance.Bai Yu listened intently, his expression unreadable.